Rator System

Welcome to the Rator System

It is our ambition that our customers will find standard documentation and relevant information applicable to all - eventually. Consequently, please note that screen dumps and/or features mentioned in this space may differ from any individual customer setup.

Please note that some entries in the contents list do not yet contain information. To help you save a few clicks, entries which do contain information appear in CAPS.

The listing on your left is an automatically compiled list of pages/entries which can be expanded by clicking the -icon. Some pages serve as topic headings, whereas others carry information.

  • For information relating to specific customer solutions, please refer to your individual space.
  • For information on how to print one/several pages from Confluence, please see this section.

Please note that a new section has been added which documents the CDRator Workflow Administrator. To access the area and explore the possibilities of customizing your system to changing business conditions, click /wiki/spaces/cdrwf5/overview or the WORKFLOW DOCUMENTATION shortcut on your left.

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