Brooktrout Releases

Brooktrout Releases

Brooktrout Version Number Format 

<Major>.<Minor>.<Service Update Number> <Build> <Autobuild>

The official Brooktrout Version Numbering scheme is 3 fields.  The release is also referenced by autobuild revision and build revision.  This information the output of the btver.exe utility. The autobuild version is shown using the -a option with btver.

Major:  The major version number. This number is increased when significant new features or components are added.  For internal nightly development builds of the latest code, both major and minor versions are replaced by "trunk".

Minor:  The minor version number.  This number is increased for each release regardless of the features added.

Service Update (SU) Number: This number identifies the service update level of a particular release.  For GA releases, the Service Update Number is always zero.  As soon as a version of Brooktrout SDK is released, this number is incremented to identify the next service update.

Autobuild Revision:  The Autobuild is the software version based on Brooktrout's automation for building.  This value is incremented each time a task is checked into the control system used to manage Brooktrout source code.

Build Revision: The Build revision is the is the software version based on Brooktrout's automation for building.  This value is incremented each time release candidate build is created.


6.7.0 :   The 6.7 GA release

6.7.1:    SDK 6.7.1. The first service update (SU1) for SDK 6.7.

6.8.1 B02 A028 : SDK 6.8.1 full version name

Brooktrout Release Page