Follow an Issue

Follow an Issue

The main information regarding an issue is viewed at the top right corner of the Jira window.

An issue follows a specific workflow, and you may follow your issue through this workflow. When action from you is required, the issue is assigned to you.

Besides the fixed buttons (e.g. "On Hold" & "Close") more options will be available by pressing the arrow on the Workflow button. See an example below (Screenshot 1)

The assignee is the person responsible for the issue.

The various states in the workflow – and where customer action is required – are described below:


The issue has been created, and waits to be assigned to a CDRator resource, who will take the appropriate action. The Business Consultant will also evaluate whether the issue is billable or non-billable.

Billable or Non-billable:

  • Billable to non-billable: CDRator has acknowledged that the issue is not billable, and will otherwise continue with solving the issue. A comment to explain why will be added.
  • Non-billable to billable: CDRator has decided that the issue is billable, and it will be assigned to the customer for approval. The customer now has two choices:
  • Approve billable
    • By approving the change to billable it can continue in the flow, and will be reassigned to the Application Consultant.

Request Approval:

If the estimate and solution proposal is approved, it can continue in the flow and will be reassigned to the Business Consultant.

(Screenshot 1)


The Business Consultant will move the issue to status Analysing, and the analysis will start when it is assigned to an Application Consultant, who will analyse and estimate it.

When the task has been estimated, it will be up to the customer whether the estimate can be approved.
The estimate is to be considered a rough estimate, and will be explained in a comment on the issue, if necessary.

Ready for Processing

The tasks changes to Ready for processing when the solution and estimate is approved. It is now ready to be developed/configured/fixed.

In progress

The issue is being resolved.

Ready for AC Review

The issue has finished development/configuration and is internally being reviewed.

Ready for QA

All issues for which development has been completed and marked for the QA department will be put in this queue. The QA department will pick up the issue acording to plan.


The CDRator QA department will verify that the implementation works according to what was specified.


The issue is solved and tested and is ready to be delivered to the customer.

When the issue is resolved, it will be part of a delivery (release) – a fix Version.


This is the final state of an issue. If for some reason the issue needs to be activated again, a clone of the issue can be created.

On Hold

From any state in the Jira flow it is possible to put an issue in status On Hold. This can be due to input pending from a customer, a task pending a later core realease or if any other input is pending.