- xml_root_tag_id: this is the reference of the first tag of the xml.
- sql_load_records: contains the SQL query to obtain the records that should be exported to the file. This SQL string can contain the label <BILLING_SOURCE_ID> which will be replaced with appropriate value at run-time.
- sql_reload_records: contains the SQL query to load the next batch of records with ID greater than the last loaded maximum ID, which are to be exported into the XML file. This is used only if the reload_method is setup on at least one of the xml_tag_def entries. This SQL query can contain the tags <BILLING_SOURCE_ID> and <MAX_LOADED_ID> labels which will be replaced with appropriate values at run-time
Note: Please note that the columns sql_load_records, sql_reload_records are added to the XmlDocumentDef class overridden within the FileProcessor Integration project as they are added to support the GenericXMLFiller implementation for XML file export by FileProcessor engine. So these are available only from the FileProcessor integration project.
3.3 - XmlFiller
An abstract class XmlFiller has been defined with an abstract method populate that will generate the dataBeans map according to a context map.
- Create XML_TAG_DEF entries for the required XML file format: A record in the xml_tag_def defines a single tag of the resulting xml. It is possible to define parent tag for the XML_TAG_DEF entry, and thus it is possible to define the full hierarchy of the XML elements.
- Create an XML_DOCUMENT_DEF record with FILLER_CLASS = 'com.CDRator.billing.dataloader.cdrdata.xml.GenericXMLFiller', XML_ROOT_TAG_ID = '<Id of the XML Root Tag entry from XML_TAG_DEF entries created for this XML file format>'
- The SQL_LOAD_RECORDS column of the above created XML_DOCUMENT_DEF record must contain the SQL query to obtain the records that should be exported to the file. This SQL string can contain the label <BILLING_SOURCE_ID> which will be replaced with appropriate value at run-time.
If this SQL query string contains the label <BILLING_SOURCE_ID>, it will be replaced with the ID of the current source record currently being processed to create the XML file. Note: The billing source table name is configured in the column BILLING_SOURCE_TABLE_NAME of the table CDR_FILE_DEF. <BILLING_SOURCE_ID> will be replaced with the ID of the current row being processed from the table configured in the column CDR_FILE_DEF.BILLING_SOURCE_TABLE_NAME. - The SQL_RELOAD_RECORDS column of the above created XML_DOCUMENT_DEF record must contain the SQL query to load the next batch of records with ID greater than the last loaded maximum ID, which are to be exported into the XML file. This is used only if the reload_method is setup on at least one of the xml_tag_def entries. This SQL query can contain the tags <BILLING_SOURCE_ID> and <MAX_LOADED_ID> labels which will be replaced with appropriate values at run-time.
- Make sure that the SQL scripts setup in SQL_LOAD_RECORDS, SQL_RELOAD_RECORDS columns of the corresponding XML_DOCUMENT_DEF are valid.
- Create a CDR_FILE_DEF record with CODE ='XML' , BILLING_SOURCE_TABLE_NAME = <Source table name>, BILLING_SOURCE_CLASS= <Java class for Billing Source>, EXPORT_TYPE = '<The Export_Type for the Customer this XML file is generated for>', XML_DOCUMENT_DEF_ID = '<ID of the XML_DOCUMENT_DEF record created in above step>'.
- Create a CDR_RECORD_DEF record with CODE ='DETAIL' , RECORD_TABLE_NAME = <DB table name for the records to be exported>, RECORD_CLASS = <Java class name for the Records to be exported>, CDR_FILE_DEF_ID = '<ID of the CDR_FILE_DEF created in above step>'. The XML file processing engine will only need a CDR_RECORD_DEF entry for DETAIL records. So HEADER, TRAILER record definitions are not needed.
- Create a CDR_FILE_PROCESSOR entry with CODE='GENERATOR', CDR_FILE_DEF_ID = '<ID of the CDR_FILE_DEF created in earlier step>', FILE_TRANSMITTER_ID= '<Id of the corresponding FILE_TRANSMITTER entry>' and BRAND_ID = '<Corresponding brandId>'