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{noprint}{float:right|width=300px|background=#FFFFCE|border=solid blue 2px|margin=10px|padding=8px} *Contents* {toc:all=true|depth=4|excerpt=true|indent=14px} {float}{noprint}{table-plus:width=665|enableSorting=false} *Document Logs* *Change log:* || *Date:* || *Author:* || *Version:* || *Changes:* || Completed || *Ext.* || *Int.* || *Is in Core* || | 27 October 2011 | Rida Riaz | 1.0 | \\ | No | x \\ | | | | | | | | | | | | *Reference log:* || *Document:* || *Version:* || *Date:* || | | | | *Distribution log:* || *Date:* || *Distributed to (f. ex. name, title, company, email):* || | | | *Terms and Definitions:* || *Terms/definitions:* || *Meaning:* || | N/A | Not applicable | | TBD | To be defined | ---- h1. The Rating Process This document describes the flow of the Rating Process and could also be used to track down rating errors by following the steps of the rating process and finding out which step is failing. The rating method defines how the different elements of billing record and price configuration are combined together to determine the cost of the particular usage handled by the number plan. Billing records are rated against subscribers. The first activities are aimed at finding the subscriber and his/her rate plan. Once the number plan is known, the standard rating (or rating as per price configuration) happens. h1. {color:#003366}{*}The Rating Flow{*}{color} \\ !Rating_Process.png|border=1! h3. Step 1 The rating process starts when a billing record is received. The billing record contains the subscriber's information such as the ICC, IMSI or the Anumber. The billing record also contains the event information, the date, time etc the call/event took place. The rating code, rating key or the Bnumber is also available in this record. All this info is very important because in each step of the rating process, this info will be compared with the product configuration stuff. h3. Step 2 The IMSI/ICC/Anumber is then picked up from the billing record and is used to find the relevant rate plan. The rate plan could be seen in the *Product Configuration,* 'Products, Rate Plans & Options'. h3. Step 3 After the rate plan is found, the rating process will look into the tele rates and find the number plan linked to the service code within the tele rates. Rating process uses the rating code from the billing record to find the service code and therefore the number plan. In order to view this, select the relevant rate plan in *Product Configuration* and then click on the Edit button. This will open up the 'Edit Rate Plan' popup. In this popup you can see the 'Service Code' under 'Tele Rates'. Select the service code (rating code in the billing record), and you can see the associated number plan in the 'Number Plan' panel. h3. Step 4 After finding out the associated number plan, the rating plan moves on to the number plan and looks at the selected B-Number method. Keep in mind that the type of B-Number method depends on the configuration of the customer. It could be getRatingKey or could also be getBNumber method. If it is getRatingKey then the rating process will look at the rating key given in the billing record and compare it with the plan element s configured. If it is the getBNumber method, then the rating process will pick up the bnumber from the billing record and compare it with the available plan elements. The rating process finds out the plan element using the 'Best Match'. The rating key or bnumber method for the number plan could be seen by looking at 'Number Plans' within *Product Configuration*. Select the number plan that you saw in the 'Edit Rate Plan' from the 'Number Plans' GUI. After selecting the number plan, click on the Edit button.In the 'Edit Number Plan' popup you can see the B-Number Method. h3. Step 5 The rating process finds the plan element via 'Best Match' using the B-Number method information. Once the plan element has been found, the rating process looks at the rate day information associated with that plan element. In order to look at the plan element, use the B-Number method info to see what you need to match in the 'Plan Elements' panel in 'Number Plans' tab on *Product Configuration*. For example, if the B-Number is getRatingKey then compare the value of the rating key with the available plan elements. h3. Step 6 h3. Step 7 h3. Step 8 h3. Step 9 h3. Step 10 h2. {table-plus} |
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