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The Request Generator Engine collects all the Buckaroo Direct Debit Payments which are ready for capture in the system and inserts required payment information in buckaroo payment request tables. The engine handles the Account Payment Request records one by one to create entries in these tables. These records are then processed by a File Processor engine instance which creates the payment request csv file to be sent to Buckaroo. 

CDRator integration to Buckaroo BPE3 payment interface supports the following Buckaroo Services:

  • SimpleSEPADirectDebit service : This is the primary service
  • CreditManagement service: Additional service. Possible to enable or disable by configuration withe the help of parameter tree entry. Please see "Parameter Required" section below.
  • PayPerEmail service: Additional service. Possible to enable or disable by configuration withe the help of parameter tree entry. Please see "Parameter Required" section below.
  • Notification service: Additional service. Possible to enable or disable by configuration withe the help of parameter tree entry. Please see "Parameter Required" section below.

It is possible to generate one Direct Debit request file that contains all the Direct debit and/or Credit Management and/or Payperemail and/or Notification fields. But this is also dependent on which services are configured to be used and on the File processor configuration. 

It is also possible to generate separate Direct Debit request file (with direct debit and/or CreditManagement and/or PayperEmail data) and Notification file (with only notification related data) by setting up two different file-processor configurations.  


Important Note: The Request Generator engine will only load the necessary payment data into DB tables. The file generation is not done by this engine. The File Processor engine creates the payment csv file using the data loaded into these tables, so the payment request file creation is a two-step process and must be done as below:


The following parameter entries are used to specify the request generator configuration. Please note that all of these parameters are brand enabled. So it is possible to define brand specific values for the same parameter.





Default value used if the parameter is not present


To enable/disable the engine for the given brand.

If set to y/true: the engine will be enabled for the brand to which this parameter is configured for. Otherwise the engine is disabled for that brand.




Fixed string from Buckaroo portal. Used if WEBSITE_KEY_B2C /WEBSITE_KEY_B2B parameters are not defined. This is the case if same websitekey is used regardless of the type of the customer.

YES, if none of the two parameters: WEBSITE_KEY_B2C , WEBSITE_KEY_B2B are defined


INTEGRATION.BUCKAROO.BPE3.WEBSITE_KEY_B2CStringFixed websitekey from Buckaroo portal for private customers. If this parameter does not exist, then the website key configured in WEBSITE_KEY parameter is used. NO<Value configured in the parameter WEBSITE_KEY>
INTEGRATION.BUCKAROO.BPE3.WEBSITE_KEY_B2BStringFixed websitekey from Buckaroo portal for business customers. If this parameter does not exist, then the website key configured in WEBSITE_KEY parameter is used. NO<Value configured in the parameter WEBSITE_KEY>



payment_type_id value of the
account_payment entries used to choose 
what type of account payments are 
picked up by the request
generator engine for creating the 
payment export file.
Ex: 200





Prefix for the description field





VAT value : 21 for BPE3





Currency Code: EUR





Payment due date offset





Prefix with which export file name
will start with





Extension used for export file.
For ex: .CSV





ISO culture code:  nl-NL





Allowed payment methods





Allowed payment method if the bank account number is null or zero





Dummy bank account number used in case the customer bank account number is either null or zero or in anyway invalid.


<Empty String>



Country code value



INTEGRATION.BUCKAROO.BPE3.SEPA_MANDATE_DATEDateThe default mandate date to be used if the Bank account valid_from date is null or valid_from date is before 2013-12-11.YES2013-12-11
INTEGRATION.BUCKAROO.BPE3.SEPA_COLLECT_DATENumberThe collect date offset : number of days from the invoice close date that is used as the Collect date for this invoice.YES7
INTEGRATION.BUCKAROO.BPE3.USE_PAY_PER_EMAILStringIndicates whether the PayPerEmail service is used: If value = 'true', then Payperemail service is enabled i.e. PayPerEmail fields will be filled with proper data when the bank account info is invalid.YEStrue

Value to be put into the 'startrecurrent' field of the Direct Debit request file.

