Integration of Momindum embedded code in a SharePoint page

Integration of Momindum embedded code in a SharePoint page

1. Simple integration (simple video)

a. Prerequisites

Authorize the display of Momindum HTML content by adding the domain "api.momindum.com" on your SharePoint:

Allow or restrict the ability to embed content on SharePoint pages - Microsoft Support

Open the Sharepoint site settings as Administrator and click on the link "Security of HTML fields" :

Add the domain name of your Momindum video portal:

b. Retrieve the Embed code from Momindum Cloud

You can adjust the size of the IFrame if necessary by changing the "width" and "height" parameters of the embed code.

c. Edit a sharepoint page and add an "Embed" :


2. Advanced integration (portal)

Enable advanced scripts
The Microsoft documentation indicates the procedure to follow here: Allow or prevent custom script - SharePoint in Microsoft 365

Connect-SPOService Set-SPOSite -Identity "https://[votredomaine].sharepoint.com/sites/[votresite]" -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0

b. Create a "wiki" page and add the code
Go to the list of pages on your site (https://[yourdomain].sharepoint.com/sites/[yoursite]/SitePages/Forms/ByAuthor.aspx) and click on "New" and then on "Wiki Page"

Then go to "Insert" then "Embedded code" and enter the portal code that was provided to you by Momindum.

Save and publish... it's ready!

c. (optional) Disable advanced scripts

Repeat the same operation as in point a. except that the code is now :


Connect-SPOService Set-SPOSite -Identity "https://[votredomaine].sharepoint.com/site/[votresite]" -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 1

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