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Is in Core

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Doc. created




22 November 2018Emil Ifrim0.2Brand EnablingYesx 


15 January 2019SD0.3Download pdf-file

17 March 2023Emil Ifrim04Fine Grain Security 


This page describes the security layers of the REST web app. There are two security layers:

  1. Authentication
    1. Client-authentication: The database table OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS describes the servers, which are allowed to make calls to the REST web app. (Typically this will be the selfcare web app and, when in development, the Swagger UI)
    2. User/Operator/App-authentication: A username/password based security layer that upon each requests matches a token from the request against an in-memory map from token to logged in users.

  2. Authorization: A fine grained access rights control implemented in all resources that shall have limited access. This layer is customizabile: The customer can register their own rules. The default rules are all based on "ownership": Account-ownership, BillingGroup-ownership and Subscription-ownership.



Authentication is triggered by the Authorization layer. If a resource does not require Authorization, then it 's is considered open for access, unless brand access check is in place. The Authentication protocol used is OAUTH2  OAUTH2  and the implementation used is from Spring Framework.


  1. User-authenticatio - this corresponds to a Selfcare use-case scenario. The authentication is done by validation username/password in the USERS table. An URL example for this scenario is (note grant_type=password value):

    Code Block
    titleAuthorization Authentication URL

    Code Block
    titleCURL example
    CURL example:  curl -v -X POST -u myclientid:myclientsecret http://host:port/appcontext/oauth/token -H "Accept: application/json" -d "grant_type=password&username=#myusername&password=mypassword&brandKeybrand_key=#myBrandKey"
    #myusername, #mypassword are taken from Users table
    #myBrandKey is taken from the Brand table
    myclientid, myclientsecret are taken from OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS table

    Code Block
    titleAngular example
    function login(credentials) {
          var data = 'username=' +
            encodeURIComponent(credentials.username) +
            '&password=' +
            encodeURIComponent(credentials.password) +
            '&grant_type=password&scope=read%20write&' +
            'client_id=myclientid&' +
          return $http
                  headers : {
                    'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                    'Accept' : 'application/json',
                    'Authorization' : 'Basic ' +
                      base64Service.encode('myclientid'	+ ':' + 'myclientsecret')
                  function(response) {
                    //store the access token
                    return response;
    credentials.username, credentials.password are taken from Users table
    myBrandKey is taken from the Brand table
    myclientid, myclientsecret are taken from OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS table

  2. Operator-authentication - this correspnds to a Customercare use-case scenario. The authentication is done by validation username/password in the OPERATORS table. An URL example for this scenario is (note grant_type=operator_password value):

    Code Block
    titleAuthorization URL

    Code Block
    titleCURL example
    CURL example:  curl -v -X POST -u myclientid:myclientsecret http://host:port/appcontext/oauth/token -H "Accept: application/json" -d "grant_type=operator_password&username=#myusername&password=mypassword&brandKeybrand_key=#myBrandKey"
    #myusername, #mypassword are taken from Operators table
    #myBrandKey is taken from the Brand table
    myclientid, myclientsecret are taken from OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS table


  1. Brand Access
    In order to obtain an access token, the client has to have configured the proper authorization. That is, in the OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS table, a client has to have defined proper values in AUTHORITIES column. Those authorities must have the following prefix: ACCESS_BRAND_ .After the prefix there should be the brandKey brand_key (uppercase) that the respective client has access to. The brandKey brand_key parameter should be sent as QUERY parameter in the request for the token.

    Example of registered client:


    Example: given a brand key with a value of RATOR_X , the authority tag should be ACCESS_BRAND_RATOR_X .
    If a client has access to multiple brands, those should be separated by ,  (e.g ACCESS_BRAND_RATOR_X, ACCESS_BRAND_RATOR_Y)

    Code Block
    titleCURL example
    CURL example:  curl -v -X POST -u myclientid:myclientsecret http://host:port/appcontext/oauth/token -H "Accept: application/json" -d "grant_type=operator_password&username=#myusername&password=mypassword&brandKeybrand_key=RATOR_X"

  2. Fine-grained access control is about limiting the access to specific resources, or even to limit the access to code blocks within a single resource. The current version of the REST app uses our own framework for this. The framework defines two abstract classes, whose implementations stand in a one-to-one relationship with a resource (an @Path annotated method). The two classes reflect the kind of questions/checks needed in the code.


  1. the @RatorSecured annotation that can have few input attributes, in orderto define the assesed field or the Role of the logged in user.

Code Block
titleAccess Configuration
// URL - /accounts/{account-id}/subscriptions
map.put(key(HttpMethod.GET,ResourcePathParent.ACCOUNTS, ResourcePath.ACCOUNTID_SUBSCRIPTIONS),new AccessControllerByOwnership(Ownership.SUB_OR_BG_OR_ACC_OWNER));
//URL - /accounts/{account-id}/documents
map.put(key(HttpMethod.POST,ResourcePathParent.ACCOUNTS,ResourcePath.ACCOUNTID_DOCUMENTS),new AccessControllerByOwnership(Ownership.ACC_OWNER));
//URL - /accounts/{account-id}/documents
map.put(key(HttpMethod.GET,ResourcePathParent.ACCOUNTS,ResourcePath.ACCOUNTID_DOCUMENTS),new AccessControllerByOwnership(Ownership.ACC_OWNER));
//URL - /accounts/{account-id}/billing-groups
map.put(key(HttpMethod.GET, ResourcePathParent.ACCOUNTS,ResourcePath.ACCOUNTID_BILLING_GROUPS),new AccessControllerByOwnership(Ownership.BG_OR_ACC_OWNER));


@RatorSecured(requiredRole = Role.OPERATOR , assertOn = "subscriptionId")
public Response updateNpFlow(@PathParam("subscription-id") SubscriptionId subscriptionId) {...}

@RatorSecured(requiredRole = Role.SUB_OWNER, assertOn = "userId")
public Collection<ContactPoint> getContactPointsForUser(@PathParam("user-id") UserId userId) {...}

@RatorSecured(requiredRole = Role.OPERATOR, restrictorFactory = OperatorAccessRestrictorFactory.class)
    public Collection<Product> getProducts(@Context RESTContext ctx) { ... } 

Brand Access Check

In case of a multi branded  environment it is possible to restrict access to the "public" endpoints by enabling the brand access check in the configuration file (Properties.txt). This is done by setting the following parameter:


When the above parameter is in place an access token (Authorization: Bearer access_token) is required to be sent in the request. For public endpoints one can obtain a access token by using the "clientoperator_credentialspassword" grant type. 


Code Block
titleAuthorization URL

Code Block
titleCURL example
CURL example:  curl -v -X POST -u myclientid:myclientsecret http://host:port/appcontext/oauth/token -H "Accept: application/json" -d "grant_type=client_credentials&brandKeyoperator_password&username=#myusername&password=mypassword&brand_key=#myBrandKey"

myclientid, myclientsecret are taken from OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS table
#myBrandKey is taken from the Brand table



To configure swagger to use this authentication scenario, an additional parameter has to be set in Properties.txt file:


titleSwagger UI and proxy

To configure swagger to allow testing endpoints when REST is deployed behind a proxy (e.g CI/CD and docker) an additional parameter has to be set in Properties.txt file:

rest.swagger.api.context_path=/rator-rest-api/v1 #the valuehas to adjusted according to the proxy configuration


In order to be able to access both the AUTH app and REST app from Javascript clients, CORS parameters need to be configured. Below there is an example of how that can be done:
