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*Document Logs*
*Change log:*
|| *Date:* || *Author:* || *Version:* || *Changes:* || Completed || Ext. || Int. || Is in Core ||
| {page-info:created-date|dateFormat=dd MMMM yyyy} | {page-info:created-user} | 0.1 | Doc. created | SI | | | |

*Terms and definitions:*
|| Terms/definitions: || Meaning: ||
| TBD | To be defined |
| N/A | Not applicable |
| CSI | Creditor Scheme Identification |
| DDT | Direct Debit Transaction |
| CTT | Credit Transfer Transaction |
| SEPA | Single Euro Payment Area |
| pain.002 | Process Incoming Payment Initiation file \\ |
| camt.054 \\ | The Cash Management file \\ |


h2. 1 - Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the functionality and implementation of the SEPA Payment Engines.

h2. 2 - Introduction to Functionality
The objective of SEPA is to provide standards for Euro payments. All  payments under this regulation are to be considered domestic  transactions and enable users to make payment transactions in Euro from a  single bank account within the SEPA area. SEPA offers a set of instruments to process these payment transactions (SEPA Credit Transfers and SEPA Direct Debits) in an easy and secure way.

h2. 3 - Architecture and Design
All the payment transactios are XML based. In order to support the XML file generation and XML processing (reading) two Engines will be implemented: 
* SEPA Generator: This engine will read the information from the SEPA Payment table and create the SEPA XML file depending on the payment type (Direct Debit or Credit Transfer).

* SEPA Reader: This engine will read the incoming SEPA XML and update the corresponding SEPA tables. The two incoming files are: Cash Management (camt.054) and Process Incoming Payment Initiation (pain.002).

It is important to notice that the standard [Customers:FTP Engine] will transfer the xml files from the outgoing folders to the remote server and the incoming files from the remote server.

h3. 3.1 - Object Model
The following diagram presents the main classes of the SEPA Generator:

{gliffy:name=UML SEPA Generator|version=11}
The following diagram represents the main classes of the SEPA Reader:
{gliffy:name=UML SEPA Reader|version=2}

h3. 3.2 - Data Model
The SEPA Engines use specific tables to retrieve and store information. The following ER diagram shows the relationship between the tables of the SEPA Generator Engine:

{gliffy:name=ER SEPA Generator Tables|version=3}
|| Table Name || Description ||
| SEPA_PAYMENT | This is the table used by the SEPA Generator Engine to create the SEPA XML files. Contains information for the XML header section like Create date, number of transactions, etc. |
| SEPA_PAYMENT_INFO | Contains information related to the payment: Creditor Info / Debitor Info depending on the type of transaction. |
| SEPA_PAYMENT_TRANS_INFO | Contains information specific to the individual transactions. |


h4. 3.2.1 - SEPA_PAYMENT Table

|| Name || Type || Description || Mandatory ||
| ID | NUMBER | | Autogenerated |
| STATUS_ID | NUMBER | Status used by the engine to process the records. \\ | {color:red}YES{color} |
| FILE_NAME | VARCHAR (200CHAR) | The XML file name. | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR (200CHAR) | Field used to write information. | NO |
| COMMENTS | VARCHAR2(4000CHAR) | Contains information related to errors. | NO |
| TYPE | NUMBER | Indicates the type of payment (Direct Debit / Credit Transfer). | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| CREATION_DATE | DATE | Creation date of the file \\ | NO (Updated by the SEPA Generator) |
| TRANSACTION_NUMBER | NUMBER | Number of transactions. | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| TOTAL_SUM | NUMBER | Total amount of all transactions. | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| INITIAL_PARTY_NAME \\ | VARCHAR(70CHAR) | The party that initiates the transaction. Max 70 characters. | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |

