Descrizione Scalar

Descrizione Scalar

"1001": "Time when the operator has become schedulable for the ACD (with at least one associated media able to receive ACD contacts, not paused and not engaged in direct calls).",

"1002": "Time when the operator became unscheduled for the ACD (without an associated media able of receiving ACD contacts, paused or engaged in direct calls).",

"1003": "Duration of the last operator status that can be scheduled by the ACD.",

"1004": "Time when the operator became schedulable for telephone contacts.",

"1005": "Time when the operator became unscheduled for telephone contacts.",

"1006": "Duration of the last operator status that can be scheduled for telephone contacts.",

"1007": "Time when the operator became schedulable for mail type contacts.",

"1008": "Time when the operator became unscheduled for mail type contacts.",

"1009": "Duration of the last operator status that can be scheduled for mail type contacts.",

"1010": "Time when the operator became schedulable for chat contacts.",

"1011": "Time when the operator became unscheduled for chat type contacts.",

"1012": "Duration of the last schedulable operator status for chat contacts.",

"1013": "Time when the operator has become schedulable for multimedia contacts.",

"1014": "Time when the operator has become unscheduled for multimedia contacts.",

"1015": "Duration of the last schedulable operator status for multimedia contacts.",

"1101": "Number of contacts for specific operator awaiting execution.",

"1102": "Number of contacts by appointment for specific operator during call execution.",

"2001": "Number of schedulable operators for any type of contacts.",

"2002": "Number of operators that can be scheduled for telephone contacts.",

"2003": "Number of operators that can be scheduled for mail type contacts.",

"2004": "Number of schedulable operators for chat contacts.",

"2005": "Number of unscheduled operators for telephone contacts.",

"2006": "Number of schedulable operators for multimedia contacts.",

"2010": "Number of operators engaged in telephone-type contacts.",

"2011": "Number of operators engaged in email type contacts.",

"2012": "Number of operators engaged in chat type contacts.",

"2013": "Number of operators engaged in multimedia contacts.",

"2020": "Number of operators able to manage telephone contacts.",

"2021": "Number of operators able to manage mail type contacts.",

"2022": "Number of operators able to manage chat contacts.",

"2023": "Number of operators able to manage multimedia contacts.",

"2030": "Number of operators able to manage telephone contacts with audio only.",

"2031": "Number of operators able to manage telephone contacts with audio and video.",

"2032": "Number of operators capable of handling chat contacts not containing audio and video.",

"2033": "Number of operators able to manage chat contacts also containing audio.",

"2034": "Number of operators able to manage chat contacts also containing audio and video.",

"2035": "Number of operators able to manage generic multimedia contacts.",

"2080": "Number of operators preserved for non-predictive telephone contacts.",

"2090": "Maximum number of contacts that can be queued without generating the queue full event.",

"2091": "Queue full indicator.",

"2101": "Number of predictive contacts waiting to be executed.",

"2102": "Number of predictive contacts with call in progress and call execution time.",

"2103": "Number of predictive contacts during call execution.",

"2104": "Number of predictive contacts for which the call was not made due to lack of available lines.",

"2105": "Number of predictive contacts that were answered by customer.",

"2106": "Number of predictive contacts for which the customer spoke to the operator.",

"2110": "Number of failed predictive contacts (for any cause).",

"2111": "Number of predictive contacts that failed because they expired.",

"2112": "Number of predictive contacts that failed due to generic error.",

"2113": "Number of failed predictive contacts for busy destination.",

"2114": "Number of predictive contacts failed for invalid target.",

"2115": "Number of predictive contacts that failed due to customer non-response within the maximum time defined by the response timeout.",

"2116": "Number of predictive contacts failed due to telephone network problems.",

"2117": "Number of failed predictive contacts for busy telephone network.",

"2118": "Number of predictive contacts failed due to ring killing.",

"2119": "Number of predictive contacts failed due to response abatement.",

"2120": "Number of predictive contacts with Call Progress Analysis that failed due to disconnection on auto responder / voice mail.",

"2121": "Number of predictive contacts with Call Progress Analysis failed due to disconnection on FAX.",

