How to solve the "Error 500 contact Momindum" message?

What does the error look like

How to correct this?

Several possibilities:

  • You are in an LMS and the presentation associated with the SCORM has been deleted in the meantime: try to generate the SCORM again and reimport it

  • You do not have permission to view the associated presentation:

  • If the presentation is in "private" it is possible that your account is configured with IP filtering or referer filtering. If the fact that the presentation is in public mode makes the SCORM work, change it back to private mode and contact the person in charge of Momindum in your company to explain the situation. He will eventually make changes to the security rules.

  • If you have an "authorization" metadata (or similar) that can take the value "LMS", don't forget to check it

  • If the problem happened only once and is not reproducible, it is possible that a network problem occurred during the security check. In this case, you just have to wait a little and refresh the page

Why do I get the error (technical explanation)?

To check your right, SCORM will make an ajax call to the "isAllowed" endpoint of our API. If this endpoint does not respond, or responds in error (security error), the message "500" will be displayed.