h4. 3.2.2 - SEPA_PAYMENT_INFO Table

|| Name || Type || Description || Mandatory ||
| ID | NUMBER | | Autogenerated |
| SEPA_PAYMENT_ID | NUMBER | Reference to the SEPA_PAYMENT table. | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| BATCH_BOOKING | VARCHAR(6CHAR) | True/False. If not set the default value is true. | NO |
| TRANSACTION_NUMBER \\ | NUMBER \\ | Number of individual transactions contained in the Payment Information Block. | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| CATEGORY_PURPOSE | VARCHAR(4CHAR) | Max 4 characters - Only codes from the ISO 20022 ExternalPurposeCode list are allowed. \\ | NO |
| REQ_DATE | DATE | Requested date. It is the Requested Collection Date in case of Direct Debit and Requested Execution in case of Credit Transfer. \\ | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| FINANTIAL_INST_BIC | VARCHAR(11CHAR) | Finantial Institution BIC. | {color:#ff0000#000000}YESNO{color}\\ |
| CHARGE_BEARER | VARCHAR(5CHAR) | Only SLEV is allowed. | NO |
| {color:blue}LOCAL_INSTRUMENT_CODE{color} | {color:blue}VARCHAR(10CHAR){color} | {color:blue}Possible values are CORE/B2B. This field is only used by DDT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:#0000ff}SEQUENCE_TYPE{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(6CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}Possible values are FRST, RCUR, FNAL, OOF. This field is only used by DDT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:#0000ff}CSI_ID{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(35CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}Creditor Scheme Identification. This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}CSI_NAME{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}CREDITOR_NAME{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:#0000ff}CREDITOR_ADDRESS{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}CREDITOR_COUNTRY{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(10CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}CREDITOR_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(5CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}CREDITOR_IBAN{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(34CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:green}INSTRUCTIOIN_PRIORITY{color} | {color:green}VARCHAR(7CHAR){color} | {color:green}Possible values are HIGH and NORM. This field is only used by CTT.{color} | NO |
| {color:green}DEBTOR_NAME{color} | {color:green}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:green}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:green}DEBTOR_ADDRESS{color} | {color:green}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:green}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | NO |
| {color:green}DEBTOR_COUNTRY{color} | {color:green}VARCHAR(10CHAR){color} | {color:green}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | NO |
| {color:green}DEBTOR_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY{color} | {color:green}VARCHAR(5CHAR){color} | {color:green}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | NO |
| {color:green}DEBTOR_IBAN{color} | {color:green}VARCHAR(34CHAR){color} | {color:green}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |


|| Name || Type || Description || Mandatory ||
| ID | NUMBER | | Autogenerated |
| PAYMENT_REFERENCE_ID \\ | NUMBER | Contains the reference to the internal payment tables: ACCOUNT_PAYMENT, INVOICE or BILLING_GROUP_REFUND_REQUEST \\ | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| PAYMENT_REFERENCE_TABLE | VARCHAR(128CHAR) | Contains the name of the reference payment table: ACCOUNT_PAYMENT, INVOICE or BILLING_GROUP_REFUND_REQUEST | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| PAYMENT_INFO_ID | NUMBER | Reference to the SEPA_PAYMENT_INFO table. | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| INSTRUCTION_ID | NUMBER | Unique ID assigned by an insructing party. | NO |
| END_TO_END_ID | NUMBER | Unique ID assigned by the initiating party to unambiguously identify the transaction. | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| INSTRUCTED_AMOUNT | NUMBER | The amount instructed by the ordering party. | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| REMITTANCE_INFO | VARCHAR(140CHAR) | Information that enables the matching, i.e. recon-ciliation, of a payment with the items that the payment is intended to settle, e.g. commercial invoices in an account receivable system. | NO |
| ULTIMATE_CREDITOR_NAME | VARCHAR(70CHAR) | Creditor name party. For information only. | NO |
| ULTIMATE_DEBTOR_NAME | VARCHAR(70CHAR) | Debtor reference party. For information only. \\ | NO |
| PURPOSE | VARCHAR(4CHAR) | Only codes from the ISO 20022 ExternalPurposeCode list are allowed. | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}DEBTOR_BIC{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(11CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | {color:#ff0000#000000}YESNO{color}\\ |
| {color:#0000ff}DEBTOR_NAME{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:#0000ff}DEBTOR_ADDRESS{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}DEBTOR_COUNTRY{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(10CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}DEBTOR_IBAN{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(34CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:#0000ff}MANDATE_ID{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(35CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:#0000ff}MANDATE_SIGNATURE_DATE{color} | {color:#0000ff}DATE{color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:#0000ff}AMENDMENT_INDICATOR{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(6CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}Possible values True/Fase. This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURE{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(1025CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}ORIG_MANDATE_ID{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(35CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}Original Mandate Id. This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}ORIG_CREDITOR_NAME{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color}\\ | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}ORIG_CREDITOR_ID{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(35CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}Original Creditor Identifier. This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}ORIG_DEBTOR_IBAN{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(34CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#0000ff}CREDITOR_SCHEME_ID{color} | {color:#0000ff}VARCHAR(35CHAR){color} | {color:#0000ff}This field is only used by DDT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#008000}AMOUNT_CURRENCY{color} | {color:#008000}VARCHAR(5CHAR){color} | {color:#008000}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | NO (Default is EUR) |
| {color:#008000}CREDITOR_BIC{color} | {color:#008000}VARCHAR(11CHAR){color} | {color:#008000}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | {color:#ff0000#000000}YESNO{color}\\ |
| {color:#008000}CREDITOR_NAME{color} | {color:#008000}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:#008000}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |
| {color:#008000}CREDITOR_ADDRESS{color} | {color:#008000}VARCHAR(70CHAR){color} | {color:#008000}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#008000}CREDITOR_COUNTRY{color} | {color:#008000}VARCHAR(10CHAR){color} | {color:#008000}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | NO |
| {color:#008000}CREDITOR_IBAN{color} | {color:#008000}VARCHAR(34CHAR){color} | {color:#008000}This field is only used by CTT.{color} | {color:#ff0000}YES{color}\\ |


