Returns chat transcripts with the specified user among the participants. Optionally, it's possible to limit returned transcripts to last x days via query string parameter.
HTTP GET /livechat/:domain/getChatTranscriptByUserID/:userId
Path Variables:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
domain | yes | string | Unique domain identifier |
userId | YES | STRING | Unique user identifier |
Authorization: see Authentication mechanisms
Query string parameter:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
days | no | string | Indicates that the returned transcripts will refer to chats made within the number of days prior to the time of the web service call |
Type: JSON
Name | Type | Description |
result | boolean | If true, the service response was performed correctly |
chatTranscript | array | Array that contains Transcript Object with the specified user among the participants |
error | null / string | Contains the error description if an error has occurred in the request |
"text":"hello there",