Action list
Action name |
DeviceAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves devices based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetDeviceDescription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DeviceReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Device based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DeviceSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Device |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Device - Cdmaphone
Action name |
CdmaPhoneAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves CDMA phones based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CdmaPhoneReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a CDMA phone based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
FileObjectReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a File Object based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateLongDescriptionElementList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a list of LongDescriptionElements based on a mail template. The values are retrieved by using MethodCaller.The mail template must be in text format. It must and contain a key, value and style delimited by some configurable character(s) . The key will be added in LongDescriptionElement.Text The value must be in the format SUBSCRIPTION.getService.getSimCard.getPin1 which will be resolved and put in LongDescriptionElement.Value. The objects used for retrieving the values must be in context.Last a style object must be included - it sets the LongDescriptionElement.HighLight field. (Only 'bold' will set highlight to true)Example: Pin1,SIMCARD.getPin1,normal - delimiter is ',' SIMCARD must be in context and text will be set to Pin1 and value resolved.Of course more lines can be added.An existing list can be passed in and the resolved list will be added to this existing list. If there is no list to add simply pass in 'Collections emptyList()' |
Return value |
Properties |
' will split at , and newline
Parameters |
Action name |
MailTemplateAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves mail templates based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
CreateLongDescriptionElements |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a list of LongDescriptionElements based on a mail template. The values are retrieved by using MethodCaller.The mail template must be in text format. It must and contain a key, value and style delimited by some configurable character. The key will be added in LongDescriptionElement.Text The value must be in the format SUBSCRIPTION.getService.getSimCard.getPin1 which will be resolved and put in LongDescriptionElement.Value. The objects used for retrieving the values must be in context.Last a style object must be included - it sets the LongDescriptionElement.HighLight field. (Only 'bold' will set highlight to true)Example: Pin1,SIMCARD.getPin1,normal - delimiter is ',' SIMCARD must be in context and text will be set to Pin1 and value resolved.Of course more lines can be added. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TranslateByBroker |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Translates the given text using the language of the given broker |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ZipCodeAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves zip codes based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
FileObjectAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves file objects based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
MailTemplateReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Mail Template based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Misc - Barcodes
Action name |
GenerateQRCodeImage |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves an Image of a QR code of the specified content having the specified size |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BrandReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Brand based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BrandAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves brands based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
BlockSimCard |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will create a provisioning task to block or soft-block a SIM card. Please use HardBlockSIMCard or SoftBlockSIMCard instead. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAvailableRandomSimCard |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Fetches a random available SIM card. Available means that the status is 0 (open and active) and it's not reserved. The SIM card type can be specified as a parameter. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateSimcardChangeRequest |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a SimcardChangeRequest object which can be used to start the Simcard Change Process |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SimCardReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a SIM card based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChangeSimTypeStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the SIM type status. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckIsSimcardBlockedOrInBlockedPending |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the given Simcard is in some block/block pending status already (includes SoftBloc, HardBlock and Stolen) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SimCardAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves SIM cards based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReleaseSimCard |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Release an SimCard. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
GetSimcardByIcc |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action for retrieving a SIM card from the database by ICC. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateOrGetSimCardWithICC |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action gets SIMCARD with provided ICC or creates a new one. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SoftBlockSimCard |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Start up a workflow that will soft-block the SIM card. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReserveSimcard |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action for reserving a SIM card to a service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
IsSimcardHardBlocked |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the Simcard of the given Subscription is already in HardBlocked (9) or HardBlocked_Pending (102) status |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
FindSimcardsByIccAndPUK |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action for retrieving a SIM cards from the database based on ICC and PUK. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReserveSimcardToDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action for reserving a SIM card to a service until a given date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
IsSimcardBlockedOrInBlockedPending |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the Simcard of the given Subscription is in some block/block pending status already (includes SoftBloc, HardBlock and Stolen) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UnblockSimCard |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Start up a workflow that will unblock the SIM card. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChangeSimStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the SIM card status. If softblocked, barred or stolen is set, the blocked from date is updated. If in use is set, the blocked from date is set null. If the 'update network status' option is selected, the networkStatusId on the simcard will be updated as well. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
HardBlockSimCard |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Start up a workflow that will hard-block the SIM card. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AssignSimCardToService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Assign simcard to a service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckIsSimcardHardBlocked |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the given Simcard is already in HardBlocked (9) or HardBlocked_Pending (102) status |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReserveSimcardFor |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action for reserving a SIM card to a service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RollbackTransaction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Rolls back the current transaction |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SaveObjectInNewTransaction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Takes a persistent object and saves it in a new transction. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CommitTransaction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Commits the current transaction |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BeginTransaction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Starts a new transaction |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Unknown package
Action name |
CreateContextForPersistentObject |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Create a context based on a persistentObject |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateContextList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Create a context list based on a list of persistentObjects |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateNewContextWithKeyValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
create a context with give key value pair |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddObjectToSoapContextObject |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Add object to SOAP context for Soap response (based on a persistentObject) - like adding np-flow or lockin to subscription this is needed either when the object can be null or if it is based on a calculation or when the object can not be gotten by a method on persistent object |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DeletePendingAlerts |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetNewSubscriptionBundle |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action creates and returns a new SubscriptionBundle. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionCampaignFromDateToNextMonth |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the subscriptionCampaign.fromDate to the first day of next month. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TerminateCampaignWithFromDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the subscriptionCampaign.toDate to the subscriptionCampaign.fromDate |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionCampaignAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves subscription campaigns based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionCampaignsByCriteria |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the current SubscriptionCampaign for a given subscription and some configurable criterias. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AssignCampaign |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Assign a campaign to the provided subscription. If startDate is null the subscription campaign will be activated immediately |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionCampaignToDateRestOfMonth |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the toDate on a subscriptionCampaign to the end of the current month. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionCampaignParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
An action to set subscriptionCampaign parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetListOfSubscriptionCampaignToDateToSpecificDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the subscription_campaign's to_date to a specific date retrieved from the context for a list of subscription campaigns |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionCampaignCollectionFromToDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets and/or regulates the FROM_DATE/TO_DATE, on a list of subscription campaigns. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionCampaignInstanceFromToDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets and/or regulates the FROM_DATE/TO_DATE, on a subscription campaign. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetBundlesFromCampaign |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns an list of campaign bundles from a campaign. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubCampaignSetParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets a parameter on a subscriptionCampaign to be equal to the given ServiceOptionParameter value. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetCurrentSubscriptionCampaign |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the current SubscriptionCampaign for a subscription and campaign. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubBundleVal1FromServiceOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action updates value1 if an associated serviceOptionParameter with a given key can be found. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionCampaignFromDateToSpecificDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the subscriptionCampaign.fromDate to a specific date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubCampaignSetParameterFromSOP |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action updates a subscription campaign parameter from a service option parameter with a given key. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionCampaignsFromMsisdn |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get the subscription campaigns for the specified MSISDN. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CampaignReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Campaign definition based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetCampaignForKey |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a campaign for which the campaign key is provided as a property. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CampaignAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves campaigns based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAllActiveSubscriptionCampaignsForDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns all active subscription campaigns, including shared ones, that are active for the given date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionCampaignByDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns true if the subscriptioncampaign is found for a given charge date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CampaignMetaDataReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Campaign definition based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionCampaignToDateToSpecificDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the subscription_campaign's to_date to a specific date retrieved from the context |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionCampaignReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a subscription campaign based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Campaign - Bundle
Action name |
GetCurrentSubscriptionBundlesNotUsedUpForCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the subscription bundles for a given subscription and the given code. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionBundleValueFromServiceOptionParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set the defined Value field in the subscription bundle for the specified service option parameter. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
GetBundleForCampaignAndBundleKey |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the bundle associated with the supplied campaign and bundleKey. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionBundleValues |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set the defined Value field in the subscription bundle for the specified bundles. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionBundles |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the subscription bundles for a given subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetActiveSubscriptionBundlesDefinedByDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the active (based on provided date) subscription bundles for a given subscription and the given code.It could be that no subscription bundle yet exists for a given acive subscription campaign, because no usage or otherwise has been registered. In that case, the backend logic will create a new subscription bundle and initialize it. The newly created instance will be returned from this action as part of the result list, BUT will not be persisted. If persistence is desired, it will have to be done outside the scope of this action. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionBundleReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Subscription Bundle based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionBundleValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set the defined Value field in the give subscription bundle. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
ProrateActivationSubscriptionCampaignBundles |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Create and prorate the bundles of the given subscription campaign for a certain start date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BundleReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Bundle definition based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionBundleParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Finds a bundle parameter from a SubscriptionBundle. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BundleAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves bundles based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionBundleSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of SubscriptionBundle |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionBundleAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves subscription bundles based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsSubscriptionBundleUsedUp |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Determines if a given subscription bundle is used up by comparing the maximum value with the current value. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ProrateSubscriptionBundle |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Create and prorate the bundles of the given subscription campaign. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionBundleType |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Finds the type of a SubscriptionBundle. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionBundlesWithCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the subscription bundles for a given subscription and the given code. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionBundleValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get the defined Value field in the subscription bundle for the specified bundle. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DiscardSubscriptionFee |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action discards (ends) the supplied subscription fee by setting fee end date to end date last period. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillSubscriptionFeesToInvoiceNowForListOfSubs |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action bills all subscription fees to the supplied invoice for a list of subscriptions. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillSubscriptionFeeToDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action bills the supplied subscription fees until a given date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetFeeEndDateLastPeriodToEndOfMonth |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the fee's end_date_last_period to end of month |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetFeeEndDateLastPeriod |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the fee's end_date_last_period to the specified date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillSubscriptionFeeUntilDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Bill the supplied subscription fees until a given date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillSubscriptionFeeListToInvoiceNow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action bills the supplied subscription fees to the supplied invoice. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetFeeChargeDateToSiblingFeeChargeDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the fee's next_charge_date to sibling fee's next_charge_date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