"2130": "Estimate of schedulable agents.",

"2201": "Number of preview contacts waiting to be executed.",

"2202": "Number of preview contacts with a call in progress.",

"2203": "Number of preview contacts during call execution.",

"2204": "Number of preview contacts for which the call was not made due to lack of available lines.",

"2205": "Number of preview contacts that were answered by a customer.",

"2206": "Number of preview contacts for which the customer spoke to the operator.",

"2210": "Number of failed preview contacts (for any cause).",

"2211": "Number of preview contacts failed because they expired.",

"2212": "Number of preview contacts failed due to generic error.",

"2213": "Number of failed preview contacts for busy destination.",

"2214": "Number of failed preview contacts for invalid destination.",

"2215": "Number of preview contacts failed due to no response.",

"2216": "Number of preview contacts failed due to telephone network problems.",

"2217": "Number of failed preview contacts for busy telephone network.",

"2218": "Number of failed preview contacts due to ring killing.",

"2219": "Number of preview contacts failed due to response abatement.",

"2220": "Number of preview contacts with Call Progress Analysis failed due to disconnection on auto responder.",

"2221": "Number of preview contacts with Call Progress Analysis failed due to disconnection on FAX.",

"2301": "Total number, at queue level, of contacts by appointment per single operator during call execution.",

"2400": "For calls in callblending the value 1 of the scalar stops the execution of predictive calls to leave operators free for inbound; otherwise it is 0.",

"2401": "For calls in callblending the value 1 of the scalar stops the execution of the preview calls to leave operators free for inbound; otherwise it is 0.",

"2500": "Number of calls to be made in predictive mode according to the outbound calculation algorithm.",

"2510": "Failure percentage used in the calculation algorithms for the outbound: it is the failure percentage for the Power algorithm, while if another algorithm is adopted it is the percentage of failed calls, excluding the knocked down at answer.",

"2511": "Failure rate modifier used in outbound calculation algorithms.",

"2512": "Equivalent failure rate in Power's algorithm with which the same number of outbound calls made with the predictive algorithm currently in use is generated.",

"2521": "Number of predictive contacts that failed for any cause prior to customer response (all causes of failure except response abatement).",

"2603": "Indicator of the correct functioning of the predictive.",

"2701": "Number of preview and predictive contacts waiting to be executed.",

"2702": "Number of preview and predictive contacts with a call in progress.",

"2703": "Number of preview and predictive contacts in call execution.",

"2704": "Number of preview and predictive contacts for which the call was not made due to lack of available lines.",

"2705": "Number of preview and predictive contacts that were answered by a customer.",

"2706": "Number of preview and predictive contacts for which the customer spoke to the operator.",

"2710": "Number of failed preview and predictive contacts (for any cause).",

"2711": "Number of preview and predictive contacts failed because they expired.",

"2712": "Number of preview and predictive contacts that failed due to generic error.",

"2713": "Number of failed preview and predictive contacts for busy destination.",

"2714": "Number of failed preview and predictive contacts due to invalid destination.",

"2715": "Number of preview and predictive contacts failed due to no response.",

"2716": "Number of preview and predictive contacts failed due to telephone network problems.",

"2717": "Number of failed preview and predictive contacts for busy telephone network.",

"2718": "Number of preview and predictive contacts that failed due to being killed during the ring.",

"2719": "Number of preview and predictive contacts failed due to response abatement.",

"2720": "Number of preview and predictive contacts with Call Progress Analysis failed due to disconnection on auto responder / VoiceMail.",

"2721": "Number of preview and predictive contacts with Call Progress Analysis failed due to disconnection on FAX.",

"12001": "Number of contacts assigned to the operator.",

"12002": "Number of contacts managed by the operator.",

"12003": "Start time of the last assigned contact status for the operator.",

"12004": "End time of the last contact status assigned for the operator.",

"12005": "Duration of the last contact status assigned to the operator.",

"12006": "Type of the last contact assigned to the operator.",

"12007": "Media type of the last contact status assigned for the operator.",

"12008": "Start time of the last contact managed by the operator.",

"12009": "End time of the last contact managed by the operator (end of online + offline).",

