After installation, you need to apply the following actions to CTLive to work with VCC:
Using a mongoDB client, change into GeneralSettings collection the following parameters:
"ct7url" : "http://localhost:8889/VccCTL/contact"
Change accordingly to VCC the sharedSecret
db.getCollection('services').updateMany( {}, { "$set": { enableCallbackNow: false, enableCallbackLater: false, checkMediaUrl: "http://localhost:8889/VccCTL/Availability" } });
Add a new DataCollection with the following value to fetch the VCC variable from the hosted page:
{ "dc_type" : "VCC", "label" : "VCC", "isMandatory" : true, "isVisibleAgent" : true, "isVisibleCustomer" : false, "isEditable" : true, "custom_regexp" : "", "customValidationErrorMessage" : "", "value" : "return JSON.stringify(window.VCC)", "name" : "VCC", "mode" : "auto" }