TerminateFeeFromEndDateLastPeriod |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Terminates the fee from its end_date_last_period |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetFeeNextChargeDateForFeeList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the fees end_date_last_period to the specified date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetFeeNextChargeDateToSpecificDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the fee's next_charge_date to a specific date retrieved from the context |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
SetFeeNextChargeDateToEndOfMonth |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the fee's next_charge_date to end of month |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillSubscriptionFeesToInvoiceNow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action bills all subscription fees to the supplied invoice. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetFeeEndDateLastPeriodForFeeList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the fees end_date_last_period to the specified date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetActiveWorkflowWithSpecifiedContextObjectForSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get active workflow with specified context object, specified hookpoint static key, optional hookpoint dynamic key,subscription id. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
StartNewWorkflowList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action to start a workflow for each object on the given list. The context object keys of the context objects to be used in the context of the new workflow should be passed as a comma separated string. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
StartNewWorkflow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action to start a new workflow. The context object keys of the context objects to be used in the context of the new workflow should be passed as a comma separated string. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
WorkflowActivityAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves workflow activities based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetActiveWorkflowInstanceByContextObject |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Return, if any, newest or oldest active workflow instance belonging to a workflow definition with key equal to or starting with the provided key value.The action searches first for workflows by exact workflow definition key. If no workflow found it does a like search on workflow definition using the provided suffix pattern. The suffix pattern is % by default if it is not provided.If the property newestWfIfCheckedOtherwiseOldest is checked the newest workflow is retrieved, otherwise the oldest one is retrieved.If the property skipWorkflowDefinitionKeyExactSearch is checked the workflow search by exact workflow definition key is skipped. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddObjectsToResult |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds key/value to RESULT context object. If RESULT doesn't exist a new HashMap is created. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
WorkflowActivityReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a workflow activity based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
StartNewWorkflowWithFullContext |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action to start a new workflow with the full context of the parent workflow |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
WfWorkflowReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a workflow activity based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
WfDefAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves workflows based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
PushWorkflow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Pushes a workflow, a given activity key and a given outcome. The action throws exceptions if the workflow is not waiting the the expected activities. These exception can be mapped to outcomes |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
WfWorkflowAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves workflows based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
WfDefReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a workflow definition based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
PushWorkflowById |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Pushes a workflow based on its ID, a given activity key and a given outcome. Throws a nullpoint exception if there is no workflow with this id. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TerminateWorkflow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Terminates the given workflow. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
GetNewestActiveWorkflowInstanceForSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Return, if any, the newest active workflow instance that belongs to a workflow definition with a key similar to the provided pattern key. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Workflow - Context
Action name |
GetObjectFromContextOrDefault |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the object is in the context if so return it else return default object (don't use null for default object) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsOptionalStringContextObjectEqualToValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if an optional String context object is equal to a specific String value.If the property ignoreCase is set to true the String comparison is done by ignoring the case.By default the property ignoreCase is set to false. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsObjectInContext |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the object is in the context |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsOptionalStringContextObjectNotBlank |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if an optional String context object is not blank |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddMultipleContextObjects |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds multiple objects to the workflow context. It overrides if an object already exists in a wokflow context with the same key.The context keys are configured on the properties and the objects are passed as arguments. The index on the property key name matches to the index on the argument name: e.q. object1 is added into context with key1 |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Workflow - Activity
Action name |
WaitUntilDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Waits until specific date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
PushWorkflowActivity |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Pushes a workkflow activity to a specific outcome |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Workflow - Hookpointresult
Action name |
CheckHookpointResult |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
If the hookpoint result is SUCCESS then true is returned, otherwise (FAILURE or other) false is returned instead. If the error code is in the list provided, true is returned. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddSuccessToHookpointResult |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddHookpointResultObjects |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds key/value to hookpoint result. Allows having objects in HOOKPOINT_RESULT |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddFailedToHookpointResult |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Add the RESULT = FAILED to the HOOKPOINT_RESULT along with error code and description |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ResetStartDateWithDelayOnProvisioningTask |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds the delayInMinutes property to start date on Provisioning Task. If no start date on task, adds delay from current date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CancelProvisioningTask |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Cancel the provisioning task. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetProvisioningRequestsByReference |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a List of ProvisioningRequest linked to a ProvisioningTask by reference field. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetResponseCodeFromProvisioningRequest |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves the Response Code from a ProvisioningRequest. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
NetworkOperatorReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Network Operator based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ProvisioningTaskAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves provisioning tasks based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateProvisioningTask |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Create a provisioning task of a specific type (CODE). The status of the new task will be "New". (the workflow instance can be added using "_activity.getWorkflow()") |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetProvisioningTaskList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will return a list of provisioning tasks based on the specified criteria. If any parameters are blank or null, they are skipped when generating the query to find the provisioning tasks. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetStatusOnProvisioningTask |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set Status for Processing on Provisioning Task. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ProvisioningTaskReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Provisioning Task based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ProvisioningRequestAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves provisioning requests based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UpdateProvisioningRequestStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set Status for Provisioning Request. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetProvisioningTaskICC |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the ICC on a provisioning task |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Fraud - Creditcheck
Action name |
PerformCreditCheck |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action performs a credit check on a user. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
PerformCreditCheckOnUser |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action performs a credit check on a user. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetBlacklistEntriesForSearchCriteria |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the blacklist entries. Use these optional context parameters:FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, STREET, STREET_NUMBER, STREET_UNIT, FLOOR, FLOOR_UNIT, CITY, ZIP, COUNTY, PERSONAL_ID, DATE_OF_BIRTH. If context object matching name of optional context parameters is found then it is used to build query criterionExtra lookup constraints can be added using the Extra Parameters. The extra parameters is a list of comma separated values.Standalone custom attributes column name can also be used. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateInternalBlackList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Create an internal blacklist. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetBlacklistReasons |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the blacklist reasons |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Fraud - Addresscheck
Action name |
PerformAddressCheck |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action performs an address check on a user. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetANumbersForNumberSearchLastDigits |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will retrieve the list of random anumbers ending with the pattern. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReleaseAnumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Release an Anumber. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsAnumberFree |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Given a phone number, checks if the related anumber is free. NOTE: Uses old logic by checking the network operator and the product. Action GetAnumberForBrand should be used instead. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetANumbersForNumberSearchRandom |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will retrieve the list of random phone numbers according to the group_id. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BookRessourceToService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Books a ressource to a given service |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateAnumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a new A-number in status open and active with the information provided. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetANumbersForNumberSearchExact |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will return the list of anumbers that are exact match of the pattern. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetAnumberStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets status on Anumber. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetAnumberReservToDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the reservToDate on Anumber. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AnumberReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an A-number based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AnumberAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves A-numbers based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReReserveAnumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Re-reserves an already reserved anumber, if the number is not in use and already reserved with the given id. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAnumberForBrand |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns an A-number for a given phone number and brand. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
AssignAnumberToService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets Anumber on Service (Only relevant for Service types with phone numbers.) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReserveRandomAnumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Reserves a random A-number in the given A-number group. If Service is null then Anumber reservation ID will be calculated on the fly. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReleaseAndSuspendAnumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Releases an Anumber with a possible suspend period |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ValidateAnumberReservation |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action validates that an a-number matches a reservation id, that the a-number has status not used and that the reservation has not expired. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetANumbersForNumberSearchPattern |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will retrieve the list of random anumbers that contain the pattern. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Number - Group
Action name |
GetAnumberGroupForMarketingTypeAndBrand |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the A-number group found for the given marketing type and brand. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetDefaultAnumberGroupForProductConfig |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the default A-number group for a given product config. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AnumberGroupReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an anumber group based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Payment
Action name |
GetAccountPaymentTypes |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get all account payment types. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetRechargeTicketForBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a rechargeTicket for a BillingGroup. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RechargeTicketAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves RechargeTickets based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountPaymentReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an account payment based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AcountPaymentSetCaptureMessage |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set capture message on AccountPayment |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountPaymentSetDoCapture |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Calls setDoCapture on a given account payment and saves it. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountPaymentSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Account Payment. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountPaymentTypeReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an account payment based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DeleteRechargeTicket |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Use the DeleteRechargeTicketUsingRemover action if available. This action deletes a recharge ticket from the system. A history line is created with information about the deleted recharge ticket. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetActiveRechargeTicket |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns an active recharge ticket for a given billing group. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountPaymentAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an account payment based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetPaymentTypes |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get all payment types. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountPaymentTypeAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves account payment types based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountPaymentSetAuthorized |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Calls setAuthorized on a given account payment and saves it. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountPaymentSetCaptureInfo |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set capture info on AccountPayment (For Dynamic setting of CaptureMessage use AcountPaymentSetCaptureMessage) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - InvoiceExportQueue
Action name |
InvoiceExportQueueSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute on an Invoice Export Queue |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Misc
Action name |
GetParameterValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves a string representation of a parameter value. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ShopOperatorAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves services based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateShopOperator |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Create a ShopOperator which serves to link an Operator to a Shop. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ShopAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves shops based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Billinggroup
Action name |
GetActiveBillingGroupMembers |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves the active members of the billing group |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetBillingGroupAlertGroupId |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set the alertGroupId on billing group. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillingGroupActiveSubscriptionCounter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Counts no. of active subscription on a billing group. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetBillingGroupAutoPaymentMaxAmount |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set the autoPaymentMaxAmount on billing group.(use SetBillingGroupAutoPaymentMaxAmountConfigurable if you want to Context for Amount) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
HardBlockAllTeleServicesOnBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action attempts to hard block all teleservices on a billinggroup. First it verifies if they can be blocked. It will then add a history record with the supplied historyLine string if specified. Leave it blank to ommit a history line. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetParentBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns The parent billing group |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillingGroupAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves billing groups based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
HasNonTerminatedSubscriptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if billing_group has any Non-Terminated Subscriptions (included future subscriptions IE billinggroupmember startdate in the future) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UnBlockAllTeleServicesOnBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action attempts to unblock all teleservices on a billinggroup. First it verifies if they can be unblocked. Unblock type depends on the type of blocking used (hardblocked or softblocked) It will then add a history record with the supplied historyLine string if specified. Leave it blank to ommit a history line. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SoftBlockAllTeleServicesOnBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action attempts to block all teleservices on a billinggroup. First it verifies if they can be blocked. It will then add a history record with the supplied historyLine string if specified. Leave it blank to ommit a history line. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetBillingGroupAutoPaymentMaxAmountConfigurable |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set the autoPaymentMaxAmount on billing group with Configurable Amount (IE From Context variable). |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CloneBillingGroupToAccount |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Clone a Billing Group from one account to another. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillingGroupSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Billing Group |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillingGroupReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Billing Group based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateBillingGroupForProductConfig |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a new billing group for the given product config, account and user. Save the billing group is optional, by default is true. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
HasOpenOrNonPaidInvoices |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Has Open or Non paid invoices |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Invoicebatch
Action name |
InvoiceBatchSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute on an Invoice Batch |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetDueDateIfInvoicedBillingGroupHasRechargeTicket |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Updates invoice due date for invoices where the related billing group has a recharge ticket |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateAndStoreInvoiceAndInvoiceSpecPDFForBatch |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Based on the provided parameters, this action will create a basic invoice PDF, and optionally an invoice specification PDF, for any invoice in a status prior to status 3 (Invoice Generated) that are part of the provided invoice batch. The generated PDFs are saved on the specified location. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Invoice
Action name |
PayInvoicesInBatchWithAccountPayments |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Marks all invoice on batch as paid |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
PublishInvoice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Publishes a given invoice. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAccountPaymentsForInvoice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Gets a list of account payments related to the invoice. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CloseInvoiceWithCurrentDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Calls closeWithDueDate on a given invoice with current date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InvoiceReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an invoice based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetOldestUnpaidInvoice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Finds and returns the oldest unpaid invoice if there are any |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InvoiceAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves invoices based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetInvoiceDueDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set the given due date to the invoice. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InvoiceSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Invoice |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InvoiceSetInvoiceScheduleId |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
set Invoice ScheduleId on invoice |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InvoiceCompareToLastStepId |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks Invoice lastStepId against string with comma-separated list of Id . (IE '50,55,58' may at collector) with true/false as default result for blank value |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetUnpaidInvoices |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Return a list of unpaid invoices for a given billing group. The number of days passes since the invoice due date can be selected. A remainder amount can also be set, invoices with unpaid amount less than the remainder will not be considered. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Charge
Action name |
CreateSingleChargeForSubscriptionWithInvoice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates and saves a Charge for a Subscription on a specific invoice. Adding the charge directly is optional, and if selected will create invoice detail lines directly.Adding description and amount is also optional, and if not specified, the amount and description will be default to the ones specified on the Charge Item fields. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateSingleChargeForBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates and saves a Charge for a Billing Group. Adding the charge directly is optional, and if selected will create invoice detail lines directly.Adding description and amount is also optional, and if not specified, the amount and description will be default to the ones specified on the Charge Item fields. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateSingleChargeForSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates and saves a Charge for a Subscription. Adding the charge directly is optional, and if selected will create invoice detail lines directly.Adding description and amount is also optional, and if not specified, the amount and description will be default to the ones specified on the Charge Item fields. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RoundAllInvoicesInBatch |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Rounds all invoices on an invoicebatch, to nearest whole number. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Payments
Action name |
PaymentLogAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves payment logs based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RechargeTicketReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Recharge Ticket based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
PaymentLogReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Payment Log based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RechargeTicketSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Recharge ticket |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetInNodeChargeByAccountPayment |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will return the In Node Charge associated with a given account payment. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UpdateInNodeChargeStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will update the status on an IN Node Charge. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Payments - Gateways
Action name |
PaymentGatewayDefReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a PaymentGatewayDef based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Unknown package
Action name |
GetMostProgressedActiveInvoiceFlow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
If no invoice flow is specified in the arguments, this action returns the active invoice flow, related to the given account, belonging to the specified invoice flow key, and that is farthest into the dunning process. If an invoice flow is specified in the arguments, then the definition key of this flow will be used for the search, and the flow itself will be ignored for the result. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetActiveInvoiceFlows |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action for extracting InvoiceFlows based on persistent object (Invoice or BillingGroup). If deepSearch parameter is selected and type of PersistentObject is BillingGroup - action returns all open InvoiceFlows from invoices that belong to this BillingGroup. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InvoiceFlowStepReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an invoice based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial
Action name |
GetPaymentReferenceFromBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will return an unique payment reference based on the billing group provided. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetInvoiceDetailLinesForBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retreives a list of invoice detail lines related to a billing group. startDate and endDate are both optional. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetInvoiceDetailLinesForSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retreives a list of invoice detail lines related to a subscription. startDate and endDate are both optional. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetInvoiceDetailLinesForCostCenter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retreives a list of invoice detail lines related to a cost center. startDate and endDate are both optional. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChargeItemAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves charge items based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChargeItemReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a ChargeItem based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
FilterInvoiceDetailLinesByBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action filters an list of invoice detail lines so only the ones related to the billing group are returned. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChargeReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Charge based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetInvoiceDetailLinesForInvoice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retreives a list of invoice detail lines related to an invoice. startDate and endDate are both optional. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InvoicePaymentAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves invoice payments based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InvoiceDetailLineAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves invoice detail lines based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Unknown package
Action name |
CostCenterMemberReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Cost center member based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CostCenterSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of CostCenter |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CostCenterAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves Cost Centers based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CostCenterMemberSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of CostCenter |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CostCenterReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Cost center based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Billing
Action name |
SetBillingGroupCreditDays |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the credit days on a billing group. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillingGroupRefundRequestSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of BillingGroupRefundRequest. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
MakeInvoicePaymentOnInvoicesInBatch |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Makes a payment on all invoice in a specific invoice batch, with an amount equal to the outstanding amount on the individual invoice. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetNewInvoice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action creates a new invoice for the supplied billing group. The type of invoice must be set as a property. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ManualDebitOrCredit |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action calls the function addManualDebitOrCredit on the provided set of parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillingGroupRefundRequestAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves billing group refund requests based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateBillingGroupRefundRequest |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Create a billing group refund request |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DoAccountPayment |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates an account payment and authorize payment. If successful authorization the PAYMENT_REFERENCE and PAYMENT_RESULT's are added to the hookpoint result. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DoAccountPaymentWithAmount |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates an account payment in status DO_AUTHORIZE, if the amount is null the amount will be taken from the invoice. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BuildAccountPaymentsForInvoicesOnBatch |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds a charge to all invoices on a batch if the specified CdrParameter name matches the given CdrParameter string value of the associated billinggroup. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
PayInvoicesOnBatch |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds a charge to a billing group. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillingGroupRefundRequestReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a BillingGroupRefundRequest based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RejectBillingGroupRefundRequest |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Rejects a billing group refund request. Set the status to 9 (REJECTED) and the refund result to the provided string. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
AddChargeToBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds a charge to a billing group. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetListOfServicesInStatusFromSubscriptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns a list of services in certain statuses. This action takes a list of Subscriptions and a list of StatusService as arguments. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Unknown package
Action name |
PaymentMethodReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Payment Method entity based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Rating
Action name |
GetPlanElementForRatePlanByDynamicFeeCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a planElement in the FEES number plan and based on a fee code |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetRatePlansByProduct |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves rate plans for a product. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RatePlanAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves rate plans based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetPlanElementForRatePlan |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a planElement in the FEES number plan and based on a fee code |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetActiveRatePlanForSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves the currently active rate plan for a subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
GetPlanElement |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a planElement based on a fee code |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RatePlanReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a RatePlan based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Rating - Simulate
Action name |
BillingRecordBuilder |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Builds a billing record based of a rating code, rating key, volume and duration. The new Billing Record will not be persisted. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RatingSimulator |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Simulates the rating of a Billing Record. The Billing Record could be of type BillingRecordSimulated. After rating all changes are rolled back. The result is list of Invoice Detail Lines |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CalculateInvoiceDetailLinesTotalChargeSum |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Calculates the Sum to the total charge for a list of Invoice Detail Lines Wrappers. The action will throw an ActionParameterException if the parameter throwExceptionIfAllLinesIgnored is set to true, and all lines passed in is ignored. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Provisioning
Action name |
ProvisioningTaskSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Subscription |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - TodoTask
Action name |
CreateTodoTaskAdvanced |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a TodoTask based on configurable properties. CreationDate, ScheduledEndTime, TimestampAlert are set to current date if passed as null |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
CreateTodoTaskDynamic |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a TodoTask based on configurable properties |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
CreateTodoTask |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This class is deprecated. Use CreateTodoTaskDynamic instead. Old description: Creates a TodoTask based on configurable properties |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Billingcycle
Action name |
BillingCycleReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Billing Cycle based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetBillingCycle |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set the billing cycle |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetEndOfBillingCycleDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a date representing the last day of the current billing cycle for the given billing group. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BillingCycleAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves billing cycles based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Lettershop
Action name |
LetterSender |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sends letter for the given letter_key and brandId. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - SubscriptionFees
Action name |
AddFee |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds a subscription fee to a subscription for a given plan element preffix and code. By default the start date is not charged. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsBalanceGreatherThanFeePrice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Check if the billing group balance is equal or greater than the price of the given fee and rate plan. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionFeesReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Gets a subscription fee. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddFeeFromServiceCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds a subscription fee to a subscription for a given plan element preffix defined by a service code and a price code./nBy default the start date is not charged. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
AddSubscriptionFee |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Add a subscription fee to a subscription for a given plan element preffix and code. By default the start date is not charged. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionFeesAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves subscription fees based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionFeesEndDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the subscription fee end date and saves the subscriptionfee. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateSubscriptionFee |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a subscription fee to a subscription for a given plan element prefix and code. The subscription fee is not persisted |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChargeFee |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds a subscription fee to a subscription for a given plan element preffix and code, if the property is not set the fee code value from the parameter will be used. By default the start date is not charged. The fee is billed after its creation. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionFeesSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Subscription Fees |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Product - Vouchers
Action name |
VoucherBatchBrandReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Voucher Batch Brand based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
VoucherBatchBrandAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves voucher batch brands based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Product - RatePlanChange
Action name |
CompleteRatePlanChange |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action completes the rateplan change by subscribing to the default and mandatory options. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RatePlanChangeSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of RatePlanChange |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Product
Action name |
GetDeviceParameterValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the value of a given device parameter or throws a NullValueException if none is found. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IpAddressReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an IP Address based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetDeviceParameterValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action updates a device parameter value if it's found, otherwise it will be created. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RatePlanChangeAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves RatePlanChange based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SimcardOrdersReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a sim card order based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DeviceTypeParameterReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a device type parameter based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DeviceCanUseOn |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Calls CanUseOn on a given device with a given service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetDeviceFromParameterValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Locates a device with a given parameter name and value. If no device is found, it throws an ActionParameterException. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - AccessPermisions
Action name |
OperatorPasswordChange |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Change password on operator |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OperatorsAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves services based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Rateplan
Action name |
GetRatePlanAvailableOptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Gets the list of the rate plan's available options optionally filtered by option key prefix |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Status
Action name |
StatusReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Status object based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
StatusAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves statuses based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
StatusTypesReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Status Types object based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Main
Action name |
GetBillingGroupsFromSubscriptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
For each active member (BillingGroupMember), of the given subscriptions, it will read the associated BillingGroup and add it in the result (List of BillingGroups) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionTerminationRequestExpectedDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the expected termination date on a SubscriptionTerminationRequest. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetBillingGroupCurrencyCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the currency code on the billing group. The billing group is saved. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TerminateSharedServiceIfNoTeleservices |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action iterates through all services and subscriptions for the billing group, and if all teleservices are terminated, it attempts to terminate all shared services attached. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetBillingGroupsByUserID |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will return an arraylist of billing groups that a given userID is the owner of. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Dunning
Action name |
IsBillingGroupInDunning |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if Billing group is in dunning or not |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ProductConfigReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Product Config based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
MakeSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a new subscription, and a service, for a given product on a given account, billing group and user. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RemoveSharedServiceMemberEndDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action removes the end date of a sharedServiceMember. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ProductConfigAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves product configurations based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ProductReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Product Definition based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ProductAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves products based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateCdmaPhoneForMeid |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action creates a CdmaPhone based on the supplied MEID. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RatePlanChangeAddOptionChanges |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds the service option from the rate plan change |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckProductServiceClassCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks the products service class code. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
FilterProductConfigsByShop |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action filters an existing list of product configurations so only the ones set up for the shop is returned. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InstallationSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Installation |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChangeAnumberGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the group on an A-number and saves it. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RatePlanChangeReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Subscription based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AnumberSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Anumber |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReserveCdmaPhoneForService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action reserves a CdmaPhone for a service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
InstallationReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Subscription based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Option
Action name |
SetServiceOptionParameterValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Updates a service option parameter value. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RemoveListOfServiceOptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Removes all service options in a list |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscribeToProductOptionsAsContext |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Subscribes to a list of options passed as a list of contexts containing the ID ot the OPTION_KEY of the option and each option contextmay contain a sub-list of contexts with the key PRODUCT_OPTION_PARAMETERS. Each one of the product option parameters then need tocontain a KEY and a VALUE field. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RemoveOptionNoUnsubscribeMethod |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Removes a service option without calling its on_unsubscribe_method. That can be used only for specific cases the unsubscribing logic is not needed, other the service option unsubscribe method should be used |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
RemovePendingTerminationOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Removes a pending termination option |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UnsubscribeToOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
If there is a dynamic optionkey parameter, it will override the optionkey property unless it is null. If neither option key or dynamic option key is set an Action Parameter Exception is thrown. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetServiceOptionEndDateRestOfMonth |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the end date of the option. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetEndDateOnServiceOptionList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the service_option's and suboptions' end_date to a specific date from a list of options retrieved from the context |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ConvertOptionsToContextObjects |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Converts a list of option price element to context objects |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetServiceOptionStartDateToNextMonth |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the service option's and its suboptions' startDate to the first day of next month |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetOptionsForProductAndRatePlan |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns all the Product Option available at sign-up for a given rate plan and price plan. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OptionStatusChangeActionCheck |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Compare the action used in option status_change workflow to a predefined action value |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetServiceOptionEndDateToSpecificDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the service_option's and suboptions' end_date to a specific date retrieved from the context |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSiblingServiceOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get the sibling service option of a specific service option if that exists |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscribeDependingOptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Subscribes to depending options. Unlike the similar WfComponent it can also subscribe to sub-options. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetServiceOptionRecurrentFee |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves the recurrent fee of the service option |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetServiceOptionEndDateToStartDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the service option's and its suboptions' endDate to the service option's startDate |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
HasSubscribedProductOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if a product option with a given code is subscribed or initial. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetLowestSubscribedOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the option that the service is subscriped to. If none is found, the action will look through the suboptions. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetServiceOptionsByCriteria |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns a list of service option for a service matching the given criteria. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetServiceOptionForParameterWithSpecifiedObjectReference |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns a serviceOption for parameter with matching obejct reference. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetServiceOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action to retrieve a service option based on the option key. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ExistsActiveCampaignForEqualOrHigherPackage |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if there is campaign for equal or higher package option |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetOptionsPrice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns a map of product option id and the related price for the given subscription and product options list. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
HasSiblingOptionLowerPackageWeight |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the sibling option has lower package_weight than the current option |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetServiceOptionStartDateToSpecificDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the service option's and its suboptions' startDate to the specified date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ValidateOptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action validates that options are available according to product config. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UnsubscribeToOptionStandardComplete |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Unsubscribes an option from the service's cached options list and completes the service's cached options using the standard way. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OptionPriceElementReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an option price element based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetOptionsPricesElementsForProductAndRatePlanAsContext |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns all the Option Price Elements available at sign-up for a given rate plan and product. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscribeToProductOptionForParameterInput |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Subscribes to a product option for a given service and product option evaluated by input parameter |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetOptionMetaData |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the meta data on an option based on the Option and the Metadata name. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OptionAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves options based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
