Generate a new color theme
Use the new theme in your application
Source code
See also
Still to do
1. ZKThemer
zkthemer is an automatic color theme generator a.
You can download zkthemer from:local or from b. zkthemer.jar.
How to use it
zkthemer is a java command line application, it should work on any Java 6 platform, tested on Linux and Windows. i. Generate a new color theme
Generate New Colour Theme
The instructions shown are on a Windows cmd line. It should be similar on a bash shell. a bash shell. In the following, we assume that the zkthemer.jar has been placed in C:\rator\cdrator-ZKThemer.
Code Block |
C:\rator\cdrator-ZKThemer>java -jar zkthemer.jar
Option is mandatory: --baseColor -c value : Base color in 6 hex digit format, for example: A4BC03
Option is mandatory: --ignoreFiles -i value : The names of ignore components (splitter with comma such as '-i colorbox,grid', type '-i n' if won't)
Option is mandatory: --themeName -t value : Theme name
Option is mandatory: --zklib -z value : Location (directory) containing the zk jars
The options available are:
--baseColor -c value : Base color in 6 hex digit format, for example: A4BC03
--ignoreFiles -i value : The names of ignore components (splitter with comma such as '-i colorbox,grid', type '-i n' if won't)
--themeName -t value : Theme name
--zklib -z value : Location (directory) containing the zk jars
The first step is to put all the zk jars of your current version in one directory, for example a sub-directory called zk-jars as in the following:
Code Block |
C:\rator\cdrator-ZKThemer>cd zk-jars
Volume in drive C is system
Volume Serial Number is C4BE-F9D9
Directory of C:\rator\cdrator-ZKThemer\zk-jars
05/08/2012 10:38 AM <DIR> .
05/08/2012 10:38 AM <DIR> ..
03/08/2012 06:07 PM 441,834 zcommon-5.0.9.jar
03/08/2012 06:07 PM 1,127,215 zk-5.0.9.jar
03/08/2012 06:08 PM 133,420 zkplus-5.0.9.jar
03/08/2012 06:07 PM 1,434,274 zul-5.0.9.jar
03/08/2012 06:07 PM 205,494 zweb-5.0.9.jar
5 File(s) 3,342,237 bytes
2 Dir(s) 35,672,846,336 bytes free
We then run zkthemer with the theme name "cdrator-color" , giving 949599(gray) as the basic color
Code Block |
C:\rator\cdrator-ZKThemer>java -jar zkthemer.jar -c 949599 -z zk-jars -t cdrator-color -i n
Generated file: cdrator-color.jar
After running the command a new jar called "cdrator-color.jar" is generated.
Use New Theme
It is not enough to just drop the created jar in your application classpath. You have to do the following:
1. In your zk.xml add the following
Code Block |
2. Place the cdrator-color.jar in your application classpath.
3. Restart the server. Your application will now have the gray color as base for all the components, like in the image bellow:
Fig 1. A ZKoss window with gray base color