Name | Type | Description |
_id | STRING | Internal object identifier |
imgSmall | NUMBER | Threshold in bytes below which the image is considered small |
imgLarge | NUMBER | Threshold in bytes above which the image is considered large |
docSmall | NUMBER | Threshold in bytes below which the document is considered small |
docMaxSize | NUMBER | Threshold in bytes above which the document preview will not be shown in the chat |
imgMaxSizeDB | NUMBER | Threshold in bytes above which the image is resized before saving it on the db |
EasyCIMHost | STRING | Easy CIM host |
EasyCIMPort | STRING | Easy CIM port |
callbackNowUrl | STRING | Url to call for the callback now |
callbackFirstSlotUrl | STRING | Url to call for the callback first slot |
callbackLaterUrl | STRING | Url to call for the callback later |
checkCallbackAvailableUrl | STRING | Url to call for the check callback available |
ct7url | STRING | Url of CTI webhook |
ct7Token | STRING | Token to perform bearer authorization on the requests to CTI webhook |
keepaliveSessioInterval | NUBER | Milliseconds how often to call the keepalive of the agent session |
identityProviderUrl | STRING | Url of the identity provider to which to perform authentication |
sharedSecret | STRING | Key used to verify the json web token |
customerMultimediaMaxSize | NUMBER | Threshold in bytes above which the multimedia message from the customer is blocked |
customerSessionMultimediaMaxSize | NUMBER | maximum size threshold in bytes of the customer's multimedia messages per single chat above which they are blocked |
allowedMultimediaMessageDocumentExtensions | STRING | list of extensions allowed for multimedia messages |
vidyoHost | STRING | vidyo host |
vidyoApplicationID | STRING | vidyo application id |
vidyoDeveloperKey | STRING | vidyo developer key |
vidyoExpireInSeconds | NUMBER | vidyo session expire time in seconds |
storeDataDB | BOOLEAN | Boolean that indicates if chat info and transcript are stored on db |
chatRetentionInDays | NUMBER | number of the last days for which to keep the chat data saved in the db (forever if not configured) |
contactLifeTimeInSeconds | NUMBER | number in seconds of the contact life time |
browserCompatibility | STRING | list of browsers with which ctlive is compatible |
deviceCompatibility | STRING | list of devices with which ctlive is compatible |
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d7bae993bcb9e40e0330a70"), "ct7url" : "", "ct7Token" : "dde53da9afe08115f54126dd1a3fb9d5c2828a047121a8ac97f357a335ea139971d434f28191ff382940ef509f5d486e", "keepaliveSessioInterval" : 300000, "identityProviderUrl" : "http://localhost:3003/EasyCIM/IdentityProvider/livechat_sso", "sharedSecret" : "facf31a3577dc6ca24527c6b07d2c1ff3f12a53b61203c5b0931eb702fdc986d", "imgSmall" : 500000, "imgLarge" : 1500000, "docSmall" : 5000000, "docMaxSize" : 15000000, "imgMaxSizeDB" : 5000000, "customerMultimediaMaxSize" : 10000000, "customerSessionMultimediaMaxSize" : 20000000, "allowedMultimediaMessageDocumentExtensions" : "pdf,doc,docx,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,jpg,jpeg,png,zip,wav,csv", "EasyCIMHost" : "localhost", "EasyCIMPort" : 3003, "callbackNowUrl" : "/EasyCIM/easyCallback/now", "callbackLaterUrl" : "/EasyCIM/easyCallback/later", "callbackFirstSlotUrl" : "/EasyCIM/easyCallback/firstSlot", "checkCallbackAvailableUrl" : "/EasyCIM/easyCallback/checkCallbackAvailable", "vidyoHost" : "", "vidyoApplicationID" : "", "vidyoDeveloperKey" : "34e9666db4854579b1c94b5c84d8e169", "vidyoExpireInSeconds" : 3600, "storeDataDB" : true, "chatRetentionInDays" : 6, "contactLifeTimeInSeconds" : 120, "browserCompatibility" : "Chrome,Edge,Firefox,IE,Safari,Mobile Safari,Chrome WebView", "deviceCompatibility" : "mobile,tablet" }