LinkServiceOptionWithSubscriptionCampaign |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set SubscriptionCampaign Id on Service Option |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RemoveServiceOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Removes the service option |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscribeToProductOptionDynamicOptionKey |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Subscribes to a product option for a given service and product option key |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetOptionsPricesElementsForProductAndRatePlan |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns all the Option Price Elements available at sign-up for a given rate plan and price plan. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetServiceOptionParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns a serviceOptionParameter with the specified parameterKey. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetProductOptionsFromService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns all the product options subscribed to be the given service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetOptionPriceElementsForProductRatePlanAndCategory |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns all the Option Price Elements available at sign-up for a given rate plan, product and category. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CompareSubscribedProductOptionParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if a product option with a given code is subscribed or initial. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UnsubscribeOptionsWithCampaigns |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Unsubscribes to options with campaigns (and only options with a campaign) for a given service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsOptionInExclusiveGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if option belongs to an exclusive group |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetTotalPriceForOptionChange |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Compares the two list and returns the total price of the change |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OptionReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an option based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetLowestSubscribedServiceOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the service option from the lowest child of the option hierachy matching the given main product option, and that the service is subscribed to. The action looks through the suboptions and retrieves the lowest level subscribed service option. Optionally the parameter checkIfActiveOnDateNow can be set to perform a check against the start and end date of the service option, to see if the servic eoption is marked as active right now. Another parameter, checkForActiveStatus, can also be set to include a check for the service option status being active. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscribeToProductOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Subscribes to a product option for a given service and product option. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ValidateOptionsRateplan |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action validates that the list of options passed as a parameter are available according to product config. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Option - Metadata
Action name |
GetOptionMetaDataValueMandatory |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the value of a specific product option meta data of a product option searched by meta data name. If the product option meta data is missing or if the meta data value is empty, it throws an exception |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Option - Parameter
Action name |
ProductOptionParameterReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Product Option Parameter based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Service
Action name |
AssignCdmaPhoneToService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action assigns a cdmaPhone to a service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ServiceAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves services based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReleaseCdmaPhone |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action releases the CdmaPhone assigned to the service, if a CdmaPhone exists. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ServiceReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a service based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CanBlockService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if a service can be blocked. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Service - Option
Action name |
ServiceOptionAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves service options based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetServiceOptionStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets the service option status |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
FilterServiceOptionsWithMetaData |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Filters a service option list using the condition that options should have a specific metadata |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ServiceOptionSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of a service option |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetServiceOptionFromOptionMetaData |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Search in the list of meta data records linked to the Option, if the service provided is subscribed to a product option key that is in the list then the service option is returned. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SwitchServiceOptionsAction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Unsubscribes a current service option and subscribes to a new option. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ServiceOptionReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a service option based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Service - Option - Parameter
Action name |
ServiceOptionParameterSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Service Option Parameter |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ServiceOptionParameterReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Service Option Parameter based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Service - Fixed
Action name |
SetPhoneNumberOnFixedLineService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the provided phone number on a fixed line service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Service - Tele
Action name |
TeleServicePhoneNumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets a phone number on a Tele service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DisconnectOldSimCards |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action disconnect any old SIMcards related to this TeleService (where TeleService.imsi not like SimCard.imsi ). |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UnBlockTeleService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This unblocks a service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Service - Shared
Action name |
GetNonTerminatedSharedServiceMember |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the direct member to a shared service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAllNonTerminatedSharedServiceMembers |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a list of all non-terminated (active and cancellation pending) members of a shared service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Voucher
Action name |
VoucherSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Voucher. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetVouchers |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns a list of vouchers |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChargeVoucherToSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Charge a voucher to a subscription |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
VoucherReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Voucher based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
VoucherBatchReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Voucher based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
AssignVoucherToSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Assign a voucher to a subscription |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetVoucherKeyword |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Updates a Voucher with a given keyword. Persisting is optional. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateNewVoucher |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
To be used when a new voucher needs to be created. The keyword which is generated is an alphanumeric code.The length of this code is specified by the property numberOfCharacters. A voucherBatch needs to be passed to this action. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
VoucherAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a voucher based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateVoucher |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a new voucher with the specified number of alphanumeric characters for the keyword, voucher code, price code and amount. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AssignVoucher |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Assign a voucher to a subscription |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - Account
Action name |
AccountIsNewSignupAllowed |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action check if it is allowed to add a new subscription to an account |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RemoveAccountWarning |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action removes a warning from an account. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckIfAccountInState |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if an account is in one of the given states. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddWorkflowToAccount |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action associates a subscription with a workflow by setting the subscription ID on the WfWorkflow. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAccountWarning |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves an account warning from an account. If no accountWarning with the given key exists, then null is returned. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
HasAccountSubscribedProductOption |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if a product option with a given code is subscribed or initial. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Account |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddAccountWarning |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action adds a warning to an account. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChangeAccountStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Will change the Account status |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an Account based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckIfAccountIsClosed |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if an account is closed. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AccountAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves accounts based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - Subscription
Action name |
TransferSubscriptionToAccount |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Transfer the instance of the Subscription to another Account on a specific Billing Group. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a new Subscription based on the provided Product Config. The subscription is not saved. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsSubscriptionActive |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the subscription is active |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckSubscriptionStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the subscription is in a specific status |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves subscriptions based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionsUserOwnesFromBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
For each active member of the given BillingGroup, it will read the subscription and, IF IT IS ONWED by the given User, add it in the result list |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckIfSubscriptionInState |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if a subscription is in given states. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionUsageForPeriod |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns all usage for the supplied subscription in a given period. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionFromService |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get subscription from the specified service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetActiveBillingGroupOfSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves the active billing group of the subscription |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddWorkflow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action associates a subscription with a workflow by setting the subscription ID on the workflow. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionsForCostCenterOwner |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Computes all Subscriptions available for a cost center owner. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateSubscriptionTerminationRequest |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action assembles subscription termination details in a termination request. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReactivateAllChildSubscriptionsInList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action reactivates all child subscriptions. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReactivateSubscriptionCore |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action reactivates a subscription by setting the end date to null and the status to active. The Subscription Termination is also deactivated. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionsFromBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
For each active member of the given BillingGroup, it will read the subscription and add it in the result list |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionSalesDetails |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets a sales rep and a sales store on a subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CanReactivateSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the subscription can be reactivated. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetAlertGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
An action to set the alert group on a subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a Subscription based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Subscription |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionEndDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the subscription end date and saves the subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ActivateSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action activates a subscription in Rator. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionsThatBelongsToBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
From the given List of Subscriptions, it will extract only those that belongs to the given BillingGroup (id) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChangeRatePlan |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action schedules a rateplan change. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
SetOwner |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the owner of a subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReactivateSubscriptionByWorkflow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Invokes the standard subscription reactivation (that normally starts a workflow. - Can be overriden by customization) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DeepSave |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action deep-saves a subscription in Rator. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TerminateAllChildSubscriptionsInList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action terminates child subscriptions with same details as the parent subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionToTerminated |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets a subscription to terminated. If there is no termination process already started a subscriptionTerminationRequest is passed in order to do an instant termination of the subscription without starting a termination workflow.If a subscriptionTerminationRequest is passed as argument the subscription endDate is set to the expectedTerminationDate of the subscriptionTerminationRequest.If a termination process is already started for the subscription no subscriptionTerminationRequest is passed as argument. In this case the subscription endDate is set to the current date if that is not already set and the existing active SUBSCRIPTION_TERMINATION record is deactivated. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
ReactivateSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action reactivates a subscription by setting the end date to null and the status to active. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionTransferToWithParent |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action calls the function transferTo with the provided parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAllChildSubscriptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
The child subscriptions are retrieved based on a given subscriptions. If status is provided then all child subscriptions with that status for a given subscription are returned. For e.g. 1,2 or 1 |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckIfParentSubscriptionIsInState |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if a parent subscription is in a given state. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionTransferTo |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action calls the function transferTo with the provided parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAllActiveWorkflowsForSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns all active workflows for a subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TerminateAllChildSubscriptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action terminates child subscriptions with same details as the parent subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChangeSubscriptionStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets and saves the Subscription status |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionBundlesForSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get subscription bundles from the specified subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReactivateAllChildSubscriptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action reactivates all child subscriptions. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionContext |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a Context object from the given Subscription |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TerminateSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action terminates a subscription, and child subscriptions if selected, using either new or old termination logic dependent on the parameter GUI.FEATURES.SUBSCRIPTION.USE_NEW_TERMINATION. - THIS ACTION DO NOT ALWAYS SET SUBSCRIPTION END-DATE AND STATUS - Depending on core version and the parameter above. But it is always possible to accomplish that in the workflow. (For core 8.18+ the action TerminateSubscriptionCore can be used. Using this TerminateSubscription action, setting the subscription end date and status, and what else is needed, is entirely left to the workflow.) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionHasServiceCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Determines whether or not the transfer of a subscription to another account is approved. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - Subscription - Lockin
Action name |
SetSubscriptionLockinEndDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action updates subscription lock-in's end date and saves it. It updates only if a lockin exists. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionLockinTypeAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves subscription lockin types based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionLockinAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves subscription lockins based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
