Link to French version: Prérequis pour visionner une vidéo sur Momindum Cloud
Prerequisites for computers / tablets:
- Use one of the following browsers:
- Latest version of Chrome (the latest version is systematically tested, the 50+ versions are rarely tested)
- Latest version of Firefox (the latest version is systematically tested, the 38.8+ versions are rarely tested)
- Internet Explorer 11
- Edge
- Use the following operating system:
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Android Prerequisites
- Android 4.4+
- Latest version of Chrome
iPhone Prerequisites
- iOS 8+
- Latest version of Safari
Network Prerequisites
- Flux network open to * (port 80 and 443)
- Streaming
- VOD : Flux network open to (port 80 and 443). Test :
- Live : Flux network open to (port 80 and 443). Test :
- Third party cookies accepted for "" and "" domains