The SEPA_PAYMENT_INFO table and SEPA_PAYMENT_TRANS_INFO contain all the necessary fields to support the Direct Debit and Credit Transfer transactions.
The fields for each one are indicated in different colors.

The SEPA Reader Engine use specific tables to store information. The following ER diagram shows the relationship between the tables of the SEPA Reader Engine:
{gliffy:name=ER SEPA Reader Tables|version=3}
|| Table Name || Descrption ||
| SEPA_INCOMING_FILE | This table is used by the SEPA Reader Engine to store information related to the incoming file like file name, load date, creation date, etc. |
| SEPA_INCOMING_RECORD | Contains information related to a single transaction. |
| SEPA_PAYMENT_STATUS_INFO | This table contains information related to each single transaction from the Process Incoming Payment Initiation (pain.002) files. This information is related to the rejection codes provided in the incoming file. |

h4. 3.2.4 - SEPA_INCOMING_FILE Table

|| Name || Type || Description || Mandatory ||
| ID | NUMBER | | Autogenerated |
| TYPE | NUMBER | Indicates the type of incoming file. The possible values are: 2 = SEPA_PAIN and 3 = SEPA_CASH | {color:red}YES{color} |
| LOADED_DATE | DATE | The date when the file was loaded. | {color:red}YES{color} |
| {color:orange}ORIG_MSG_ID{color} | {color:orange}NUMBER{color} | {color:orange}The original ID of the SEPA_PAYMENT table provided by the pain.002 files.{color} | NO |
| FILE_NAME | VARCHAR(200) | The incoming file name. | {color:red}YES{color} |
| {color:#a52a2a}RCPT_NAME{color} | {color:#a52a2a}VARCHAR(140){color} | {color:#a52a2a}The recipient name. This field is only used by camt.054 files.{color} | NO |
| {color:#a52a2a}CREATION_DATE{color} | {color:#a52a2a}DATE{color} | {color:#a52a2a}Date when the file was created. This field is only used by camt.054 files.{color} | NO |
| {color:#a52a2a}MSG_ID{color} | {color:#a52a2a}VARCHAR(35){color} | {color:#a52a2a}The id generated for the incoming file. This file is only used by camt.054 files.{color} | NO |


