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Is in Core

11 September 2013 

Lars Trzepacz



Doc. created





Lars Trzepacz Doc updated: EkspresBank Ekspres Bank integration upgraded to use new APIIn-progress   


2 - Introduction to Functionality

Ekspres bank Bank is a company that can help finance a purchase by supplying a 'loan' during the purchase phase.

This means that the customer buys a phone during sign upsignup. The customer chooses to buy through Ekspres bank Bank who then pays for the phone.

The customer now has a 'loan' at Ekspres bank Bank that the customer will pay back outside our the Rator system.

The process is done through three steps.

  1. The customer chooses to use Ekspres bankBank, and a container for the purchase is created at Ekspres bank Bank to Initiate the Application through a SOAP call to PrefillingService.
    Note: CDRator Rator integration to Ekspres Bank API does not support this part, since it has been agreed that an external web service hosted by customer will take care of handle this.
  2. The customer application is the then approved or rejected by Ekspres Bank. To get the application status information, Ekspres Bank is polled for a status of the purchase through a call to SOAP service: FeedbackService. The method called is getApplicationStatus.
  3. If the customer is approved, Rator acknowledges the purchase and sends a capture message to Ekspres bank Bank through SOAP service FeedbackService. To achieve this, putEventRecord  method from FeedbackService is called with parameter EventType="282"
  4. It is also possible to cancel the purchase through SOAP service FeedbackService. To cancel the application, the method putEventRecord should be invoked with parameter EventType="401".
    Note: It is possible to cancel the application via FeedbackService only if the Application application is not yet marked as 'Shipped' (capture signal not yet sent). Once the application has been marked as shipped'Shipped', the FeedbackService can no longer be used to cancel the application. In that case, the cancellation can be requested manually via Ekspres Bank Sales support and should be initiated by the partner. CDRator is not involved in/responsible for such manual cancellations.


Code Block

3 - API

The Ekspres bank Bank API can be accessed through the workflow actions developed in CDRator integration project. 




3.1 - Workflow Actions

3.1.1 - GetApplicationStatusAction

FQCN of the action class:

This action will poll for the status of an application referenced by the supplied ApplicationGUID.

Input Arguments

The action takes three arguments:

Code Block
public ApplicationStatusResult execute(String applicationGUID, String applicationId, String brandId) throws Exception

applicationGUID: An order number used to identify the transaction  The unique ID that is used to reference an application.

applicationId: Application Id. 

brandId:  Used to read the Branded parameters. The URL of the webservice at Ekspres bank Bank and some additional required arguments that are needed are specified in the parameter tree. This So brand Id is used on a branded environment.

The action returns a string which is the 'decision' on the response from Ekspres bank. This decision is mapped from a single character to a readable response.

ACCEPT, DECLINE, REFER, CANCEL, GOAHEAD, CAPTURED, ERRORImportant NoteWhen using the GetApplicationStatusAction, do not supply both ApplicationGuid and ApplicationId. Only supply ApplicationGuid.

Return value

This action returns an object of type ApplicationStatusResult. Helper methods exposed by this object can be used to map the result to relevant outcomes based on business requirements. The table below describes all helper methods that can be invoked on this result object with a description of the return value for each of these methods. 

Helper methodreturn typeDescription


(package path:


Returns a reference to the actual result object returned by the FeedbackService.getApplicationStatus call. This object can be used in case the helper methods available in ApplicationStatusResult object are not enough to meet the requirements.

This method throws a RuntimeException if the GetApplicationStatusOutput object returned by FeedbackService.getApplicationStatus call is null.

All the helper methods described in the next rows of this table are actually calling the corresponding getter methods on this GetApplicationStatusOutput object. Some times the helper methods perform some internal conversions/formatting for easy use.

For ex:

  • Boolean type result values are converted to boolean type (with false being the default when Boolean object is null)
  • XMLGregorianCalendar type result values are converted to java.util.Date type

true: The currentStatus and latestEvent value in the response can be trusted

false: Something went wrong, so the response values cannot be trusted



Returns the value of hasGoAhead property



Returns the value of hasShipped property



Returns the value of outputexception property

getRequestId()StringReturns the requestId returned by Ekspres Bank in getApplicationStatus response
getApplicationGuid()StringReturns the applicationGUID returned by Ekspres Bank in getApplicationStatus response. This will be same as the applicationGUID supplied in the input
getApplicationId()IntegerReturns the applicationId returned by Ekspre sbank in getApplicationStatus response.

Gets the Current status of the application. Below is a list of all possible values for CurrentStatus:

CurrentStatus valueDescription
0Unknown: The application is not currently known by the system
1Pending: The application is known, but has not yet reached its final status
2Accepted: The application is approved, and is waiting for the customer to sign the agreement
3Declined: The customer cannot get a loan at this time
4Canceled: The application has been annulled and cannot be used for financing a purchase
getCurrentStatusDate()DateDate on which the application reached current status

Gets the value of the latestEvent. Below is a list of all possible values for latestEvent property:

latestEvent value



Unknown: The application is not currently known by the system.


