SSO - SAML integration between Momindum and Office 365 (Azure AD)
This article explains how to make a basic integration of a SAML SSO between Momindum (Service Provider, SP) and Azure AD (Identity Provider, IdP)
- Go to
- If needed, click on the pink banner to launch the preview design
- Click on "New inscription"
- In the new window :
- Inside "Name" type "Momindum"
- As "supported account types", please choose which kind of account will be able to use this SSO integration (the default choice should be the better if you don't know)
- "Redirect Url" should be set to[your_org_id]/login_check (your org id will be provided by Momindum)
- Click on "Inscription"
- Now, you need to copy the "Application ID (client)" and send it to Momindum
- Then, go to "Termination endpoints" and take the url under "Document on federation metadata" (it should finish by "federationmetadata.xml") and send the url to Momindum :
- Choose the data you want Momindum to retrieve, and send the list to Momindum (up to 3, including at least one unique id (as email)) :
- Email :
- Firstname :
- Lastname :
- ... (the full list can be found on the federationmetadata.xml document you are sending to Momindum)
- That's it . Once you sent the application ID(step 5) , XML document (step 6) and fields (step 7) to Momindum you just need to wait few days before the integration beeing completed on Momindum side