Multimedia Transcript Object
Name | Type | Description |
_id | STRING | Internal object identifier |
room | STRING | Chat unique identifier |
messages | array | Array containing multimedia chat messages. See Multimedia Message Object for more details |
Multimedia message Object
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | message unique identifier |
room | STRING | Chat unique identifier |
content | object | Message content. See multimedia content object for more details. |
Multimedia Content Object
The structure of the multimedia message content depends on the message type
Image message
Name | Type | Description |
img | string | Base64 of the image |
fileName | string | Contains name of the image message |
caption | string | file caption |
documentType | STRING | Document format |
user | object | Semplified user object containing only user id and isAgent properties of the user who sent the message. |
"_id" : ObjectId("61f11d7cd42454470cb22daa"),
"room" : "CHAT_DEFAULT_a098a0bc-b34c-452c-829c-1b03aa7a67ee",
"id" : "03250778-0425-47c1-92c1-85d1840bef7c",
"content" : {
"img" : { "$binary" : "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEBLAEsAAD/2wBDAAYEBQYFBAYGBQYHBwYIChAKCgkJChQODwwQF.....", "$type" : "00" },
"caption" : "",
"fileName" : "45971097-illustrazione-di-happy-emoticon-dà-pollice-in-su-isolato-su-sfondo-bianco.jpg",
"documentType" : "jpg",
"user" : {
"id" : "USER_DEFAULT_9a0a411c-f9c7-4af7-9754-024bf157a3ef",
"isAgent" : false
Document message
Name | Type | Description |
document | string | Base64 of the document |
fileName | string | Contains name of the image message |
caption | string | file caption |
documentType | STRING | Document format |
user | object | Semplified user object containing only user id and isAgent properties of the user who sent the message. |
"_id" : ObjectId("61f11d7cd42454470cb22dab"),
"room" : "CHAT_DEFAULT_a098a0bc-b34c-452c-829c-1b03aa7a67ee",
"id" : "16daf4d4-a77f-406f-ab75-0475f510bc95",
"content" : {
"document" : { "$binary" : "UEsDBBQABgAIAAAAIQDMkURCrQEAAL0HAAATAA....", "$type" : "00" },
"caption" : "",
"fileName" : "WHATSAPP-TEMPLATE-AD-v09.xlsx",
"documentType" : "xlsx",
"user" : {
"id" : "",
"isAgent" : true
Audio message
Name | Type | Description |
audio | string | Base64 of the audio |
fileName | string | Contains name of the image message |
caption | string | file caption |
documentType | STRING | Document format |
user | object | Semplified user object containing only user id and isAgent properties of the user who sent the message. |
"_id" : ObjectId("61f158ee932c660c83d5e201"),
"room" : "CHAT_DEFAULT_24ec70f1-b92d-44c4-94ad-49bcd15986ea",
"id" : "m_JLR7O2EHIE6d3fiskFBiqz2MVSImQFjQ7aCDxA_Mxf6hm6TYUaJKXiEqfYgCX8WKxriZux06OzPB8XLZa8yNKA",
"content" : {
"caption" : "",
"fileName" : "audioclip-1643206881000-5760.mp4",
"documentType" : "mp4",
"user" : {
"id" : "4149729381806003",
"isAgent" : false
"audio" : { "$binary" : "AAAAHGZ0eXBpc29tAAACAGlzb21pc28ybXA0MQAABvJ......", "$type" : "00" }
Video message
video | string | Base64 of the video |
fileName | string | Contains name of the image message |
caption | string | file caption |
documentType | STRING | Document format |
user | object | Semplified user object containing only user id and isAgent properties of the user who sent the message. |