Pending: The application is known, but has not yet reached its final status.


Accepted: The application is approved, and is waiting for the customer to sign the agreement.


Declined: The customer cannot get a loan at this time.


Cancelled: The application has been annulled and cannot be used for financing a purchase.








GoAhead: The agreement is signed, and the order is ready to be sent to the customer.











getLatestEventDate()DateReturns the date of latestEvent
getContractUrl()JAXBElement<String>Gets the value of the contractUrl


If anything unexpected happens, an exception is thrown. It is possible to map an Exception to an outcome on the Action GUI on the workflow builder. 

3.1.2 - CancelAction

PackageFQCN of the action class:

This action is used to send a Cancel signal to Ekspres Bank to cancel the sale. Cancel can be initiated via this action only if the Ship Signal for this application is not yet sent to Ekspres Bank.

Input Arguments

This action takes in three arguments:

Code Block
public CancelResult execute(String applicationGUID, Date eventDate, String brandId) throws Exception

applicationGUID: An order number used to identify the transactionThe unique ID that is used to reference an application.

eventDate:  Time of cancellation of the Application. Ekspres Bank expects a non-null value for eventDate. Hence, the action will use current date if eventDate supplied in the input is null.

brandId: Used to read the Branded parameters. The URL of the webservice at Ekspres bank Bank and some additional required arguments that are needed are specified in the parameter tree. This brand Id So brandId is used on in a branded environment.

The action returns a string, see section 4 for return values.Return value

This action returns an object of type CancelResult. Helper methods exposed by this object can be used to map the result to relevant outcomes based on business requirements. The table below describes all helper methods that can be invoked on this result object with a description of the return value for each of these methods. 

Helper methodReturn typeDescription


(package path:


Returns a reference to the actual result object returned by the FeedbackService.putEventRecord call. This object can be used in case the helper methods available in CancelResult object are not enough to meet the requirements.

This method throws a RuntimeException if the PutEventRecordOutput object returned by FeedbackService.putEventRecord call is null.

All the helper methods described in the next rows of this table are actually calling the corresponding getter methods on this PutEventRecordOutput object. Some times the helper methods perform some internal conversions/formatting for easy use.

For ex:

  • Boolean type result values are converted to boolean type (with false being the default when Boolean object is null)
  • XMLGregorianCalendar type result values are converted to java.util.Date type

true: The response values can be trusted

false: Something went wrong, so the response values cannot be trusted

getRequestId()StringReturns the requestId returned in FeedbackService.putEventRecord call for cancel action


If anything unexpected happens, an exception is thrown. It is possible to map an Exception to an outcome on the Action GUI on the workflow builder. 

3.1.3 - CaptureAction

PackageFQCN of the action class:

This action is used to send a Ship signal to Ekspres Bank, and the payout process is initiated.

Input Arguments

This action takes in three arguments:

Code Block
public CaptureResult execute(String applicationGUID, Date eventDate, String brandId) throws Exception

applicationGUID: An order number used to identify the transaction The unique ID that is used to reference an application.

eventDate: Time of physical shipment of the goods. Ekspres Bank expects a non-null value for eventDate. Hence, the action will use current date if eventDate supplied in the input is null.

brandId:  Used to read the Branded parameters. The URL of the webservice at Ekspres bank Bank and some additional required arguments that are needed are specified in the parameter tree. This So brand Id is used on a branded environment.

The action returns a string, see section 4 for return values.

If anything unexpected happens, an exception is thrown.

4 - Return Codes




Everything is ok, no errors.


Something is wrong with the RetailerId/Password combination.


Application identified by RetailerId/OrderNr not found.


Unexpected error occurred.


There is already a submitted application with the given OrderNr.


Not all mandatory fields were provided for the requested operation.


The site is disabled.


There are either non-prefillable fields available, or the value of some
prefillable fields are invalid.


The hash of the fields is invalid.


Return value

This action returns an object of type CaptureResult. Helper methods exposed by this object can be used to map the result to relevant outcomes based on business requirements. The table below describes all helper methods that can be invoked on this result object with a description of the return value for each of these methods. 

Helper methodReturn TypeDescription


(package path:


Returns a reference to the actual result object returned by the FeedbackService.putEventRecord call. This object can be used in case the helper methods available in CancelResult object are not enough to meet the requirements.

This method throws a RuntimeException if the PutEventRecordOutput object returned by FeedbackService.putEventRecord call is null.

All the helper methods described in the next rows of this table are actually calling the corresponding getter methods on this PutEventRecordOutput object. Some times the helper methods perform some internal conversions/formatting for easy use.

