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h2. RateAndForwardBundle
|| Code \\
_Code of the Bundle as seen in the GUI._ | RATE-FORWARD ||
|| Description \\ \\
_Short description of the Bundle, e.g. what does it aim at._ | Rates using two different number plans, and adds the results. ||
|| Business scenario | Two different prices have to be added in order to reach a final price, and one of the prices is actually already defined on another number plan. This bundle is made in order to be able to reuse some prices, instead of defining them again. ||
|| Applies to \\ \\
_Types of traffic (plan elements) that the bundle should be associated with._ | All kinds of usage ||
|| Core info \\ \\
_Is this bundle available in Core? If yes, specify which version._ | 8.11 and later ||
h2. Values
The meaning and use of the values of this bundle are as follows:
|| Value1 | N/A ||
|| Value2 | N/A ||
|| Value3 | N/A ||
|| Value4 | N/A ||
h2. Logic
The RateAndForward Bundle sends a billing record twice through the rating process: once using the rating code and rating key set on the billing record, and one using the rating code and rating key set on the bundle, if present (at least one of the parameters RATINGCODE and RATINGKEY have to be set). The results of those two rating processes are added.
It is a prerequisite that the two rating processes each only return one invoice detail line, else the RateAndForward Bundle cannot be used (a BundleConfigurationException with message "Configuration problem" will be thrown in this case). This means a.o. that parameter RATING.PARAMETERS.SEPERATE_INITIAL_LINE should be set to NO.
No entries will be found in the SUBSCRIPTION_BUNDLE table for RateAndForward Bundles. Since the RateAndForward Bundle doesn't use columns value1 to value4, it is not needed to save the current values for a given subscription.
h2. External Dependencies
h2. Parameters
|| RATINGCODE | New rating code that determines what other number plan should be used for rating. ||
|| RATINGKEY | New rating key to be used (if the rating key is used in the b-number method) ||
|| ADD_INVOICE_DETAIL_LINES | Possible values: Y and N. If Y, 1 invoice detail line is returned, if N, 2 invoice detail lines are returned. ||
At least one of the parameters RATINGCODE and RATINGKEY have to be set.
h2. Example
If e.g. the number plans for HOME-INT-VOICE-ORIG and ROAM-INT-VOICE-ORIG use standardRating with the following charges:
* international: initial charge of 0,5 and a recurrent charge of 0,13 (units per minute)
* roaming: initial charge of 0,9
If a CDR having a duration of 70 seconds is rated using the RateAndForwardBundle, the bundle will receive two invoice detail lines:
* one with a charge of 0,9
* and one with a charge of 0,5 + (70/60)*0,13 = 0,652
Since parameter ADD_INVOICE_DETAIL_LINES is set to Y, the bundle will eventually only return one invoice detail line, with a charge of 0,9+0,652 = 1,552. |
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