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{noprint}{float:right|width=300px|background=lightgrey|border=solid blue 2px|margin=10px|padding=8px} *Contents* {toc:all=true|depth=4|excerpt=true|indent=14px} {float}{noprint} {color:#ff0000}{*}Why Data Split Bundle when clearly the essence is the bundle's capacity to switch from one to another rating?*{color} || Code \\ \\ _Code of the Bundle as seen in the GUI._ | DATA-SPLIT || || Description \\ \\ _Short description of the Bundle, e.g. what does it aim at._ | UsedThe tobundle providecan specialbe pricingused forin datasituations eventsin bywhich temporarilycustomers alteringare the rating_code/rating_key during the rating process. This allows rating the usage against a number_plan and plan element that is different from what was identified using the standard price configuration. \\ It is part of the [RestrictActive framework|Customers:The RestrictActive Framework] and takes advantage of the framework's benefits. || || Business Scenario | {color:#ff0000}{*}What is the commercial application?*{color}\\ offered a predefined amount of data at a campaign price, and subsequently must be switched to normal price.\\ \\ Technically, the switch is done by the bundle which can monitor usage and change to another number plan and back, if required. || || Applies to \\ \\ _Types of traffic (plan elements) that the bundle should be associated with._ | Data || || Core info \\ \\ _Is this bundle available in Core? If yes, specify which version._ | Yes, from 8.2 || h2. Values The meaning and use of the values of this bundle are as follows: || Value1 | Total numberamount of bytesdata in thebytes bundle.available | {color:#ff0000}{*}Until this point it is all about changing rating - now about bytesto the customer in the bundle{*}{color}\\ {color:#ff0000}{*}Is this number the start credit?*{color}\\. The value does not change. || || Value2 | Total bytesamount currentlyof rateddata withinin thebytes bundleused | {color:#ff0000}{*}Does this number represent the number of bytes used, and is it updated continuously?*{color}\\and rated within the bundle. The value is updated. || || Value3 | N/A | || || Value4 | N/A | || h2. Logic For each active subscription bundle; * As long as *Value1* > *Value2*, new data events will be rated within the bundle. * If *Value2* is equal to *Value1*, new data-CDR that hits the bundle will be rated *outside* the bundle: the bundle has reached the maximum number of bytes to be rated within the bundle. {color:#ff0000}{*}Outside the bundle, but at what rate ??*{color} * See [the RestrictActive Framework|Customers:The RestrictActive Framework] to understand what happens when the number of bytes left on a Data Split bundle is insufficient to cover a data event. h3. Providing Discounts The Data Split Bundle can be used for providing free or discounted bytes of data. The old bundles often use *Value3* and *Value4* to handle the discounts, whereas the RestrictActive framework allows compatible bundles to rate the usage against a plan element that is different from the standard price configuration. This plan element points to a different (discounted) price. For example, a number plan called Mobile GPRS has the plan element GPRS..Cost per MB (configured price 1 Euro), and the plan element then has a Data Split Bundle. A billing record with the rating code Mobile GPRS and rating key GPRS..Cost per MB comes in. The rating process then finds the number plan Mobile GPRS using the rating code and the plan element GPRS..Cost per MB using the rating key. The rating process identifies that a bundle is associated with GPRS..Cost per MB. If a bundle is used to provide a 60 % discount, and the rating process identifies the bundle, it changes the rating code and rating key according to what is defined by the parameters IN.RATINGCODE and IN.RATINGKEY (details available in [RestrictActive framework|Customers:The RestrictActive Framework]). This new temporary rating key/code will point to a number plan that is different from the original one. If the number plan is BUNDLE and has the GPRS_MB (configured price 0.4 Euro, because of 60% discount on the original price) plan element, the rating process uses