"12010": "Duration of the last contact managed by the operator (duration of online + offline).",

"12011": "Type of the last contact managed by the operator.",

"12012": "Media type of the last contact managed by the operator.",

"12101": "Operator login time.",

"12102": "Operator login end time.",

"12103": "Start time of the last pause state for the operator.",

"12104": "End time of the last pause state for the operator.",

"12105": "Duration of the last pause state for the operator.",

"12106": "Start time of the last ACD contact free status for the operator.",

"12107": "End time of the last ACD contact free status for the operator.",

"12108": "Duration of the last ACD contact free status for the operator.",

"12109": "Logical ACD status of the operator.",

"12110": "Number of contacts managed by the operator.",

"12111": "Number of contacts proposed to the operator.",

"12112": "Number of contacts assigned to the operator.",

"12113": "Number of contacts being distributed for the operator.",

"12114": "Number of contacts online under management for the operator.",

"12115": "Number of offline contacts being managed by the operator.",

"12120": "Operator pause sub state.",

"12121": "Start time of the last pause sub-state for the operator.",

"12201": "Start time of the last phase of distribution of a contact for the operator.",

"12202": "End time of the last phase of distribution of a contact for the operator.",

"12203": "Duration of the last phase of distribution of a contact for the operator.",

"12204": "Type of the last contact being distributed to the operator.",

"12205": "Type of media relating to the last phase of distribution of a contact for the operator.",

"12206": "Start time of the last contact online.",

"12207": "End time of the last contact online.",

"12208": "Duration of the last contact online.",

"12209": "Type of the last contact on line.",

"12210": "Type of media relating to the last contact online.",

"12211": "Start time of last offline contact.",

"12212": "End time of last offline contact.",

"12213": "Duration of the last offline contact.",

"12214": "Type of the last offline contact.",

"12215": "Type of media relating to the last offline contact.",

"12220": "Time when the last available status on the media was activated for the operator.",

"12221": "Time when the last available status on the media was activated for the operator.",

"12224": "Time when the last state of not available on the media was activated for the operator.",

"12225": "Type of media on which the last unavailable status was activated for the operator.",

"12228": "Time when the last not ready state - temporarily unavailable - on the media was activated for the operator.",

"12229": "Type of media on which the operator has activated the last not ready state - temporarily not available.",

"12232": "Time when the last not ready state - forced due to no response - on the media was activated for the operator.",

"12233": "Type of media on which the last not ready status was activated for the operator - forced due to no response.",

"12236": "Time when the last state 'active' on the media was activated for the operator.",

"12237": "Type of media on which the last state 'in activity' was activated for the operator.",

"12240": "Time when the operator was last engaged on the media.",

"12241": "Type of media on which the last busy state was activated for the operator.",

"12244": "Time when the operator switched to the last reserved status on the media.",

"12245": "Type of media on which the operator has switched to the last booked status.",

"13001": "Number of contacts in the queue.",

"13002": "Number of operators logged in.",

"13003": "Number of paused operators.",

"13005": "Waiting time in queue for the last contact who left the queue (for any reason).",

"13006": "Time of entry into the queue of the contact from the longest waiting time.",

"13011": "Time when the last queued contact entered the queue.",

"13012": "Priority level of the last queued contact.",

"13013": "Type of the last queued contact.",

"13014": "Media type of the last queued contact.",

"13021": "Queue time of the last contact removed from the queue.",

"13022": "Waiting time for the last contact removed from the queue.",

"13023": "Priority level of the last contact removed from the queue.",

"13024": "Type of last contact removed from queue.",

"13025": "Media type of the last contact removed from the queue.",

"13026": "Time the last contact passed to operator left the queue.",

"13027": "Waiting time in queue for the last contact passed to operator.",

"13028": "Priority level of the last contact passed to operator.",

"13029": "Type of last contact passed to operator.",

"13030": "Media type of the last contact passed to operator.",

"13031": "Time when the last contact exited the queue due to abandonment.",

"13032": "Waiting time in queue for the last contact ended due to abandonment.",

"13033": "Priority level of the last contact terminated due to abandonment.",

"13034": "Type of last contact terminated due to abandonment.",

"13035": "Type of media on which the last contact ended due to abandonment.",

"13036": "Time when the last dissuaded contact left the queue.",

"13037": "Waiting time in queue for the last dissuaded contact.",

"13038": "Priority level of the last dissuaded contact.",

"13039": "Type of the last dissuaded contact.",

"13040": "Media type of the last dissuaded contact.",

"13041": "Time of the last contact online handled by an operator associated to the queue.",

