Windows 10

Windows 10

Target release6.7.4
Epic BRKT-380 - Getting issue details... STATUS
 JIRA FR BRKT-256 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Document statusAPPROVED
Document owner

John Shaheen


  • Support Brooktrout Product Line on Windows 10.

Background and strategic fit

Windows 10 is a free upgrade for Windows 7 and 8/8.1 customers.  Customers will be migrating fax servers from Windows 7 to Windows 10.


  • Fax servers running on Windows 10 are not high end fax servers with high board or SR140 port counts. 

  • Systems running Windows 10 will be systems with low-profile PCI-Express slots. We do not expect customers to run Windows 10 on system with PCI expansion slots.


#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Support product line Windows 10

Allow the end to use active Brooktrout Products under Windows 10.  This includes both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10.

Must Have 
Perform Driver Certification 

Perform driver certification using the new Microsoft certification process required for Windows 10. This will also be required for Window 2016 Server.  If possible, try to obtain certification for Windows 2016 Server using the Technical Preview. 

Must Have Performing certification testing using the developer preview of Windows 2016 server.
Support IPv6 Support SR140 using IPv6 under Windows 10Must HaveDetermined during Sept programming meeting that IPv6 support is required for release.
4Update Documentation Update Documentation and Install Guides with information regarding Windows 10.   Must Have  

User interaction and design

Windows 10 images for both 32-bit and 64-bit are currently located in the following directory: \\nas01.sushi.dialogic.com\Development\nglasser\isos\Windows 10

This will be updated once the BostonArchive server storage issues have been addressed.


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Not Doing