How to use it
Generate a new color theme
Use the new theme in your application
Source code
zkthemer is an automatic color theme generator
You can download zkthemer from:Technology:localzkthemer.jar.
How to use it
zkthemer is a java command line application, it should work on any Java 6 platform, tested on Linux and Windows.
New Colour Theme
The instructions shown are on a Windows cmd line. It should be similar on a bash shell. In the following, we assume that the zkthemer.jar has been placed in *C:\rator\cdrator-ZKThemer*.
Code Block |
C:\rator\cdrator-ZKThemer>java -jar zkthemer.jar Option is mandatory: --baseColor -c value : Base color in 6 hex digit format, for example: A4BC03 Option is mandatory: --ignoreFiles -i value : The names of ignore components (splitter with comma such as '-i colorbox,grid', type '-i n' if won't) Option is mandatory: --themeName -t value : Theme name Option is mandatory: --zklib -z value : Location (directory) containing the zk jars The options available are: --baseColor -c value : Base color in 6 hex digit format, for example: A4BC03 --ignoreFiles -i value : The names of ignore components (splitter with comma such as '-i colorbox,grid', type '-i n' if won't) --themeName -t value : Theme name --zklib -z value : Location (directory) containing the zk jars |
After running the command a new jar called "cdrator-color.jar" is generated.
New Theme
It 's is not enough to just drop the created jar in your application classpath. You have to do the following:
Fig 1. A ZKoss window with gray base color