Date: | Author: | Version: | Changes: | |
03 Oct 2013 | KTH | 0.1 | Doc created. | |
10 Feb 2014 | KTH |
| 0.2 | Added PayPerEmail field descriptions |
Reference log:
Document: | Version: | Date: |
Note: When the invoice is sent to Buckaroo the accompanying payment is inserted in the table account_payment with a payment_type_id (TBD new payment_type_id) that identifies the Buckaroo payment and this payment is set to “Do capture”.
Content fields:
Fieldname | Rator table and field | Example | Format |
websitekey | - | FSsfaJKF&6GH | Buckaroo Websitekey. |
amount | invoice.TOTAL_EXCL_VAT + invoice.TOTAL_VAT – invoice.PAYED_AMOUNT | 10.00 | REAL, 2 decimals; amount |
culture | - | nl-NL | String, ISO culture code |
currency | - | EUR | Fixed string for currency code |
description | <Description Prefix> + account_payment.REFERENCE | Test Incasso 1 | String; description, max length 100 chars |
service | - | Directdebitrecurring | String; Buckaroo service name |
invoicenumber | invoice.INVOICE_NUMBER | Test01923r4e | String; Invoice number, max length 100 chars |
service_directdebitrecurring_action | - | Pay | String; Pay or Refund (See Buckaroo service description) |
service_directdebitrecurring_customeraccountnumber | Billing_group_bank_account.BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER | 123456789 | Bank Account; Must be 11 proof. Empty or null value not allowed |
service_directdebitrecurring_customeraccountname | users.FIRST_NAME + <space> + users.LAST_NAME | T.Test | String; account name |
service_payperemail_action | - | Paymentinvitation | String: Paymentinvitation (See Buckaroo PayPerEmail Service Decription) |
service_payperemail_customeremail | users.EMAIL | support@buckaroo.nl | String; customer email address |
service_payperemail_customergender | users.GENDER | 1 | Integer, may not be empty 0: Unknown 1: Male 2: Female 9: Irrelevant (currently not used) |
service_payperemail_customerfirstname | users.FIRST_NAME | Test | String; Customer first name |
service_payperemail_customerlastname | users.LAST_NAME | Tester | String; Customer lastname |
service_payperemail_paymentmethodsallowed | - | Ideal | String: Ideal, (See Buckaroo PayPerEmail Service Decription) |
additional_service | - | Creditmanagement | String; see Buckaroo Service description |
service_creditmanagement_action | - | Invoice | Fixed String |
phonenumber | users.PHONE1 | 0201111111 | String; Phone number |
customerlastname | users.LAST_NAME | Tester | String; customer last name, max 200 chars |
service_creditmanagement_customeraccountnumber | Billing_group_bank_account.BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER | 123456789 | Bank account; must be 11-proof. Empty or null value not allowed. |
customergender | users.GENDER | 1 | Integer, may not be empty |
amountvat | - | 0.00 | Real, 2 decimals |
service_creditmanagement_maxreminderlevel | - | 1 | INTEGER, may not be empty. Choose from (0,1,2,3,4). Default is 4 |
invoicedate | invoice.CLOSE_DATE | 2012-01-10 | YYYY-MM-DD; Invoice date |
service_creditmanagement_customerbirthdate | users.BIRTHDAY | 1970-01-13 | YYYY-MM-DD; Birth date |
service_creditmanagement_paymentmethodsallowed | - | machtiging,ideal | String; Comma seaparated list of allowed methods of payment as offered by Buckaroo. See Buckaroo Service description for possible values |
datedue | invoice.CLOSE_DATE + <due date off set> | 2012-01-27 | YYYY-MM-DD; due date |
customertype | - | 1 | String; type of customer |
faxnumber | users.FAX | 0309999999 | String; Fax number |
customeremail | users.EMAIL | support@buckaroo.nl | String; customer email address |
customerfirstname | users.FIRST_NAME | Test | String; Customer first name |
mobilephonenumber | service.PHONE_NUMBER | 0601111111 | String; mobile number |
customerinitials | - | T. | String; optional , currently not used |
customertitle | users.TITLE | 2 | String; customer title |
customercode | account.CUSTOMER_NUMBER | 55225522 | String; Customer rator account number |
customerlastnameprefix | - | de | String; optional , currently not used |
address_street_1 | users.STREET | Hoofdstraat | String; street name |
address_housenumber_1 | users.STREET_NUMBER | 1 | Integer; House number |
address_housenumbersuffix_1 | users.FLOOR | b | String; House number suffix |
address_zipcode_1 | users.ZIP | 1000 AA | String, Zipcode, always in DDDD<space>CC format |
address_city_1 | users.CITY | Amsterdam | String; City (in All capital letters) |
address_state_1 | users.PROVINCE | Noord-Holland | String; province |
address_country_1 | - | NL | String; country |