"13042": "Duration of the last online contact handled by an operator associated to the queue.",

"13044": "Type of last online contact.",

"13045": "Media type of the last online contact.",

"13046": "Time of the last offline contact handled by an operator associated to the queue.",

"13047": "Duration of the last offline contact handled by an operator associated to the queue.",

"13049": "Type of last offline contact.",

"13050": "Media type of the last offline contact.",

"13060": "Estimated time to wait in the queue before switching to operator.",

"13061": "Difference between the number of operators in the Logged in state and the number of contacts in the queue.",

"13062": "Total number of contacts that came online.",

"13063": "Total number of contacts that have gone online.",

"13064": "Total number of contacts currently online.",

"13065": "Average of the estimated waiting times in the queue before switching to the operator, calculated on the last X samples.",

"13066": "Total number of contacts that went offline.",

"13067": "Total number of contacts that went offline.",

"13068": "Total number of contacts currently offline.",

"30100": "Maximum queue size.",

"30101": "Queue load.",

"30102": "Waiting time for the contact entered in the queue for the longest time.",

"30103": "Number of contacts distributed to operator.",

"30104": "Number of contacts abandoned by queued customers (including abandoned during operator distribution).",

"30105": "Number of de-queued contacts.",

"30106": "Number of dissuaded contacts.",

"30107": "Number of queued contacts.",

"30108": "Percentage of contacts distributed to operator out of the total queued.",

"30109": "Number of contacts abandoned during distribution to operator.",

"30110": "Number of abandoned contacts in queue (excluding abandoned during distribution time to the operator).",

"30111": "Number of scheduled contacts.",

"30112": "Percentage of contacts distributed to operator on the total number of schedules.",

"30113": "Number of calls distributed to operator.",

"30114": "Number of calls abandoned by queued customers (including abandoned during distribution time to the operator)).",

"30115": "Number of calls de-queued.",

"30116": "Number of calls dissuaded.",

"30117": "Number of queued calls.",

"30118": "Number of calls abandoned during operator distribution time.",

"30119": "Number of abandoned calls in queue (excluding abandoned calls during distribution time to the operator).",

"30120": "Number of chats distributed to operator.",

"30121": "Number of chats abandoned by queued customers (including abandoned during distribution time to the operator).",

"30122": "De-queued number of chats.",

"30123": "Number of chats dissuaded.",

"30124": "Number of chats queued.",

"30125": "Number of chats abandoned during distribution time to the operator).",

"30126": "Number of abandoned chats in queue (excluding abandoned chats during distribution time to the operator).",

"30127": "Number of calls in the queue.",

"30128": "Number of chats in queue.",

"30129": "Queue time of the longest waiting call.",

"30130": "Waiting time for the longest queued call.",

"30131": "Time of entry into the chat queue for the longest waiting time.",

"30132": "Longest waiting time for chat queue.",

"30133": "Percentage of calls abandoned out of total queues.",

"30134": "Percentage of abandoned chats out of the total queues.",

"30135": "Number of emails queued.",

"30136": "Number of emails distributed to operator.",

"30137": "Number of de-queued emails.",

"30138": "Number of emails in the queue.",

"30139": "Time of entry into the queue for the longest waiting email contact.",

"30140": "Longest waiting time for the email contact in the queue.",

"30141": "Number of multimedia contacts queued.",

"30142": "Number of multimedia contacts distributed to operator.",

"30143": "Number of de-queued multimedia contacts.",

"30144": "Number of multimedia contacts in queue.",

"30145": "Queue time of the multimedia contact that has been waiting for the longest time.",