HasSubscriptionLockin |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if a subscription has a lock-in. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionLockinReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a subscription lockin based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetStartDateOnSubscriptionLockin |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set start date on subscription lockin and optionally save it after change. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AdjustSubscriptionLockinPeriodFromStartDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adjust the start and end dates on a subscription lockin and optionally save it after the adjustment. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionLockinTypeReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a subscription lockin type based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionLockinTypes |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves all subscription lock-in types. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAllSubscriptionLockins |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves all subscription lock-ins for a given subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetLockinEndDateForLockinWithLeastEndDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action updates lockin_end_date of the subscription_lockin with least lockin_end_date and saves it. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateNewSubscriptionLockin |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action creates a new subscription lock-in and saves it. If the subscription already has a lock-in, start date will be the day after the last binding period. If no existing lock-in, start date is current date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetEndDateOnSubscriptionLockin |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set end date on subscription lockin and optionally save it after change. Main difference between this and similar action com.cdrator.main.subscription.lockin.action.SetSubscriptionLockinEndDate is that this action takes subscription lockin as a parameter and not a subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
ProductMakeSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action creates a subscription based on the supplied product configuration, account and billing group. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - Alert
Action name |
AlertGroupReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an AlertGroup based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AlertGroupAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves alert groups based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - Subscriptiontermination
Action name |
SubscriptionTerminationSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Subscription Termination |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionTerminationAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves SubscriptionTermination object based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DeactivateSubscriptionTermination |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action deactivates a subscription termination. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionTerminationReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a SubscriptionTermination object based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - Operator
Action name |
OperatorHookpointBlockRevoke |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if the block of a hookpoint access has been revoked. As default all hookpoints have been blocked, but the block can be removed via the Operator Access. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OperatorTypeAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrievesoperator types based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OperatorTypeReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an operator type based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OperatorReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an Operator based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OperatorAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves operators based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
OperatorAuthentication |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action authenticates the operator based on the username and password provided. If username or password are null or empty, null is returned. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsOperatorAccessRevoked |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action check if operatorstype has a specific access revoked. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - Service
Action name |
GetServicesForAccountAndProduct |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Return a list of services belonging to the account, with the a specific product code and with the status selected. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
StartSimChange |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Starts the SIM Change Process for the given TeleService using the provided SimcardChangeRequest object |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetServiceCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Return the code of the service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckServiceStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if the service is in a specific status |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CompleteCachedOptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Complete cached options on service |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetServiceFromPhoneNumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action gets an active service from the phone number and optionally the brand. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetServiceOptionParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action gets a service option parameter given an option key and a parameter key. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChangeDevice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action assigns a device to a given service. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ServiceSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Service |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ChangeServiceStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets and saves the Service status. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - Address
Action name |
AddressReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an Address based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - User - Login
Action name |
LoginUserWithAttemptsCount |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Attempts to login the user based on a password and the Users object. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - User
Action name |
GetUserByPhoneNumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the user with a given phone number if one exists. SysException is thrown if more than one user object exists with the phone number. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckUsernameAvailability |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if a given username is available. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetNewPassword |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action changes the password of a user. If password is blank, a password will be generated. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetOwnersAndBillingAddressUsersForBillingGroups |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
For the given List of BillingGroups, a List of Users, representing the owners and billing address users, will be created and returned |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetUserAccessLevel |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns an integer value representing the access level of the user. 40= Account owner, 30=CostCenter owner, 20=BillingGroup owner, 10= SubscriptionOwner, 0=Not owner of anything. This action will return only the highest single value. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetUsersByPersonalID |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns a list of users with a given PersonalID and personalTypeId |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetOwnersFromSubscriptions |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
For the given List of Subscriptions, a List of Users, representing the owners, will be created and returned |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetUserAsAccountOwner |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the user as account owner. Both user and account is saved. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetPersonalIDHash |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action adds a PersonalID entry for a User. The input parameter must already be hashed/encrypted if so desired. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
PersonalIDSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of PersonalID |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetUserByUsername |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the user with a given username if one exists. SysException is thrown if more than one user object exists with the username. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetUserByEmailAddress |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the user with a given email address if one exists. SysException is thrown if more than one user object exists with the email address. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UserAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves users based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckUserPassword |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Check if the given password matches against the password of the user |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAddress |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action to create and save a new Address object based on the address information of the user passed as argument. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetUsersByPersonalIDHash |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns the user with a given PersonalID if one exists.This activity REQUIRES database access to SYS.DBMS_CRYPTO and the function get_hash_val. Both of these can be obtained by importing the scripts located at\-5401 |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UserSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of User |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetUserAccessLevelString |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a String value representing the access level of the user:{40=ACCOUNT_OWNER, 30=COST_CENTER_OWNER, 20=BILLING_GROUP_OWNER, 10=SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER, null=Not owner of anything}. This action will return only the highest single value. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UserReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a User based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - User - Profile
Action name |
GetUserProfileAsContextObject |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a Context object for the given USER (based on the USER.access_level), containing ROLE, ACCOUNT_CONTEXT and AVAILABLE_USERS_CONTEXT (as Context objects) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - History
Action name |
DynamicHistoryWithVariables |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a history record for a specific account based on provided parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetHistoryRecordsByType |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a list of History records based on the given: type, objectId, fromDate and toDate. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
CreateHistoryRecord |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a history record. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DynamicHistoryByMap |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
NOTE: It must be in-process together with the activity that puts the variables map into the context. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DynamicHistory |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a history record for a specific account based on provided parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - File
Action name |
SaveStringToFile |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Write the content of the parameter archive to the local file specified in file path. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetBase64EncodedDoc |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Encode the doc archive in base64 |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Amount
Action name |
TruncateAmount |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Truncates an Amount object with a specific number of digits after the floating point |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAmountFromDouble |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an Amount object having the argument's double value |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAmountFromString |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an Amount object having the argument's String value |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAmountFromLong |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an Amount object having the argument's long value |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetHashedValueFromString |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a hashed string based on the input given and the chosen hash type. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RemoveDuplicatesIdsFromPersistentObjectsList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Computes a List of PersistentObjects having unique IDs. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ThrowNewUserMessageSysExceptionAction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Will throw an exception with a user defined message. Use this action to manually throw an exception to force a rollback while also specifying an error message to the end user, e.g. in the SOAP response instead of displaying BUSINESS_ERROR. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GeneratePDFAction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Generates a PDF specification based on the specified type. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetStatusTypesFor |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves the statuses for a given status type code. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
Throttle |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Throttles a process |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GenerateUniqueId |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action generates a unique ID using database sys packaged's nextoid function |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
LuhnAlgorithmValidation |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks the input string as per Luhn's algorithm |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateNewArrayList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
create a new array list |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSingleValueFromDB |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves a single value from the database. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateLongDescriptionElementsList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a list of LongDescriptionElements of a maximum of 3 elements. An existing list can be provided so that up to 3 more elements can be appended.For each element it is possible to configure if it should be highlighted and/or marked as alert... |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ReplaceObjectInArrayList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
set the object in given index of the list |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetArtifactVersion |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get release version of the package of a given artifact |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetNextElementOnList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves the next element on a given list. Note: also removes the element from the original list.This is to make this action usable as an iteration starting point. Configure outcomes as needed.return value of null means no more elements. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ThrowNewWorkflowExceptionAction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Finalizes logistics file. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsStringInDelimitedString |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns true if a given string val is in the comma separated string values. Remark: Both strings are trimmed before comparison to avoid unintended results. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddPersistentObjectToList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Add a PersistentObject to list. Action can be configured to accept or not accept POs with the same ID. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
FormatString |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Format a string. Uses standard String.format |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SimpleReturn |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the argument object |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
CreateCdrParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action creates a new cdrparameter based on the given code. The description, value and object, will be set based on the given information. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Deprecated |
This action is deprecated and therefore should not be used. |
Action name |
UpdatePersistentObject |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action updates a persistent object by calling a method on it with one or more parameters. The persistent object is saved afterwards. Example: PersistentObject=USERS, method="setAccount", params=ACCOUNT result: USERS.setAccount(ACCOUNT);; |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetInstanceFromDB |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves a persistentObject from the database. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GenerateXMLFromPO |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action generates a XML document based on the given XMLDocumentDefinition and Persistant object. The resulting XML is placed in the provided dirName with the provided name+timestamp |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateUsagePDFAndCreateTempFile |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Generates a PDF specification based on the specified type. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsMaxTryReached |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Action to increase counter and check if the max try has been reached. The counter is put in context again after increased. If maxTry is provided in parameter, it will be used, otherwise the property max Try is used. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