Possible values are: TRUE , FALSE

INTEGRATION.BUCKAROO.BPE3.USE_ADDITIONAL_SRV_CREDIT_MGMTStringUsed to indicate whether the Creditmanagement service is used. If set to true/yes, creadit managament related fields will be populated with proper data while request generator engine is inserting the buckaroo request data into Buckaroo_Request_Record_Bpe3 table.NOtrue
INTEGRATION.BUCKAROO.BPE3.USE_ADDITIONAL_SRV_NOTIFICATIONStringUsed to indicate whether the Buckaroo Notification service is used. Thus it instructs the request generator engine whether or not to populate the Notification service related fields of Buckaroo_Request_Record_Bpe3 table.NOfalse
INTEGRATION.BUCKAROO.BPE3.CREATE_SEPARATE_NOTIFICATION_FILEStringUsed to indicate whether the Pre-Notification fields should be sent to Buckaroo in a separate file. If set to true/yes, then the request generator engine will insert an entry into BUCKAROO_NOTIFICTN_HEADER_BPE3 table so that the FileProcessor engine will create a separate file with notification data. Only header fields added to this new table. The notification data fields will still be in Buckaroo_Request_Record_Bpe3 table. The file processor configuration must be setup properly to generate the separate Pre-Notification file using the BUCKAROO_NOTIFICTN_HEADER_BPE3 record and notification data from corresponding records in Buckaroo_Request_Record_Bpe3 table.NOfalse
INTEGRATION.BUCKAROO.BPE3.USE_FIXED_SEPA_DD_COLLECT_DATEStringUsed to indicate whether a fixed day of the month should be used as the collect date. If set to true/yes, then value of SEPA_FIXED_COLLECT_DATE_DAY_OF_MONTH will be used as fixed collect date of that month.NOfalse

The day of month to be used as the collect date for all the Direct debit requests in the Buckaroo request file.

For ex: If the USE_FIXED_SEPA_DD_COLLECT_DATE is set to 'true' and this parameter has the value '20' and the file was generated for May 2014, then the collect_date for all the Direct debit request records in that file is: 2014-05-20

Please be aware that the value of SEPA_FIXED_COLLECT_DATE_DAY_OF_MONTH

must be later than the day of file generation .

Also if Pre-notification is used, the collect date must be at least <NOTIFICATION_SEND_DATE_OFFSET> days after the file generation date to be able to send pre-notification emails to the customers.


Used only when Buckaroo Notification service is used.

 The number of days prior to the collect_date for calculating the pre-notification send-date at which the notification should be sent.. If the collect date is 2014-05-20 and the value of NOTIFICATION_SEND_DATE_OFFSET is 14, then the pre-notification send date is 14 days prior to collect date. i.e notification send date = 2014-05-06.


Used only when Buckaroo Notification service is used.

Indicates whether the srv_notification_senddatetime field should be set to empty value. In that case Buckaroo will decide when to send pre-notification emails.


Used only when Buckaroo Notification service is used.

The type of notification to send. Can be one of the following:

  • PreNotification: A pre-notification that is sent some time before performing a scheduled action.
  • PaymentComplete: A notification that is sent when a transaction has been completed with success.

See Buckaroo Notification service description document for more information


Used only when Buckaroo Notification service is used.

The method used to send the notification. Can be one of the following:

  • Email: The notification is sent by email. 

Please note: The communication method determines which fields are mandatory. See Buckaroo Notification service description document for more information


Database Tables

Following DB tables are used by the Buckaroo BPE3 Request Generator. 




Each record represents a direct debit payment request. The InvoiceHandlerEngine will create an  account payment request record for each invoice that is successfully closed. The Buckaroo Request Generator engine will then read the payment requests in this table that are ready for capture and inserts the required payment data into buckaroo tables mentioned below.
NOTE: For BPE2, the ACCOUNT_PAYMENT records are created during the invoice close process i.e. one ACCOUNT_PAYMENT for every closed invoice and the BPE2 request generator reads the data from the ACCOUNT_PAYMENT table. But for BPE3, a new payment solution is implemented to handled various types of payments (like partial payments, creditnotes, write offs etc..). As per this new solution, the invoice close process will not create ACCOUNT_PAYMENT records. It will create ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_REQUEST records which are used by the Buckaroo BPE3 request generator. The ACCOUNT_PAYMENT records are created by the Buckaroo BPE3 Response reader (Capture) engine when the response file from Buckaroo is processed. For every successfully processed payment response, an ACCOUNT_PAYMENT and an INVOICE_PAYMENT record will be created. So with BPE3 solution, there will be one-to-one relation between InvoicePayments and AccountPayments.






Each record represents a header which holds reference to the record data needed to generate a payment request file. Each header entry can have one or more corresponding request records in BUCKAROO_REQUEST_RECORD_BPE3 table. So for each record (not in ERROR status) in this table, a payment file will be generated and sent to the Buckaroo containing the information like name of the file, status, file generation date, number of records in the file etc.






Each record represents a a payment record in the payment request file. Each record in this table contains actual payment information like amount, VAT, user info like name, bank account info, address etc.





Each record represents a header which holds reference to the record data needed to generate a seaparte pre-notification file. Each header entry can have one or more corresponding notification records in BUCKAROO_REQUEST_RECORD_BPE3 table. So for each record (not in ERROR status) in this table, a pre-notification file (containing the information like customer name, email, type of notification used, communication method used and the date of sending the notification) in the file etc.) will be generated and sent to the Buckaroo. Please note that this table will be used only if separate notification files need to be created.




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