SSO - SAML integration between Momindum and Office 365 (Azure AD)

SSO - SAML integration between Momindum and Office 365 (Azure AD)

This article explains how to make a basic integration of a SAML SSO between Momindum (Service Provider, SP) and Azure AD (Identity Provider, IdP)

  1. Go to https://aad.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/ApplicationsListBlade/quickStartType//sourceType/

  2. If needed, click on the pink banner to launch the preview design

  3. Click on "New inscription"

  4. In the new window :
    1. Inside "Name" type "Momindum"
    2. As "supported account types", please choose which kind of account will be able to use this SSO integration (the default choice should be the better if you don't know)
    3. "Redirect Url" should be set to https://api.momindum.com/auth/[your_org_id]/login_check (your org id will be provided by Momindum)
    4. Click on "Inscription"

  5. Now, you need to copy the "Application ID (client)" and send it to Momindum

  6. Then, go to "Termination endpoints" and take the url under "Document on federation metadata" (it should finish by "federationmetadata.xml") and send the url to Momindum :

  7. Choose the data you want Momindum to retrieve, and send the list to Momindum (up to 3, including at least one unique id (as email)) :
    1. Email : http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name
    2. Firstname : http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname
    3. Lastname : http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname
    4. ... (the full list can be found on the federationmetadata.xml document you are sending to Momindum)

  8. That's it . Once you sent the application ID(step 5) , XML document (step 6) and fields (step 7) to Momindum you just need to wait few days before the integration beeing completed on Momindum side