"30146": "Longest waiting time for the multimedia contact in the queue.",

"30147": "Average waiting for abandoned calls.",

"30148": "Waiting for abandoned media chats.",

"30149": "Average chat offline time for the queue over the last X seconds.",

"30150": "Average email handling time for the queue over the last X seconds.",

"30151": "Average time for handling multimedia contacts for the queue in the last X seconds.",

"30200": "Number of contacts not answered in time by the operator.",

"30201": "Operator load.",

"30202": "Total operator login time.",

"30203": "Sum of all operator conversation times since login, excluding current.",

"30204": "Average state duration 'in distribution' for ACD contacts.",

"30205": "Average online status for ACD contacts.",

"30206": "Average length of offline state for ACD contacts.",

"30208": "Duration of the contact's current online state for the operator.",

"30209": "Duration of the contact's current offline state for the operator.",

"30210": "Duration of the current pause state for the operator.",

"30211": "Total time in which the operator has been schedulable for the ACD (free from ACD contacts or direct calls).",

"30212": "Duration of the current operator status that can be scheduled by the ACD (free from ACD contacts or direct calls).",

"30213": "Sum of all operator WAC times, excluding current.",

"30214": "Total offline time for chat contacts.",

"30215": "Total offline time for email type contacts.",

"30216": "Sum of all pause times of the operator, excluding the current.",

"30217": "Total login time without pause (including current login).",

"30218": "Sum of all talk times of an operator, including the current.",

"30219": "Sum of all operator WAC times, including the current.",

"30220": "Average operator idle time over the last X seconds.",

"30221": "Total login time, excluding pause time, of all operators in a queue (including current login).",

"30222": "Total telephone WAC time of all operators in a queue (including current WAC).",

"30223": "Average telephone WAC time of all operators in a queue in the last X seconds.",

"30224": "Average idle time across all queue operators over the last X seconds.",

"30225": "Start time of idle state for the agent of the queue that has finished handling the last ACD contact for the longest time.",

"30226": "Start time of the schedulable status from the ACD for the operator that has become schedulable for the longest time.",

"30227": "Number of login hours of all queue operators, excluding pause times and including the current login time.",

"30228": "Correction factor to be applied to AgentsSchedTelephony to account for operators working for more than one queue.",

"30229": "Scalar for managing distribution to agent categories.",

"30300": "Average time to wait for queued contacts.",

"30301": "Number of contacts left in the queue for less than 20 seconds.",

"30302": "Number of contacts remaining in the queue for less than 40 seconds.",

"30303": "Number of contacts left in queue for more than 40 seconds.",

"30304": "Percentage of contacts queued for less than 20 seconds out of total queued.",

"30305": "Percentage of contacts queued for less than 40 seconds out of total queued.",

"30306": "Percentage of contacts queued for more than 40 seconds of the total queued.",

"30307": "Percentage of contacts abandoned out of the total queued.",

"30308": "Total working time of all queue operators online.",

"30310": "Number of times the operator has become temporarily unavailable on the media.",

"30311": "Number of contacts remaining in the queue for less than 30 sec.",

"30312": "Number of contacts remaining in the queue for less than 60 sec.",

"30313": "Number of contacts remaining in the queue for less than 90 sec.",

"30314": "Number of contacts left in queue for less than 120 sec.",

"30315": "Number of contacts left in the queue for more than 120 sec.",

"30316": "Percentage of contacts queued for less than 30 seconds out of total queued.",

"30317": "Percentage of contacts queued for less than 60 seconds out of total queued.",

"30318": "Percentage of contacts queued for less than 90 seconds out of total queued.",

"30319": "Percentage of contacts queued for less than 120 seconds out of total queued.",

"30320": "Percentage of contacts queued for more than 120 seconds out of the total queued.",

"30321": "Maximum waiting time in queue between all contacts that have been queued up to now.",

