- iOS 8+
- Latest version of Safari
Network Prerequisites
- Flux network Network open to :
- *.momindum.com (port
- 443)
- CDN Akamai
- momindum-cdn.akamaized.net (port 443)
- cdn-static.momindum.com (port 443)
- Streaming
- VOD : Flux network open to momindum
- CDN Akamai
- Network open to momindum-vh.akamaihd.net (port
- 443). Test :
- https://momindum-vh.akamaihd.net/crossdomain.xml (deprecated)
- Network open to cdn1-streaming-vod.momindum.com (port 443). Test : https://cdn1-streaming-vod.momindum.com/crossdomain.xml (new)
- Network open to cdn-streaming-vod.momindum.com (port 443). Test : https://cdn-streaming-vod.momindum.com/crossdomain.xml
- IP list (if needed) : https://d7uri8nf7uskq.cloudfront.net/tools/list-cloudfront-ips
- CDN Akamai
- Live : Flux network open to
- CDN Akamai
- Network open to momindum-lh.akamaihd.net (port 443). Test : https://momindum-lh.akamaihd.net/crossdomain.xml
- Network open to momindum-i.akamaihd.net (port
- 443). Test : https://momindum-
- Network open to cdn-streaming-live.momindum.com (port 443). Test : https://cdn-streaming-live.momindum.com/crossdomain.xml
- IP list (if needed) : https://d7uri8nf7uskq.cloudfront.net/tools/list-cloudfront-ips
- CDN Akamai
- VOD : Flux network open to momindum
- Third party cookies accepted for "*.akamaihd.net" and "*.momindum.com" domains
- Minimum bandwidth of 4 Mbps per watcher, dedicated to streaming, for a standard quality