Displaying errors from Chrome

Displaying errors from Chrome

From your Chome browser, go to the page with the problem (in the example below, the video import page)

Then click on the "Network" tab and check the "Preserve log" and "Disable cache" boxes

Then refresh the page

(Optional) If you need to do some actions in order to get to the problem (start the video upload for example), you need to do them now.

Now that the problem has appeared, you have to go :

  • In the "Network" panel: look (by scrolling) if at least one line is in red. If it is, right click on it and choose "Save as HAR with content" to save the network logs. If several lines are red, do this on only one of the lines.

In the "Console" panel, if at least one item is red, right click on it and then "Save as..." to save the console logs. If several lines are red, do this on only one of the lines.

Then send the file(s) to Momindum (via support: https://support.momindum.com, or by answering the ticket that requested it)

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