How to customize Momindum Maker

How to customize Momindum Maker

Momindum Maker has two publishing modes by default: Momindum Cloud and MyCorpTV (Salesforce)

How to change the images of the publication mode ?

1 - Create a "custom" folder to obtain the following tree structure C:\Program Files (x86)\MomindumMomindum Maker\custom

2 - Copy an image file of size 160x60 named cloud.png for the Momindum Cloud publication and a mctv.png file for the MycorpTV publication on Salesforce


Momindum Maker provides default settings that can be modified by the user in the software and then saved in the property files located in the "C:\UsersUSER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Momindum Maker\properties" folder.

The administrator of the station can force user-specific parameters by replacing the property files in the "C:\ProgramDataMomindum Makeraddons" folder

How to deactivate a publication mode ?

If you wish to deactivate a publication mode, you must deploy an additional file on the user's computer:

Here is an example showing how to disable MyCorpTV publishing for all users on the computer:

File name: C:\ProgramData\Momindum Makerproperties\components.properties


It is also possible to hide the menus, Translation and Network in this same file:
