

The “configuration” parameter in the Bot configuration object Bot Configuration Object must contain the properties “baseURL” that indicates the host of Shim and “verifyToken” that holds the token to authenticate the requests to Shim.


{ "_id" : "ShimBot", "technology" : "SHIM", "nickname" : "Virtual agent", "configuration" : "{\"baseURL\":\"\", \"verifyToken\": \"9ff4d58e-b3c2-4523-bbb5-bef15b1551ks\"}", "inactivityTimeoutInSeconds" : 300, "welcomeMessage" : "L'operatore virtuale è entrato in chat" }


Bot integration with Shim supports the following types of messages:

  • TEXT


Redirect to operator

The human escalation is triggered by a TRANSFER action. It is possible to specify additional parameters like the target queue, the requested service level and skills.