The Ekspres bank API can be accessed through the workflow actions developed in CDRator integration project.
3.1 - Workflow Actions
3.1.1 - GetApplicationStatusAction
PackageFQCN of the action class: com.CDRator.billing.financial.ekspresbank.action.GetApplicationStatusAction
Input Arguments
The action takes three arguments:
Important Note: When using the GetApplicationStatusAction, do not supply both ApplicationGuid and ApplicationId. Only supply ApplicationGuid.
Return value:
This action returns an object of type ApplicationStatusResult. Helper methods exposed by this object can be used to map the result to relevant outcomes based on business requirements. The table below describes all helper methods that can be invoked on this result object with a description of the return value for each of these methods.
If anything unexpected happens, an exception is thrown. It is possible to map an Exception to an outcome on the Action GUI on the workflow builder.
3.1.2 - CancelAction
PackageFQCN of the action class: com.CDRator.billing.financial.ekspresbank.action.CancelAction
Input Arguments
This action takes in three arguments:
brandId: Used to read the Branded parameters. The URL of the webservice at Ekspres bank and some additional required arguments are specified in the parameter tree. So brand Id is used on a branded environment.
Return value:
This action returns an object of type CancelResult. Helper methods exposed by this object can be used to map the result to relevant outcomes based on business requirements. The table below describes all helper methods that can be invoked on this result object with a description of the return value for each of these methods.
If anything unexpected happens, an exception is thrown. It is possible to map an Exception to an outcome on the Action GUI on the workflow builder.
3.1.3 - CaptureAction
PackageFQCN of the action class: com.CDRator.billing.financial.ekspresbank.action.CaptureAction
Input Arguments
This action takes in three arguments:
brandId: Used to read the Branded parameters. The URL of the webservice at Ekspres bank and some additional required arguments are specified in the parameter tree. So brand Id is used on a branded environment.
Return value:
This action returns an object of type CaptureResult. Helper methods exposed by this object can be used to map the result to relevant outcomes based on business requirements. The table below describes all helper methods that can be invoked on this result object with a description of the return value for each of these methods.
The project uses the rator-soap-monitoring to log request and response to the soapSOAP_clientCLIENT_log LOG table. In order for this tool logging to work, two parameters must be added to the parameter tree. See section 6 - Configuration.