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Document Logs
Change log:
Date: | Author: | Version: | Changes: | Completed | Ext. | Int. | Is in Core |
0.1 | Doc. created | SI |
| ||
17 July 2013 | Anders Jørgensen | 0.2 | Update allowed values of the STATUS_ID column in SEPA_INCOMING_RECORD table |
23 July 2013 | Esau Castillo | 0.3 | Updated the Diagrams due to engine refactor |
05 September 2013 | Esau Castillo | 0.4 | Updated the datatype of the END_TO_END_ID |
column |
Terms and definitions:
Terms/definitions: |
Meaning: | |
TBD | To be defined |
N/A | Not applicable |
CSI | Creditor Scheme Identification |
DDT | Direct Debit Transaction |
CTT | Credit Transfer Transaction |
SEPA | Single Euro Payment Area |
pain.002 | Process Incoming Payment Initiation file |
camt.054 | The Cash Management file |
Attachments | ||
1 - Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the functionality and implementation of the SEPA Payment Engines.
The following diagram presents the main classes of the SEPA Generator:
the SEPA Generator:
The following diagram represents the main classes of the SEPA Reader:
3.2 - Data Model
The SEPA Engines use specific tables to retrieve and store information. The following ER diagram shows the relationship between the tables of the SEPA Generator Engine:
Table Name | Description |
SEPA_PAYMENT | This is the table used by the SEPA Generator Engine to create the SEPA XML files. Contains information for the XML header section like Create date, number of transactions, etc. |
SEPA_PAYMENT_INFO | Contains information related to the payment: Creditor Info / Debitor Info depending on the type of transaction. |
SEPA_PAYMENT_TRANS_INFO | Contains information specific to the individual transactions. |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
| Autogenerated |
TYPE | NUMBER | Indicates the type of incoming file. The possible values are: 2 = SEPA_PAIN and 3 = SEPA_CASH | YES |
LOADED_DATE | DATE | The date when the file was loaded. | YES |
ORIG_MSG_ID | NUMBER | The original ID of the SEPA_PAYMENT table provided by the pain.002 files. This information is taken from the element: <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts><OrgnlMsgId> | NO |
FILE_NAME | VARCHAR(200) | The incoming file name. | YES |
RCPT_NAME | VARCHAR(140) | The recipient name. This field is only used by camt.054 files. The information is taken from the element: <GrpHdr><MsgRcpt><Nm> | NO |
CREATION_DATE | DATE | Date when the file was created. This field is only used by camt.054 files. The information is taken from the element: <GrpHdr><CreDtTm> | NO |
MSG_ID | VARCHAR(35) | The id generated for the incoming file. This information taken from the element: <GrpHdr><MsgId>. Applies to both camt.054 and pain.002 | NO |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
| Autogenerated |
TYPE | NUMBER | The type of record. Several scenarios determinte the type: 1 = Direct Debit Rejection, 2 = Manual Payment, 3 = Direct Debit Confirmation, | NO |
STATUS_ID | NUMBER | The stauts of the incoming record. The following values are allowed: | YES |
STATUS_COMMENT | VARCHAR(4000) | Field to insert comments. | NO |
END_TO_END_ID | VARCHAR(50) | The End to End Id provided in the file. This field might match the END_TO_END_ID from the SEPA_PAYMENT_TRANS_INFO table.
| NO |
MANDATE_ID | VARCHAR(35) | The mandate Id.
| NO |
ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR(34) | Account ID provided by the camt.054 file. This field might be the IBAN or other value. The information is taken either from element: <Ntfctn><Acct><Id><IBAN> or <Ntfctn><Acct><Id><Othr><Id> | NO |
FINANTIAL_INST_BIC | VARCHAR(11) | The Finantial Institution BIC. This field is only used by the camt.054 files. The information is taken from the element: <Ntfctn><Acct><Svcr><FinInstnId><BICFI> | NO |
AMOUT | NUMBER | The transaction amount.
| NO |
TRANSACTION_DATE | DATE | The transaction date.* pain.002 (credit transfer):<OrgnlPmtInfAndSts><TxInfAndSts><OrgnlTxRef><ReqdExctnDt>
| NO |
PYMT_RETURN_ORGTR | VARCHAR(140) | This field is present in case of rejections.* camt.054: <Ntfctn><Ntry><NtryDtls><TxDtls><RtrInf><Orgtr><Nm>
| NO |
PYMT_RETURN_RSN_CODE | VARCHAR(4) | Payment return reason code. This field is present in case of rejections and only codes of the external ISO 20022 code list are permitted.* camt.054: <Ntfctn><Ntry><NtryDtls><TxDtls><RtrInf><Rsn><Cd>.
| NO |
PYMT_RETURN_PRTRY | VARCHAR(35) | Payment return propietary. This field is only used by the camt.054 files. The information is taken from the element: <Ntfctn><Ntry><NtryDtls><TxDtls><RtrInf><OrgnlBkTxCd><Prtry><Cd> | NO |
DEBTOR_NAME | VARCHAR(140) | The debtor name.* pain.002: <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts><TxInfAndSts><OrgnlTxRef><Dbtr><Nm>
| NO |
DEBTOR_BIC | VARCHAR(11) | The debtor BIC.* pain.002: <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts><TxInfAndSts><OrgnlTxRef><DbtrAgt><FinInstnId><BIC>
| NO |
DEBTOR_IBAN | VARCHAR(34) | The debtor IBAN.* pain.002: <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts><TxInfAndSts><OrgnlTxRef><DbtrAcct><Id><IBAN>
| NO |
CREDITOR_NAME | VARCHAR(140) | The creditor name.* pain.002: <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts><TxInfAndSts><OrgnlTxRef><Cdtr><Nm>
| NO |
CREDITOR_BIC | VARCHAR(11) | The creditor BIC.* pain.002: OrgnlPmtInfAndSts><TxInfAndSts><OrgnlTxRef><CdtrAgt><FinInstnId><BIC>
| NO |
CREDITOR_IBAN | VARCHAR(34) | The creditor IBAN.
| NO |
BRAND_ID | NUMBER | The brand id. | NO |
REFERENCE | VARCHAR(4000) | This field might contain information related to the transaction. In case of manual payment this can be used as a reference.
| NO |
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
| Autogenerated |
REFERENCE_ID | NUMBER | Contains the reference of the SEPA_INCOMING_RECORD | YES |
ORG_NAME | VARCHAR(70) | Name of the return originator. Party issuing the return. | NO |
ORG_BIC | VARCHAR(11) | BIC of the return originator. | NO |
CODE | VARCHAR(4) | Only codes from the ISO 20022 are allowed. | NO |
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