"30322": "Average operator pause duration.",

"30323": "Minimum duration of a contact's online phase.",

"30324": "Maximum duration of the online phase of a contact.",

"31001": "Number of active calls in IVR for the service.",

"31002": "Time of entry of the last call on the service in IVR.",

"31003": "Exit time of the last call from the service in IVR.",

"31004": "IVR navigation duration of the last call in the IVR service.",

"31005": "Time of the last abandonment in the IVR service.",

"31006": "Duration of IVR navigation of the last call that left the IVR service.",

"31007": "Time of the last call abatement in the IVR service.",

"31008": "Duration of IVR navigation of the last call that received an abatment by the service.",

"31009": "Time of the last call transfer from the IVR service.",

"31010": "Duration of IVR navigation of the last call that was transferred from the IVRservice.",

"31100": "Number of calls that have entered the IVR service since the beginning of the day.",

"34100": "Number of predictive contacts that were answered by customers in the last X seconds (default: 15 min.).",

"34101": "Number of predictive contacts that failed in the last X seconds for any cause of failure (default: 15 min.).",

"34102": "Number of predictive contacts killed on response in the last X seconds (default: 15 min.).",

"34103": "Average number of operators who went into Logged in state in the last X seconds (default: 3 min.).",

"34104": "Average number of operators who have become schedulable for telephone contacts in the last X seconds (default: 3 min.).",

"34105": "Average time to abandon.",

"34106": "Number of predictive contacts with outcomes that should not be counted in the call algorithm in the last X seconds (default: 15 min.).",

"34107": "Average working time of all queue operators online.",

"34108": "Average talk time for all queue operators.",

"34109": "Percentage of failed predictive contacts out of the total number of attempts made in the last X seconds.",

"34110": "Average duration of contacts managed by the operator (duration of online + offline).",

"34112": "Average time of state that can be scheduled by the ACD among all queue operators in the last X seconds.",

"34113": "Percentage of predictive contacts killed on response.",

"35000": "Number of predictive contacts passed to operator in the last X seconds (default: 10 min.).",

"35001": "Number of predictive contacts killed on the ring or on response in the last X seconds (default: 10 min.).",

"35002": "Total number of failed predictive contacts in the last X seconds (default: 10 min.) For busy destination.",

"35003": "Total number of predictive contacts failed (generic error, invalid target, Call Progress Analysis error) in the last X seconds (default: 10 min.).",

"35004": "Total number of predictive contacts that failed due to no response in the last X seconds (default: 10 min.).",

"36000": "Total number of agents in Logged In state and Paused state.",

"36001": "Percentage of operators engaged in telephone-type ACD contacts out of the total of agents in Logged In status and on hold.",

"36002": "Number of contacts distributed to operator in the last X seconds (default: 15 min.).",

"36003": "Number of contacts queued in the last X seconds (default: 15 min.).",

"36004": "Percentage of contacts distributed out of the total queued in the last X seconds.",

"36005": "Percentage of contacts currently online out of the total number of operators.",

"36006": "Average time to wait for queued contacts in the last X seconds.",

"36007": "Average abandon time last X seconds.",

"36008": "Max wait time last X seconds.",

"36009": "Average job duration time.",

"36010": "Queued jobs report on free agents.",

"36011": "Number of contacts scheduled in the last X seconds.",

"36012": "Percentage of contacts distributed on the total number of schedules in the last X seconds.",

"40000": "Index used by the prerouter for weighted distribution.",

"40001": "Index used by the prerouter for proportional distribution.",

"40002": "Flag used by the prerouter to force the congestion of a queue.",

"41004": "Index used by the prerouter to recognize usable agents.",

"41005": "Index used by the prerouter to recognize agents that are no longer usable.",

"41100": "Threshold level to apply to the schedule start time of UNKNOWN level agents.",

"41101": "Threshold level to apply to the schedule start time of GOLD level agents.",

"41102": "Threshold level to apply to the schedule start time of SILVER level agents",

"41103": "Threshold level to apply to the schedule start time of BRONZE level agents.",

