Have a “host” machine with a recent version of Docker Engine and Docker Compose installed.
The “host” machine must have the network properly configured.
In case of a Master node configured with a SIP Registrar, two IPs are required.
The “host” machine should not execute other services which may clash with the ports used in your services.
Exception: The Master node should have an MTA installed, such as “postfix” to send emails from mailboxes.
When a “SMTP relay" server is being used, it must be configured as detailed in this /wiki/spaces/PRSPS/pages/177045505.
The “host” machine must not limit the connection to your services through a firewall.
Containers allow that any operating system can be used as a “host”. However, not all operating systems can be tested and supported. The Presence R+D team recommends Rocky Linux 9.
Rocky Linux 9 requires only the following steps:
Seguir la guía Instalación de Rocky Linux 9 y Docker
2.2. Installation process