Col # | Column Name | Data Type | Field Length | Not Null? | Data Def. | Comments |
1 | ID | NUMBER | 22 | N | Primary key | |
2 | NAME | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | Name of Field | |
3 | CODE | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | For sub-classing | |
4 | DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | Description of field | |
5 | FILE_SPECIFICATION_NAME | VARCHAR2 | 250 | N | Name of field in the Specification document | |
6 | DB_COLUMN_NAME | VARCHAR2 | 250 | N | Name of field in the Database table | |
7 | CDR_FIELD_FORMAT_DEF_ID | NUMBER | 22 | Y | ID of the format definition used to format the field, (CDR_FIELD_DEF.CDR_FIELD_FORMAT_DEF_ID = CDR_FIELD_FORMAT_DEF.ID) | |
8 | SUMMABLE | CHAR | 1 | Y | Not used | |
9 | SUM_FIELD_DEF_ID | NUMBER | 22 | Y | Not used | |
10 | MAX_LENGTH | NUMBER | 22 | Y | Defines the maximum length of a field | |
11 | FULL_LENGTH | CHAR | 1 | Y | Defines whether the length of the field must be equal to MAX_LENGTH | |
12 | MANDATORY | CHAR | 1 | Y | Defines if the field must have a value | |
13 | FIELD_POSITION | NUMBER | 22 | Y | Defines the position of the field in a record (Not actually used) | |
14 | START_INDEX | NUMBER | 22 | Y | Defines start index of field in record. If a record does not have index separated fields, then this value is set to -1 | |
15 | END_INDEX | NUMBER | 22 | Y | Defines end index of field in record. If a record does not have index separated fields, then this value is set to -1 | |
16 | FILLER | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | Defines what to use to fill the field. For example leading or trailer zero, white space, etc. Used for exporting. | |
17 | PADDING | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | Defines where the fillers should be placed on the field. Possible values are LEFT or RIGHT or NONE. Used for exporting. | |
18 | FORMAT | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | Defines the format of the field. If present, it is used, else the value in the defined CDR_FIELD_FORMAT_DEF is used. | |
19 | EXPORTER_METHOD | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | Method on the CdrField class that must be called before this field is exported | |
20 | DEFAULT_VALUE | VARCHAR2 | 100 | Y | Field default value | |
21 | EMPTY_WHEN_ZERO | VARCHAR2 | 1 | Y | Sometimes a field might have a value of zero in the database, but should be exported as an empty field. This field can take either 'Y' or 'N' as values. default value is 'N', meaning field is exported as it is, otherwise if the field has a value of zero, it is exported as an empty string. |
A Cdr Field Defintion (CDR_FIELD_DEF) defines a field in a record (CDR_RECORD_DEF).