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  • Create XML_TAG_DEF entries for the required XML file format: A record in the xml_tag_def defines a single tag of the resulting xml. It is possible to define parent tag for the XML_TAG_DEF entry, and thus it is possible to define the full hierarchy of the XML elements. 
  • Create an XML_DOCUMENT_DEF record with FILLER_CLASS = 'com.CDRator.billing.dataloader.cdrdata.xml.GenericXMLFiller', XML_ROOT_TAG_ID = '<Id of the XML Root Tag entry from XML_TAG_DEF entries created for this XML file format>' 
  • Create a CDR_FILE_DEF record with CODE ='XML' , BILLING_SOURCE_TABLE_NAME = <Source table name>, BILLING_SOURCE_CLASS= <Java class for Billing Source>, EXPORT_TYPE = '<The Export_Type for the Customer this XML file is generated for>', XML_DOCUMENT_DEF_ID = '<ID of the XML_DOCUMENT_DEF record created in above step>'.
  • Create a CDR_RECORD_DEF record with CODE ='DETAIL' , RECORD_TABLE_NAME = <DB table name for the records to be exported>, RECORD_CLASS = <Java class name for the Records to be exported>, CDR_FILE_DEF_ID = '<ID of the CDR_FILE_DEF created in above step>'. The XML file processing engine will only need a CDR_RECORD_DEF entry for DETAIL records. So HEADER, TRAILER record definitions are not needed.
  • Create a CDR_FILE_PROCESSOR entry with CODE='GENERATOR',  CDR_FILE_DEF_ID = '<ID of the CDR_FILE_DEF created in earlier step>', FILE_TRANSMITTER_ID= '<Id of the corresponding FILE_TRANSMITTER entry>' and BRAND_ID = '<Corresponding brandId>'
  • Make sure that the parameter tree entries for XML generation are created and contain proper values: See See Parameter Tree entries for XML generation with GenericXMLFiller 

3.3.2 - XmlFillerBillingRecords and XmlFillerIdl