PrintToFile |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetParameterTreeValues |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action retrieves all parameter values for a given node path and brand. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ConvertObjectToContextStructure |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action maps any object into a structure of type {@link}. All the fields declared by the Class of the object, including public, protected, default (package) access, and private fields, are resolved. However, on an important note: Inherited fields are excluded. The keys in this Context structure are the actual field names. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetCdrParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action adds a new cdrparameter based on the given objects and text string. Throws NullPointerException if both the cdrParameter and the parameter definition does not exist in the database. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddHookpointResult |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds key/value to hookpoint result. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddObjectToArrayList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
add an object to list |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Xml
Action name |
AddXmlElement |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds child element to the provided XML element. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Pdf
Action name |
DynamicPDFByHashmap |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Add a hashmap of value pairs to a pdf template.The values pairs must have a key start with either "LABEL_" or "IMAGE_" to be replaced, and must be either Strings or Images. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Unknown package
Action name |
SimpleGenericReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a unique or list of any persistent objects based on the constraints and operators from the properties and parameters.Type of persisten object should be provided in objectClass property. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SingleValueReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Reads a single value from a persistent object. Column name must be specified. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - String
Action name |
CreateListOfStringsFromDelimitedText |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates a List of strings from a delimited text |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsStringBlank |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if a string value is blank(null/empty) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Number
Action name |
FormatNumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Formats a number using a specified pattern and locale.The type of the number can be either any numeric primitive like int,long,float,double or any numeric wrapper class like Integer,Long,Float,Double(any subclass of java.lang.Number).The numeric primitive type is converted automatically into a numeric wrapper type.The pattern is mandatory.The languageCode is optional, if not provided the default locale is used. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Csv
Action name |
CreateInvoiceDetailLineCSVFile |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action will create a CSV file based on invoice detail line information related to the given invoice. The invoice detail line columns can be specified in the parameter tree value 'INVOICE.CSV.COLUMNS'. If this parameter is not set up in the tree, then a default set of invoice detail line columns is used. The filePath parameter specifies the location of the file, and the simpleDateFormat parameter is used in the creation of the file name. If not set, the default form of 'yyyyMMddHHmmss' is used. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Image
Action name |
GetImage |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Loads an image from a specific path given as parameter or context object |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Collection
Action name |
IsCollectionNullOrEmpty |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Checks if a collection is null or empty |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Parameter
Action name |
UpdateCreateCdrParameter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action updates a cdr parameter, if the cdr parameter doesn't exist it will create a new one. The value, name and object will be set based on the given information. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CdrParameterReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a CDR Parameter based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetParameterValueOfType |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves the value of the requested parameter as the kind of object that the parameter value type is set to (String, Number, Date).If the parameterValueMandatory property is checked and the parameter value is not configured or is empty the action throws a MissingMandatoryParameterValueException |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Date
Action name |
DateComparator |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Compares two given dates for one of these actions: AFTER, BEFORE, or EQUALS. Date1 is compared against date2 with the action (e.g. date1 after date2).If the ignoreTime action property is checked (true) the time is ignored on the dates comparison.That means two dates are equal if they represent the same caledar day no matter what time they contain. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetFormattedCalendarField |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the string representation of the calendar field value in the given style and locale. Parameters requrired: dateField - the calendar field for which the string representation is returned (Calendar.MONTH ...); date - The source date; locale - The locale used for formatting. (no ...); dateStyle - The locale used for formatting.(Calendar.SHORT, Calendar.LONG). |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetEndOfMonthDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action returns a calendar representing the last day of the current month. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetFirstDayOfMonth |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get the first day of the month of the supplied date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DateStaticAdder |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds day, hours, minutes, and second to the given date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetDateFromDateFormatString |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
An action to create a date object from date in java simple date format. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetLastDayOfMonth |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get the last day of the month of the supplied date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetNextWorkingDay |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get the next working day if the supplied date is a holiday |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DateChanger |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Changes values on a given date, al values are given as numbers where e.g. Month=1 sets the date to January. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetFirstDayOfNextMonth |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get the first day of the next month from the supplied date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetValueOfCalendarFieldFromDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action uses standard Calendar.get(int field) to retrieve a value of a calendar field.A field can be one of predefined values found in Calendar class. Few examples for field parameter: java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR or For complete list of fields see |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
FormatDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Turns a given date into a string using a specified format. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetDateDynamic |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
An action to retrieve the current or modified date. /nAny parameter can be provided with 0 and will then not be modified./nIf 'date' is null it will take the current date. /nTo retrieve the current date, set date = null and all parameters = 0. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetDaysCountBetweenTwoDates |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Get the number of days between two supplied dates |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
An action to retrieve the current or a future date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Correspondence - Email
Action name |
GetBrokerOperatorEmail |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Returns the email of the current brokers operator. Empty String is returned if the operator has no email |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Correspondence - Archive
Action name |
SaveDocArchiveFile |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
If property FilePath is set, it will override the FilePath parameter. Throws ActionParameterException if neither is specified |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DocArchiveAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves document archives based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetDocArchiveList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a list of DocArchieves with given account, subscription, code, type, create date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SaveToDocArchive |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Adds records to DOC_ARCHIVE table |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DocArchiveReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a DocArchive entity based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionsForSalesStoreEstablishedBetween |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Finds subscriptions with a specific sales store established between two dates |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckShopUsernameAvailability |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action checks if a given shop user name is available. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetShopParentId |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
This action sets the parent id of a shop and saves it. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ShopOrderSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of ShopOrder |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ShopReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves a shop based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ConnectShopToOperator |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Create a ShopOperator which serves to link an Operator to a Shop. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DisconnectShopFromOperator |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Removed the ShopOperator which serves to link an Operator to a Shop. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CheckIfPersisted |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Check if an object is persisted |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateNpStep |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Creates and persists a NpStep instance. If code is missing generic NpStep instance is created |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
NpFlowReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves an NP flow based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
NpFlowAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves NP flows based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UpdateNpFlowSignupDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Update NP flow signup date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetNpPortDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set NP port date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetRejectCodeOnNpFlow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set Reject Code and Comment On an Np Flow object. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UpdateNpFlowCaseStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Update NP flow case and status ID. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
LookupActiveNpFlow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Looks for an active NP Flow of a given phone number and (optionally) brand (via the subscription). |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetRejectCodeOnExportFlow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Set Reject Code and Comment On an Np Export Flow object. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TeleOperatorReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrievse a tele operator based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UpdateNpFlowStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Update NP flow case and status ID. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SaveNpFlow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets some initial values on np flow. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
NpFlowSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of NP Flow |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
LookupActiveNpFlowBySubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Looks for an active NP Flow for a given subscription. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TeleOperatorAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Retrieves tele operators based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Np - Range
Action name |
CheckOverlappingRange |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.7 |
Description |
Check if the ranges are overlapping |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateDevice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Create a new device with given service, imei.If createDate is not provided, current Date will be used. An additional Device parameter can be added. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Unknown package
Action name |
MessageDigestDynamic |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Digest a string with a dynamically configurable hashing algorithm. If no algorithm is specified, the parameter GUI.CUSTOMERCARE.OPTIONS.PASSWORD_DIGEST_ALGORITHM will be checked.If the parameter is not present, the algorithm ultimately defaults to SHA-256 |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
MessageDigest |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Digest a string with a configurable hashing algorithm. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSimcardOrderInSeparateTransaction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Get a Simcard Order from the database in a separate transaction |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UnsubscribeCampaignToDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Unsubscribes a campaign to a specific end date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ActivateSubscriptionCampaigns |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Activate all subscription campaigns in initial status on the given subscription. To filter which subscription campaigns to activate you can provide optional list of campaigns otherwise all will be activated. If start date is specified then it will overwrite default one which is now. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ExpireSubscriptionCampaignNow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Expires the Subscription Campaign using the core logic. Default core logic will only changes the status of the Subscription Campaign to expired. End date will not be changed. Gives UnableToExpireCampaignException if the campaign could not be expired. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AssignCampaignNow |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Assign a campaign to a subscription with current date as assigning date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Campaign - Bundle
Action name |
CreateBundleTypeSummary |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Returns a list of bundle type summaries of type Context. One bundle type summary is created for each bundle code in the provided subscription bundle list |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Workflow - Context
Action name |
RemoveMultipleContextObjects |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Removes the context objects whose keys are in the delimited list argument |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ContextKeyNameChanger |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Modifies the key names in a context object based on a character to be replaced and adds them back with the new names. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RemoveContextObject |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Removes an object from context using its key |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Rating
Action name |
GetChargeItemFromPlanElement |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Retrieves the charge item from a given plan element on a specific date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetChargeItemForServiceCodeAndPriceCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Retrieves a charge item for a rate plan, service code and price code |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - SubscriptionFees
Action name |
AddOneTimeFee |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Creates a one time fee for a subscription, fee plan element code and create date. If the create date is null the current date is used.If the fee is created/persisted and if the fee's plan element is ONCE a SUBSCRIPTION_ONETIME_FEE entry is created.If the fee is not created the action returns null. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - User
Action name |
GetUserInSeparateTransaction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Get a user from the database in a separate transaction |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Correspondence - Sms
Action name |
CreateSmsMessage |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.15 |
Description |
Action to create an SMS message and persist in database. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
TranslateTextUsingGivenLanguage |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
Translates the given text using the provided language code. Its possible to insert parameters into the translated text, but a parameter list is not required. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ExpireSubscriptionCampaignMember |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionCampaignOwner |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
Returns the subscription that owns the given subscription campaign. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionCampaignMembers |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
Retrieves a list of subscription campaign members for the given subscription campaign and date. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SubscriptionCampaignMemberSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of Subscription Campaign Member |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateSubscriptionCampaignMember |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
Creates a subscription campaign member |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsSubscriptionCampaignShared |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
Returns wheter or not the given subscription campaign is shared. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetSubscriptionCampaignMember |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
Retrieves a subscription campaign member |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Payment