the temporary rating code/key to find the number plan BUNDLE and then the plan element GPRS_MB. The rating process then charges the user using the price mentioned in the GPRS_MB which is the 60% discounted price. h2. Parameters The parameters used within this bundle are mentioned in the [RestrictActive Framework|Customers:The RestrictActive Framework] documentation. h2. Examples h3. Example 1 h4. GPRS Pricing Configuration Overview h3. h2. h3. Example 1 An example must use a price and a bundle configuration: *GPRS Pricing Configuration Overview* || RATING_CODE/SERVICE || Number Plan || Plan Element || Charge Item Price per MB \\ || | NATIONAL-DATA \\ | Mobile GPRS \\ | \-INTERNET (has bundle attached) | 1 Euro \\ | | NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN \\ | Mobile GPRS Campaign Pricing \\ | \-HALF-PRICE-INTERNET \\ | 50 cents \\ | h4. *Bundle Configuration Here is sample of a bundle configured to provide special pricing rules for up to 500 MB of GPRS usage every month. * || Name | HALF PRICE 500MB Data bundle || || Code | DATA-SPLIT || || Recurrence | Monthly || || Value1 | 500*1024=512000 || || Value2 | 0 || || Rate Priority | 1 (This bundle is given the highest priority) || || Parameters | IN.RATINGCODE=NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN;IN.RATINGKEY=HALF-PRICE-INTERNET || The h4.bundle Sampleprovides Scenarioa 50 Assumingper thecent followingdiscount eventon isup to be500 processedMB forof aGPRS customertraffic whoevery hasmonth. an active Data Split bundle h4. Scenario 1 || RATING_CODE \\ || RATING_KEY \\ || Usage (Bytes) || | NATIONAL-DATA \\ | INTERNET \\ | 51200 (50MB) | According to the price configuration, this event should be rated at A customer has an active Data Split bundle and uses 50MB. Originally, he should be charged 50 Euros (1 Euro per MB), but be in the price configuration). However, the Data split bundle changes altersto the alternative number billingplan recordto temporarilyinclude inthe memorydiscount, beforeand the eventcustomer is rated (using IN.RATINGCODE and IN.RATINGKEY parameters)charged only 25 Euros. {color:#ff0000}{*}Why is Eventually, the billingcustomer record altered ???*{color} || RATING_CODEreaches, e.g. \\490 || RATING_KEY \\ || Usage (Bytes) || | NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN \\ | HALF-PRICE-INTERNET \\ | 51200 (50MB) \\ | Because of this only 25 Euros are charged, value2 on the subscription bundle for that period is incremented by 51200. {color:#ff0000}*(Then I have to assume that the other rating dictates a 50 per cent discount - or what ?\!)*{color} {color:#ff0000}{*}I don't understand the connection to the following below. Is that a third bundle?*{color} If after some time this customer now has a subscription bundle with value2=501760 (490 MB), and the following event is to be processed for a customer: || RATING_CODE \\ || RATING_KEY \\ || Usage (Bytes) || | NATIONAL-DATA \\ | INTERNET \\ | 40960 (40MB) | The bundle will split this billing record into 2 temporarily in memory; || RATING_CODE \\ || RATING_KEY \\ || Usage (Bytes) || | NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN \\ | HALF-PRICE-INTERNET \\ | 10240 (10MB) \\ | | NATIONAL-DATA | INTERNET \\ | 30720 (30MB) | The customer is charged a total of 35 Euros (5 Euros for the first and 30 for the second billing record). MB of data traffic spent, at which point he uses another 40 MB and exceeds the cap of the bundle. 10 MB are covered by the bundle discount and the remaining 30 MB are rated at the normal price, so the customer is charged a total of 35 Euros. * 10 MB at 1 Euro, less 50 per cent = 5 Euros * 30 MB at 1 Euro = 30 Euros The subscription bundle becomes inactive until the next period, because value2 is set to 512000 which is the cap for this bundle. *Note:* This is assuming that the customer has no other bundles valid for the "INTERNET" plan_element. cap is reached. h3. Example 2 h4. *GPRS Pricing Configuration Overview* || RATING_CODE/SERVICE || Number Plan || Plan Element || Charge Item price per MB \\ || | NATIONAL-DATA \\ | Mobile GPRS \\ | \-INTERNET | 1 Euro \\ | | NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN | Mobile GPRS Campaign Pricing | \-ZERO-PRICE-INTERNET | 0 Euros | | NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN \\ | Mobile GPRS Campaign Pricing \\ | \-HALF-PRICE-INTERNET \\ | 50 cents \\ | h4. *Bundle Configuration* Here is sample of a bundle configured to provide special pricing rules for all GPRS usage in a given month. The first 500 MB should be zero-rated, all subsequent will be rated at half price. || Name | GPRS Bundle || || Code | DATA-SPLIT || || Recurrence | Monthly || || Value1 | 500*1024=512000 || || Value2 | 0 || || Rate Priority | 1 (This bundle should be given the highest priority) || || Parameters | IN.RATINGCODE=NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN;IN.RATINGKEY=ZERO-PRICE-INTERNET;OUT.RATINGCODE=NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN;OUT.RATINGKEY=HALF-PRICE-INTERNET \\ || h4.The Scenario Assume the following event is to be processed for a customer who has an active Data Split bundle: || RATING_CODE \\ || RATING_KEY \\ || Usage (Bytes) || | NATIONAL-DATA \\ | INTERNET \\ | 51200 (50MB) | According to the price configuration, this event should be rated at 50 Euros (1 Euro per MB), but the Data split bundle alters the billing record temporarily in memory before the event is rated (using IN.RATINGCODE and IN.RATINGKEY parameters). {color:#ff0000}{*}Again, why is the billing record altered ???*{color} || RATING_CODE \\ || RATING_KEY \\ || Usage (Bytes) || | NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN \\ | ZERO-PRICE-INTERNET \\ | 51200 (50MB) \\ | Because of this 0 Euros is charged, value2 on the subscription bundle for that period is incremented by 51200. All data traffic billing records are rated in the same way, until the the 500 MB cap is reached {color:#ff0000}*(Where do you set the cap???)*{color}. If the following event is to be processed for a customer after the cap is reached: || RATING_CODE \\ || RATING_KEY \\ || Usage (Bytes) || | NATIONAL-DATA \\ | INTERNET \\ | 40960 (40MB) | Because this Data split bundle has OUT.RATINGCODE and OUT.RATINGKEY parameters, the bundle remains active for the rest of the period. The billing record temporarily in memory before the event is rated (using OUT.RATINGCODE and OUT.RATINGKEY parameters). {color:#ff0000}*(Something is missing here\!)*{color} || RATING_CODE \\ || RATING_KEY \\ || Usage (Bytes) || | NATIONAL-GPRS-CAMPAIGN \\ | HALF-PRICE-INTERNET \\ | 40960 (40MB) \\ | Because of this only 20 Euros is charged. {color:#ff0000}*(I'm lost - ALL values and prices must be listed, otherwise it is impossible to follow the examples)*{color} h2. Conflicts When Used with Other Bundles If the bundle is used together with some other bundles, the rating priority must be carefully configured. Normally, it is better for the bundles to belong to the RestrictActive framework to be considered *before* the others, also because this bundle belongs to the RestrictActive framework. Even if the current bundle could not discount any more data bytes, the rating process would go to the next bundle and discount/rate the remaining bytes using that bundle. If the non-RestrictActive framework bundle is set to higher priority, then it would only discount the bytes remaining to be discounted within that bundle and will charge the remaining ones. All billing records coming in later will skip the bundle that has already been used and go into the other bundles.bundle provides a 100 per cent discount on up to 500 MB of GPRS traffic every month, i.e. 500 MB is free. For data usage exceeding 500 MB the bundle provides a discount of 50 per cent. h4. Scenario 2 A customer has an active Data Split bundle and uses 50MB. Originally, he should be charged 50 Euros (1 Euro per MB in the price configuration). However, the Data split bundle changes to the alternative number plan to include the discount, and the customer is charged nothing. Eventually, the customer reaches e.g. 500 MB of data traffic spent in the month, at which point the customer uses another 40 MB and exceeds the cap of the bundle. The bundle then switches to 50 per cent discount for the rest of the period, and the customer is charged 20 Euros. {pagebreak} {table-plus} {table-plus} |
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