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{noprint}{float:right|width=300px|background=lightgrey|border=solid blue 2px|margin=10px|padding=8px} *Contents* {children:page=JiraJIRA GUIDE UserVs Guide2|depth=4|excerpt=true|indent=14px} {float}{noprint} CDRator Jira can display different statistics for particular people, projects, versions, or other fields within issues. You can browse aon two levels, either project, a release/component or a versionlevel. Browsing uses the Issue Navigator to display a list of issues, which you can export in a variety of report formats (e.g. Microsoft Word and Excel). YouMost canrelevant browseareas theare followingthese: *Project:* * *Issues:* Shows a project's issues, ordered by popularity (votes). * *Road Map:* --- Shows solved/unresolved issues for the next three versions of a project. * *Change Log:* --- Shows resolved issues for the previous three versions of a project. * *Versions*: Popular** Issues --- Shows aissues project'sfor unresolveda issues,given orderedversion byof popularitya (votes)project. * *Components*Component: * * Component Open Issues --- Shows unresolved issues for a given component of a project. ** Component Road Map --- Shows unresolved issues for a given component, for the next three versions of the project. * Component* Change Log --- Shows resolved issues for a given component, for the previous three versions of the project. * Component Popular Issues --- Shows unresolved issues for a given component, ordered by popularity (votes). *Version:* * Version Open Issues --- Shows unresolved issues for a given version of a project. * Version Summary --- Shows all issues (regardless of status) for a given version of a project. * Version Popular Issues --- Shows unresolved issues for a given version, ordered by popularity (votes). |
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