Action name |
DeleteRechargeTicketUsingRemover |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
This action deletes a recharge ticket from the system using the RechargeTicketRemover (inovokes hookpoint RECHARGETICKET.BEFORE.DELETE). A history line is created with information about the deleted recharge ticket. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Invoicebatch
Action name |
CreateAccountPaymentsIfInvoicedBillingGroupHasRechargeTicket |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
Creates account payments for invoices where the related billing group has a recharge ticket |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - Subscription
Action name |
TerminateSubscriptionCore |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.18 |
Description |
This action terminates a subscription, and child subscriptions if selected, using either new or old termination logic dependent on the parameter GUI.FEATURES.SUBSCRIPTION.USE_NEW_TERMINATION. - THIS ACTION DO ALWAYS SET SUBSCRIPTION END-DATE AND STATUS TO CANCELLATION-PENDING |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Campaign - Bundle
Action name |
GetActiveSubscriptionBundlesForSubscriptionCampaign |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
This action will get all active subscription bundles on a specified date for a given subscription campaign. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CalculateSubscriptionBundleDates |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Caculate and set SubscriptionBundle fromDate and toDate |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Support - Extension - Internal - Customattribute
Action name |
TableExtensionReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Retrieves a Device based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetPersistentObjectFromTableExtension |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Retrieves the PersistentObject based on an TableExtension, an the id of the object |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Payments
Action name |
HandleAccountPayment |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial
Action name |
GetNewAccountPaymentReference |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
This action will return an unique payment reference.The implementation of the reference creation depends on the actual {@link} implementation in use |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Billing
Action name |
CreateCapturedAccountPayment |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Creates a captured account payment |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Util - Date
Action name |
AddCalendarDaysToDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Adds a number of days to a date. Only free days in the calendar counts. If the given base date is not valid according to the calendar and 0 days are added, then the first valid date is returned. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GenericOrderLineReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Retrieves a Device based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GenericOrderLineAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Retrieves Generic order line objects based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GenericOrderReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Retrieves a Device based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GenericOrderAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Retrieves Generic order objects based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CompareAllCustomAttributesOnObjects |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Retrieves the value of all custom attributes and compares them. If the attribute can only be found on one of the objects, they are assumed to be different. Also if they are both null, they are regarded as equal. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetCustomAttribute |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Set the value of a custom attribute |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CompareCustomAttributesOnObjects |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Retrieves the value of a custom attributes and compares them. If the attribute can only be found on one of the objects, they are assumed to be different. Also if they are both null, they are regarded as equal. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetCustomAttribute |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.19 |
Description |
Gets a custom attribute from the database, it is returned as the kind of object that the property definition is set to. (string, date, amount, boolean or persisten object. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsSubscriptionCampaignTerminated |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Check if subscription Campaign is terminated |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionCampaignStatusActive |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Set subscription Campaign Status Active |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsSubscriptionCampaignActive |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Check if subscription Campaign is active |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
SetSubscriptionCampaignStatusTerminated |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Set subscription Campaign Status Terminated |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Support - Extension - Internal - Metadata
Action name |
SetMetaDataPropertyValue |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Set meta data property on a persistent object |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Payments - Wallet
Action name |
WithdrawFromWallet |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Withdraw amount from wallet and transfer to the billing group |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateWallet |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Create a wallet |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetWalletByName |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Retrieves a wallet based on the wallet name. If wallet name is null, the default name is used |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DepositToWallet |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Deposit amount to wallet and transfer from the billing group |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Payments
Action name |
CreateRechargeTicket |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Create a recharge ticket based on the provided billingGroup and rechargeTicketType |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateAccountPaymentFromRechargeTicket |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Creates an account payment based on the provided recharges ticket.This implementation is based on recharge ticket type extension implemented using metadata framework. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateAccountPaymentFromRechargeTicketAndAmount |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Creates an account payment based on the provided recharges ticket (and corresponding recharge ticket type reference on recharge ticket) and amount.This implementation is based on recharge ticket type extension implemented using metadata framework. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RechargeTicketTypeReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Retrieves a RechargeTicketType based on configurable parameters |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Billing
Action name |
GetInvoiceScheduleForBillingGroup |
Class name |
Available from core version |
8.21 |
Description |
Retrieve the invoice schedule for the provided billing group and date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
RecurrentFee - Profile
Action name |
CreateSubscriptionFeeAssigningInputBean |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
Creates a SubscriptionFeeAssigningInputBean |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ActivateSubscriptionFeeWithFeeProfileType |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
Activates a subscriptionFee with a fee profile type |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AssignSubscriptionFeeWithFeeProfileType |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
Assigns a subscriptionFee with a fee profile type |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Payment
Action name |
CreatePaymentLog |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
Create a payment log object with the provided data. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Rating - Bnumberregistration
Action name |
BNumberCategoryReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
Retrieves a B-number category based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Rating
Action name |
GetPlanElementForRatePlanByServiceCodeAndPriceCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
This action returns a Plan Element for the provided Rate Plan based on the provided Service Code, Price Code and Date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreatePriceSpecification |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
This action returns PriceSpecification for a given rate plan, array of codes, a price code, vat context and price date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetNumberPlanFromRatePlanAndServiceCode |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
Gets a number plan from the rateplan and service code, if no number plan is found, null is returned. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
ClonePersistentObject |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
Will clone a persistent object, including all custom attributes |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateNpMessage |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.4 |
Description |
Uses the Np message builder to create an Np message for either IN or OUT porting. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Unknown package
Action name |
HookpointInvoker |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.5 |
Description |
Invokes a hookpoint, Static key is: HOOKPOINT_INVOKER |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Support - Preview
Action name |
CalculateTotalFeeForPreview |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.5 |
Description |
Calculates the total fee based on a PreviewInvocationResult |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Billing
Action name |
BuildAccountPaymentRequestForInvoicesOnBatch |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.5 |
Description |
Creates an account payment request for all invoices in a batch. To have the account payment request created, the payment_method_id on the billing group must match the payment method found by the key provided as paymentMethodKey. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - SubscriptionFees
Action name |
PreviewSubscriptionFee |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.5 |
Description |
Execute a preview on a subscription fee |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Payment
Action name |
GetAccountPaymentCleanUpTransaction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.6 |
Description |
Create an AccountPaymentCleanUpTransaction based on an accountPayment and a paymentGatewayTransactionLogger |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - SubscriptionFees
Action name |
PreviewSubscriptionFeeBillResult |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.6 |
Description |
Execute a preview on a subscription fee |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetBrandByKeyAction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.7 |
Description |
Returns a Brand with a given key |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Invoice
Action name |
CreateInvoicePayment |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.7 |
Description |
Create, save and return a new InvoicePayments object with the provided information. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Rating - Bnumberregistration
Action name |
GetBNumberRegistrationInSeparateTransaction |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.7 |
Description |
Get a B-number registration from the database in a separate transaction |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
IsBNumberInBNumberList |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.7 |
Description |
Return whether a B-number is in the list |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Rating
Action name |
GetPrice |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.7 |
Description |
This action returns the first price different than zero for a given rate plan, array of codes, and a price code |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Product - Vouchers
Action name |
RetriveEncryptedVoucher |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.7 |
Description |
Retrieves voucher with encrypted key by provided key in plan text format. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CreateProvisioningTaskWithReferenceObject |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Create a provisioning task of a specific type (CODE). The task can reference to one persistentObject. The status of the new task will be "New". (the workflow instance can be added using "_activity.getWorkflow()") |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Payments
Action name |
ChangeRechargeTicketType |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Change type of a recharge ticket to a new type. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
UpdateNextChargeDateForCronBasedRechargeTicket |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Update recharge ticket's next charge date for cron based recharge ticket. Do not use this action with other ticket types. This action will use recharge ticket's cron expression saved as metadata to calculate next charge date |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Billing
Action name |
CreateAuthorizedAccountPayment |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Creates an authorized account payment. Invoice is not mandatory and can be null |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Aggregate
Action name |
CoreUsageWithCostAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Retrieves core usages with cost based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetCostUsageDetails |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Returns list of cost usage details |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CoreUsageAggrNoCostAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Retrieves core aggregated usages without the cost based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CoreUsageBaseComparator |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Sorts the list of CoreUsageBase elements based on the chosen fields and sort types from the properties. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
GetAggregatedUsage |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Returns list of aggregated usage |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
CoreUsageAggrCostAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Retrieves core aggregated usages with the cost based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Rating - Bnumberregistration
Action name |
UpdateBNumberRegistration |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Update a bNumber registration with a new phone number and/or name |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BNumberRegistrationAdvancedReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Retrieves BNumberRegistrations based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
RemoveBNumberRegistration |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Remove bNumber registration |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BNumberRegistrationReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Retrieves a BNumberRegistration based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddBNumberRegistrationByType |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Add bNumber registration based on the given type (defined in B_NUMBER_CATEGORY) |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Product - RatePlanChange
Action name |
SetRatePlanChangeStatus |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Sets the rate plan change status |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Product - Voucher
Action name |
AssingAndChargeVoucherToSubscription |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Main - User
Action name |
GetPrimaryMultiValuedPersonalId |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
Gets the primary multi-valued PersonalId object linked to a specific Users object |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
AddPersonalIDToUserAndSaveIt |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
It executes the following Core logic that performs the following operations: First it validates the PersonalIdType of the provided PersonalID object. If that's valid it checks if the PersonalID object does not already exist in the user's PersonalID list.If the user's PersonalID list is empty the provided PersonalID is set as primary. If that list does not already contain the provided PersonalID object that PersonalID object is linked to the provided Users object and the user's Broker object is set on the PersonalID object if that PersonalID object does not already contain any broker. If the provided Users object is already persistent the provided PersonalID object is also persisted into the database. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DynamicSenderByMap |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
NOTE: It must be in-process together with the activity that puts the maps into context. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
DynamicSender |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.8 |
Description |
NOTE: It must be in-process together with the activity that puts the block into context when using multiple template block(list of maps). |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - Financial - Payments
Action name |
CreateAccountPaymentFromRechargeTicketAllValues |
Class name |
Available from core version |
9.9 |
Description |
Creates an account payment based on the mandatory recharge ticket, and other configurable values and parameters. The account payment is created in capture status DO_AUTHORIZE. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
RecurrentFee - Profile
Action name |
TerminateSubscriptionFeeWithFeeProfileType |
Class name |
Available from core version |
10.2 |
Description |
Activates a subscriptionFee with a fee profile type |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Billing - SubscriptionFees
Action name |
PreviewSubscriptionFeeUntilEndDate |
Class name |
Available from core version |
10.2 |
Description |
Execute a preview on a subscription fee |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
BookAnumber |
Class name |
Available from core version |
10.2 |
Description |
Action to book an anumber to a service |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Product - Service - Profile
Action name |
MultiImsiServiceProfileSetter |
Class name |
Available from core version |
10.4 |
Description |
Sets an attribute of a MultiImsiServiceProfile |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |
Action name |
MultiImsiServiceProfileReader |
Class name |
Available from core version |
10.4 |
Description |
Retrieves a MultiImsiServiceProfile based on configurable parameters. |
Return value |
Properties |
Parameters |