CTLive statistics
CTLive offers the opportunity to monitor some of its quantities, querying them using Prometheus and consulting them through a graphical dashboard using Grafana.
The available metrics are as follows:
Name | Description | Notes |
ctlive_agents_loggedIn | Number of agents logged in CTLive | Divided by domains |
ctlive_agents_loggedIn_with_video_capability | Number of agents logged in CTLive with video capability | Divided by domains |
ctlive_active_chats | Number of active chats in CTLive | Divided by domains |
ctlive_active_video_chats | Number of active video chats in CTLive | Divided by domains |
ctlive_site_accesses | Number of site accesses | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_engagement_visible | Number of times the engagement has become visible | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_data_collection | Number of times the chat has entered in data collection phase | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_chat_started | Number of times the chat has been requested | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_cbn_started | Number of times the callback now has been requested | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_cbl_started | Number of times the callback later has been requested | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_chat_success | Number of times the chat request has been successfully fulfilled | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_cbn_success | Number of times the callback now request has been successfully fulfilled | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_cbl_success | Number of times the callback later request has been successfully fulfilled | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_chat_error | Number of times the chat request has encountered an error | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_cbn_error | Number of times the callback now request has encountered an error | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_cbl_error | Number of times the callback later request has encountered an error | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_chat_total_duration | Total number of seconds of chats | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |
ctlive_chat_total_duration_histogram | Histogram of total number of seconds of chats | Divided by domains, services, platform and operating system |