CTLive integration through events

The integration through CTLive events allows to integrate the library functions with custom code via JavaScript code. The integration takes place by listening in the main webpage document of the PostMessage events that are launched on specific actions.





Data sent in object property




Data sent in object property


Notifies that the library has been loaded and the configuration has been read


elementID: string that contains HTML element id containing the widget

widgetID: string that contain the unique widget identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier


The widget is shown

If the page is configured to show more than one widget an event is raised for each widget

elementID: string that contains HTML element id containing the widget

widgetID: string that contain the unique widget identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier


The widget is hidden


elementID: string that contains HTML element id containing the widget

widgetID: string that contain the unique widget identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier


The widget has been clicked/activated


elementID: string that contains HTML element id containing the widget

widgetID: string that contain the unique widget identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier

type: string containing the type of widget clicked. It can have one of the following values:






A chat request starts


chatID: string that contain the unique chat identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier


The chat is active


chatID: string that contain the unique chat identifier

users: array of strings containing the identifier of the users participating in the chat


The chat is ended


chatID: string that contain the unique chat identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier

isSurveyConfigured: boolean that indicates if a survey is configured for the chat just finished


The data collection phase is started


widgetID: string that contain the unique widget identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier

type: string containing the type of widget clicked. It can have one of the following values:






The data collection phase is completed


widgetID: string that contain the unique widget identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier

type: string containing the type of widget clicked. It can have one of the following values:






The survey phase is started


widgetID: string that contain the unique widget identifier

chatID: string that contain the unique chat identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier


The survey phase is completed


widgetID: string that contain the unique widget identifier

chatID: string that contain the unique chat identifier

userID: string that contain the unique user identifier

Message Structure

Type: json


{ name: "CTLiveEvent", type: <event type> object: <event specific data type> }


if (window.addEventListener) { addEventListener("message", messageListener, false); } else { attachEvent("onmessage", messageListener); } function messageListener (event) { if ( typeof event !== "undefined" ) { if ( event !== null ) { if (event.target.location.origin !== document.location.origin) { //Message not for me return; } if (event.data.name !== "CTLiveEvent") { return; } switch(event.data.type) { case "Loaded": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received Loaded event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "WidgetShown": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received WidgetShown event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "WidgetHidden": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received WidgetHidden event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "WidgetClicked": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received WidgetClicked event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "ChatStarted": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received ChatStarted event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "ChatOnline": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received ChatOnline event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "ChatFinished": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received ChatFinished event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "DatacollectionStarted": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received DatacollectionStarted event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "DatacollectionSubmitted": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received DatacollectionSubmitted event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "SurveyStarted": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received SurveyStarted event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; case "SurveySubmitted": console.log("[POSTMESSAGE] Received SurveySubmitted event", event.data.object); // do some stuff... break; } } } }