|| Name || Type || Description || Mandatory ||
| ID | NUMBER | | Autogenerated |
| SEPA_INCOMING_FILE_ID | NUMBER | Reference to the SEPA_INCOMING_FILE table. | {color:red}YES{color} |
| TYPE | NUMBER | The type of record. Several scenarios determinte the type: 1  =  Direct Debit Rejection, 2 = Manual Payment, 3 = Direct Debit Confirmation, \\
4 = Refund Rejection, 5 = Refund Confirmation. | NO |
| STATUS_ID | NUMBER | The stauts of the incoming record. The following values are allowed: 0 = New , 1 = Processing, 2 =  Complete, 3 = Error, 4 = Fatal Error. | {color:red}YES{color} |
| STATUS_COMMENT | VARCHAR(4000) | Field to insert comments. | NO |
| END_TO_END_ID | NUMBER | The End to End Id provided in the file. This field might match the END_TO_END_ID from the SEPA_PAYMENT_TRANS_INFO table. | NO |
| {color:#000000}MANDATE_ID{color} | {color:#000000}VARCHAR(35){color} | {color:#000000}The mandate Id.{color} | NO |
| {color:#a52a2a}ACCOUNT_ID{color} | {color:#a52a2a}VARCHAR(34){color} | {color:#a52a2a}Account ID provided by the camt.054 file. This field might be the IBAN or other value.{color} | NO |
| {color:#a52a2a}FINANTIAL_INST_BIC{color} | {color:#a52a2a}VARCHAR(11){color} | {color:#a52a2a}The Finantial Institution BIC. This field is only used by the camt.054 files.{color} | NO |
| AMOUT | NUMBER | The transaction amount. | NO |
| {color:#000000}TRANSACTION_DATE{color} | {color:#000000}DATE{color} | {color:#000000}The transaction date.{color} | NO |
| {color:#a52a2a}PYMT_RETURN_ORGTR{color} | {color:#a52a2a}VARCHAR(140){color} | {color:#a52a2a}Name of the payment return originator. This field is only used by the camt.054 files. This field is present in case of rejections.{color} | NO |
| {color:#a52a2a}PYMT_RETURN_RSN_CODE{color} | {color:#a52a2a}VARCHAR(4){color} | {color:#a52a2a}Payment return reason code. This field is only used by the camt.054 files. This field is present in case or rejections and only codes of the external ISO 20022 code list are permitted.{color} | NO |
| {color:#a52a2a}PYMT_RETURN_PRTRY{color} | {color:#a52a2a}VARCHAR(35){color} | {color:#a52a2a}Payment return propietary. This field is only used by the camt.054 files.{color} | NO |
| {color:#000000}DEBTOR_NAME{color} | {color:#000000}VARCHAR(140){color} | {color:#000000}The debtor name.{color} | NO |
| {color:#000000}DEBTOR_BIC{color} | {color:#000000}VARCHAR(11){color} | {color:#000000}The debtor BIC.{color} | NO |
| {color:#000000}DEBTOR_IBAN{color} | {color:#000000}VARCHAR(34){color} | {color:#000000}The debtor IBAN.{color} | NO |
| {color:#000000}CREDITOR_NAME{color} | {color:#000000}VARCHAR(140){color} | {color:#000000}The creditor name.{color} | {color:#000000}NO{color} |
| {color:#000000}CREDITOR_BIC{color} | {color:#000000}VARCHAR(11){color} | {color:#000000}The creditor BIC.{color} | NO |
| {color:#000000}CREDITOR_IBAN{color} | {color:#000000}VARCHAR(34){color} | {color:#000000}The creditor IBAN.{color} | NO |
| BRAND_ID | NUMBER | The brand id. | NO |
| {color:#000000}REFERENCE{color} | {color:#000000}VARCHAR(4000){color} | {color:#000000}This field might contain information related to the transaction. In case of manual payment this can be used as a reference.{color} | NO |


|| Name || Type || Description || Mandatory ||
| ID | NUMBER | | Autogenerated |
| REFERENCE_ID | NUMBER | Contains the reference of  the SEPA_INCOMING_RECORD \\ | {color:#ff0000}YES{color} |
| ORG_NAME | VARCHAR(70) | Name of the return originator. Party issuing the return. | NO |
| ORG_BIC \\ | VARCHAR(11) | BIC of the return originator. | NO |
| CODE | VARCHAR(4) | Only codes from the ISO 20022 are allowed. \\ | NO |