FTP Engine118 Comp
FTP Engine118 Comp
FTP Engine118
An FTP engine for handling FTP transfers of InquiryService files to "118 oplysningen".
A scheduled job will execute a batfile which starts the actual process (an engine which runs once). This is scheduled to run just after the generating of the files (done by NumberExport118 engine).
The transfer is done via a VPN connection controlled by CDRator Internal IT.
Batfile: |
C:\Rator\Batchjobs\FtpEngine118\startFtpEngine118.bat |
Engine: |
C:\rator\engines\FtpEngine118 |
Logfiles: |
C:\rator\engines\FtpEngine118\logs |
The settings for the FTP transfer is configured in database tables: FTP_CONNECTION and FTP_CONNECTION_CONTROLLER
This is a standard Rator FtpEngine and the documentation is found here: <LINK TO FtpEngine documentation>
, multiple selections available,