Col # | Column Name | Data Type | Field Length | Not Null? | Data Def. | Comments |
1 | ID | NUMBER | 22 | N | Primary key | |
2 | NAME | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | ||
3 | CODE | VARCHAR2 | 100 | Y | Defines how to process a record. Possible values are HEADER, TRAILER or DETAIL | |
4 | DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | Record definition description | |
5 | CDR_FILE_DEF_ID | NUMBER | 22 | N | ID of CDR_FILE_DEF to which this record definition record belongs | |
6 | FIELD_SEPARATOR_ID | NUMBER | 22 | N | Defines what separates one record field from another. Points to a record in the ITEM_SEPARATOR table (CDR_RECORD_DEF.FIELD_SEPARATOR_ID = ITEM_SEPRARATOR.ID) | |
7 | MAX_LENGTH | NUMBER | 22 | Y | Defines the length of the record; the default value is -1, i.e. record is of variable length | |
8 | FULL_LENGTH | CHAR | 1 | Y | If the MAX_LENGTH attribute is not -1, and the FULL_LENGTH attribute is set to ‘Y’, then the record must be of length MAX_LENGTH. Default value is N. | |
9 | CDR_PARSER_ID | NUMBER | 22 | Y | Parser used to parse a record into fields. (CDR_RECORD_DEF.CDR_PARSER_ID = CDR_PARSER.ID | |
10 | RECORD_TABLE_NAME | VARCHAR2 | 250 | N | Name of the table where records are saved. Usually for header and trailer records, the value of this table is the SOURCE_TABLE while for detail records it is the record (BILLING_RECORD) table. | |
11 | RECORD_TABLE_CODE | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | Code to be used in the record table in-case sub-classing is to be used. | |
12 | RECORD_IDENTIFIER_TYPE | VARCHAR2 | 250 | Y | If this value is set, then the record will be identified using a CDR_RECORD_IDENTIFIER. Possible values are 'ALL' or 'AT_LEAST_ONE' . | |
13 | PERSIST | VARCHAR2 | 1 | Y | Determines whether a record should be persisted. Sometimes, one may not need to persist a CDR_RECORD (as in the case where the record is a header of column name). The default value is 'Y' (meaning persist data) otherwise it is 'N' (meaning do not persist data) | |
14 | RECORD_CLASS | VARCHAR2 | 800 | Y | The fully qualified class name of that models the table defined by the RECORD_TABLE_NAME | |
15 | SOURCE_TABLE_KEY | VARCHAR2 | 800 | Y | This columns holds the column name in RECORD_TABLE_NAME table that points to the SOURCE TABLE. This is used by CDR_RECORD_DEFs. | |
16 | STATUS_COLUMN_NAME | VARCHAR2 | 400 | Y | String value. Name of the column where the record status must be stored. | |
17 | STATUS_VALUE | VARCHAR2 | 40 | Y | Value to be set in status column defined in STATUS_COLUMN_NAME. | |
18 | HOOKPOINT_KEY | VARCHAR2 | 400 | Y | If this is set, it will save this value into RECORD_TABLE_NAME.HOOKPOINT_KEY, not a mandatory value. | |
Defines a record in a CDR file (see File Processor Framework).
, multiple selections available,