"50000": "Skill Model 1.",

"50001": "Skill Model 2.",

"50002": "Skill Model 3.",

"50010": "Gold - Silver - Bronze.",

"55000": "Skill knowledge of English.",

"60002": "Sample Scalar.",

"60003": "Sample Scalar.",

"60004": "Sample Scalar.",

"64000": "Prerouting rule followed for the last distributed contact.",

"64001": "Number of contacts transferred from global queue to teleseller queue by choice of type 1.",

"64002": "Number of contacts transferred from global queue to teleseller queue by choice of type 2.",

"64003": "Number of contacts transferred from global queue to teleseller queue by choice of type 3.",

"64004": "Number of contacts de-queued from the prerouting queue due to overflow.",

"64008": "Time of the last overflow de-queuing.",

"64009": "Time of the last de-queuing for overtime.",

"64010": "Number of contacts de-queued from the prerouting queue due to overflow.",

"64011": "Number of contacts de-queued from the prerouting queue due to overtime.",

"64012": "Number of contacts de-queued from the prerouting queue due to overflow.",

"64016": "Number of contacts transferred from the prerouter.",

"64017": "Number of contacts lost due to congestion.",

"64020": "Time of entry into the system of the last inbound call.",

"64021": "Number of calls entered into the system.",

"64022": "Time of entry into the system of the last inbound call after hours.",

"64023": "Number of calls entered the system after hours.",

"64026": "Number of contacts transferred from prerouter to queue in the last quarter of an hour",

"64027": "Number of contacts lost due to congestion.",

"64030": "Time of entry into the system of the last call received for which the customer did not make any choice in the IVR.",

"64031": "Time of entry into the system of the last call received for which the customer made the choice of key 1 in the IVR.",

"64032": "Time of entry into the system of the last call received for which the customer made the choice of key 2 in the IVR.",

"64033": "Time of entry into the system of the last call received for which the customer made the choice of key 3 in the IVR.",

"64034": "Time of entry into the system of the last call for which the customer did not make any choice in the IVR, sent in callback.",

"64035": "Time of entry into the system of the last call for which the customer made key choice 1 in the IVR, sent in callback.",

"64036": "Time of entry into the system of the last call for which the customer made key choice 2 in the IVR, sent in callback.",

"64037": "Time of entry into the system of the last call for which the customer made key choice 3 in the IVR, sent in callback.",

"64038": "Time of entry into the system of the last out of hours call, sent in callback.",

"64040": "Number of calls for which the customer made no choice in the IVR.",

"64041": "Number of calls for which the customer made key choice 1 in the IVR.",

"64042": "Number of calls for which the customer made key choice 2 in the IVR.",

"64043": "Number of calls for which the customer selected key 3 in the IVR.",

"64044": "Number of calls sent in callback for which the customer did not make any choice in the IVR.",

"64045": "Number of calls sent in callback where the customer has made key choice 1 in the IVR.",

"64046": "Number of calls sent in callback for which the customer made key choice 2 in the IVR.",

"64047": "Number of calls sent in callback for which the customer made key choice 3 in the IVR.",

"64048": "Number of out of hours calls sent in callback.",

"64049": "Total number of calls sent in callback.",

"64100": "Number of scheduled calls per callBack generated by overtime.",

"64101": "Number of queued calls per callBack generated by overtime.",

"64102": "Number of scheduled calls per callBack generated by overflow.",

"64103": "Number of queued calls per callBack generated by overflow.",

"65000": "Number of contacts with positive outcome for the operator.",

"65001": "Number of contacts with negative outcome for the operator.",

"65002": "Number of contacts with outcome not useful for the operator.",

"65003": "Number of contacts with operator recall outcome.",

"65004": "Total useful contacts for the operator.",

"65005": "Total number of successful contacts divided by the time worked.",

"65010": "Contact management end time in easyCIM with positive outcome.",

"65011": "Contact management end time in easyCIM with negative outcome.",

"65012": "Contact management end time in easyCIM with no useful outcome.",

"65013": "Contact management end time in easyCIM with recall outcome.",

"65050": "At each positive outcome per operator it is set to 1 by easyCIM; used as a trigger to increase the value of the NumUtilPosA (easyCIM) scalar.",

"65051": "At each negative useful outcome per operator it is set to 1 by easyCIM; used as a trigger to increase the value of the NumUtilNegA (easyCIM) scalar.",