For ex:

  • Boolean type result values are converted to boolean type (with false being the default when Boolean object is null)
  • XMLGregorianCalendar type result values are converted to java.util.Date type

true: The response values can be trusted

false: Something went wrong, so the response values cannot be trusted

getRequestId()StringReturns the requestId returned in FeedbackService.putEventRecord call for capture action


If anything unexpected happens, an exception is thrown. It is possible to map an Exception to an outcome on the Action GUI on the workflow builder. 

3.2 - Exceptions thrown by Workflow Actions

Following exceptions can be thrown by Ekspres Bank workflow actions:

  • Extends from java.lang.Exception. This exception is thrown when null response is received from Ekspres Bank. 
  • Extends from java.lang.Exception. If the ApplicationGUID supplied in the input parameters is null/empty, then the action throws this exception. ApplicationGUID is mandatory to invoke Status poll/cancel/capture functions of Ekspres Bank API.
  • java.lang.Exception: Sysexceptions due to missing parameter tree entries or other checked exceptions are grouped here
  • java.lang.RuntimeException: Any runtime exception 

4 - Logging

The project uses the rator-soap-monitoring to log request and response to the soapSOAP_clientCLIENT_log LOGtable. In order for this tool logging to work, two parameters must be added to the parameter tree. See section 6 - Configuration.


5 - Configuration

The following parameters are requiredtable below describes all parameter tree entries that are used for Ekspres Bank API integration. All parameters except the logging related parameters are brand-enabled.

Some of the Parameters are mandatory and some are optional. The mandatory parameters must always be created and should contain proper values. The Optional parameters can be omitted. If an optional parameter is not present, a default value (if available) is used instead. Required Default values (if any) for optional parameters are mentioned in the table. If the default value does not meet the requirements, then the corresponding optional parameter can be created and set to desired value as per business requirements. 

Parameters Used for communicating with Ekspres bankBank :

Parameter Path/TypeMandatory?ValueDescription


NumberYESTo be provided by Ekspres BankA unique Id supplied by Ekspres Bank to identify the Partner.


The webservice URLs, only the webservice what are used are needed. So if you do not need to call applicationCreate, you do not need to specify the parameter

  • FINANCIAL.EKSPRESBANK.APPLICATION_CREATE_WSDL = webservice at ekspres bank for application create
  • FINANCIAL.EKSPRESBANK.APPLICATION_STATUS_WSDL = webservice at ekspres bank for application status
  • FINANCIAL.EKSPRESBANK.CANCEL_SIGNAL_WSDL = webservice at ekspres bank for cancel signal
  • FINANCIAL.EKSPRESBANK.CAPTURE_SIGNAL_WSDL = webservice at ekspres bank for capture signal


StringYESTo be provided by Ekspres Bank

Value of eventRecordPassKey input parameter used in FeedbackService.putEventRecord method calls. This is supplied by Ekspres Bank




Default value: 401

Value of eventType input parameter passed to the FeedbackService.putEventRecord method for canceling an Application.

This parameter is created for flexibility that if this value changes in future, then it can be configured via the parameter.

Note: Cancel can be initiated via the FeedbackService.putEventRecord call, ONLY if the order has NOT yet been shipped i.e. ship signal is not yet sent.


Default value: 282


Value of eventType input parameter passed to the FeedbackService.putEventRecord method for sending 'Order Shipped' (i.e. Capture) signal to Ekspres Bank

This parameter is created for flexibility that if this value changes in future, then it can be configured via the parameter.


URL to access the Ekspres Bank webservice FeedbackService

The URL to access FeedbackService Test service(Note: This is the value to be the configured in this parameter entry on TEST environment):

The URL to access FeedbackService Production service(Note: This is the value to be the configured in this parameter entry on PRODUCTION environment):


Endpoint URL to connect to the Ekspres Bank FeedbackService.

In case the WSDLs need to be accessed, here are the links (do not use these URLs in this parameter tree entry value)

For Test FeedbackService WSDL:

For Production FeedbackService WSDL:

Parameters Required for Logging SOAP request, response XMLs to the SOAP_CLIENT_LOG

Parameter Path/TypeMandatory?ValueDescription


StringYESTEnables logging to SOAP_CLIENT_LOG table


StringYESTEnables logging of request and response XMLs along with other basic logging info. If this is set to false, the SOAP XMLs will not be logged.

6 - Version




2.0xx-10-2016The Ekspres Bank Integration project is updated to integrate to New API of Ekspres Bank. The Ekspres Bank has moved to a new API, and this is different from old API that there are changes in input parameters and output parameters and request response types. So we have developed new Workflow Actions. The old Actions/Components are no longer available.


12-09-2013 15:51:13

Fixed an issue where request response was stored in soap_monitoring. It will now store it in soap_client_log


11-09-2013 14:40:03

First stable release