Search Tasks
Search Tasks
Find an Issue
- On the top navigation bar, click on the Issues tab and select Search for Issues from the menu.
This displays the Issue Navigator. From here it's possible to search either by creating a filter or writing an SQL query.
Several of the items have contextual help available, indicated by the -icon. - Type your search term(s) into the 'Query' box and/or select other criteria from the drop-down boxes and check-boxes.
The drop-down boxes and check-boxes allow you to narrow your search, e.g.:- issues in a certain project
- only issues that are marked as in In progress
- only issues marked as Fixed in Resolution
- only issues reported by or assigned to a particular person, and so on.
To find issues reported by a particular person:
- Select Specify User in the Reporter field.
- In the field that appears beneath the Reporter field, enter a few letters of the person's name (first name or surname) to display a drop-down list:
- Click the Search button to perform the search and keep the search form visible.
Manage Filters
A filter is a search performed as described in the previous section. It is possible to save a search, which is then called a filter.
To save a filter:
- When a search has been performed, click the Save-link in the text.
- Enter a name and description for the search filter (see below).
When saving the current filter, determine whether to:
- add it as a favourite to the Filter-list (see below), and
- share it with other users.
Now you have a list of all your saved filters.
Quick Search
It is possible to perform a quick search by entering a search string directly in Quick Search-field at the top right corner of the browser.
, multiple selections available,