"65052": "For each outcome not useful for the operator it is set to 1 by easyCIM; used as a trigger to increase the value of the NumNonUtilA (easyCIM) scalar.",

"65053": "At each call outcome for operator it is set to 1 by easyCIM; used as a trigger to increase the value of the NumRichiamiA (easyCIM) scalar.",

"65100": "Number of contacts with positive outcome (easyCIM).",

"65101": "Number of contacts with negative outcome (easyCIM).",

"65102": "Number of contacts with no useful outcome (easyCIM).",

"65103": "Number of contacts with recall outcome (easyCIM).",

"65104": "Total number of successful contacts (easyCIM).",

"65105": "Total number of contacts with non-useful and useful (positive and negative) outcome (easyCIM).",

"65110": "Contact management end time in easyCIM with positive outcome.",

"65111": "Contact management end time in easyCIM with negative outcome.",

"65112": "Contact management end time in easyCIM with no useful outcome.",

"65113": "Contact management end time in easyCIM with recall outcome.",

"65120": "Total number of contacts with useful and non-useful outcome divided by the time worked.",

"65121": "Total number of successful contacts divided by the time worked.",

"65122": "Number of contacts with a positive outcome out of the total number of contacts (contacts with an unsuccessful outcome and with a positive and negative outcome).",

"65125": "Total number of contacts with useful and non-useful outcome divided by the number of hours worked.",

"65126": "Number of contacts with positive outcome divided by the number of hours worked.",

"65150": "At each positive outcome on the queue it is set to 1 by easyCIM; used as a trigger to increase the value of the NumUtiliPosQ scalar.",

"65151": "At each negative useful result on the queue it is set to 1 by easyCIM; used as a trigger to increase the value of the NumUtiliNegQ scalar.",

"65152": "At each not useful result on the queue it is set to 1 by easyCIM; it is used as a trigger to increase the value of the NumNonUtiliQ scalar.",

"65153": "At each queue call result it is set to 1 by easyCIM; it is used as a trigger to increase the value of the NumRichiamiQ scalar.",

"65223": "Percentage of contacts with a positive outcome out of the total number of contacts (contacts with an unsuccessful outcome and with a positive and negative outcome) (easyCIM).",

"65224": "Total number of schedulable agents and agents engaged in telephone contacts.",

"65225": "Total number of agents logged in and paused.",

"70060": "Index for use by the pre-routing algorithm.",

"90101": "Support scalar for calculating the QueueLoad scalar on the global queue.",

"90108": "Support scalar for computing ServiceLevel scalar on global queue.",

"90112": "Support scalar for computing PRVServiceLevel scalar on global queue.",

"90223": "Support scalar for calculating AvgOfflineTelJobDur scalar on global queue.",

"90300": "Support scalar for calculating the AverageWaitTime scalar on the global queue.",

"90304": "Support scalar for computing the Queued20Perc scalar on the global queue.",

"90305": "Support scalar for computing the Queued40Perc scalar on the global queue.",

"90307": "Support scalar for calculating the AbandonedPerc scalar on the global queue.",

"90316": "Support scalar for computing the Queued30Perc scalar on the global queue.",

"90317": "Support scalar for computing the Queued60Perc scalar on the global queue.",

"90318": "Support scalar for computing the Queued90Perc scalar on the global queue.",

"90319": "Support scalar for computing the Queued120Perc scalar on the global queue.",

"90320": "Support scalar for computing the QueuedOver120Perc scalar on the global queue.",

"93060": "Support scalar for calculating the EstimatedWaitTime scalar on the global queue.",

"94105": "Support scalar for calculating AvgAbandonTime scalar on global queue.",

"94107": "Support scalar for calculating AvgOnlineJobDur scalar on global queue.",

"96001": "Support scalar for computing the AgentsJobsTelephonyPerc scalar on the global queue.",

"96004": "Support scalar for computing the ServiceLevelRecently scalar on the global queue.",

"96012": "Support scalar for calculating PRVServiceLevelRecently scalar on the global queue."